18. January: Ski rank list

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January the year before

First year student Edwina grabbed her best friend Brettany by her school uniform sailor suit sleeve.

"OMG OMG OMG Brettany, have a look at that !!!"

"What is it, Edwina?"

Brettany was pushed towards the wall where a piece of paper was pinned up.

"Edwina! What are you doing !? What it is thing???"


Edwina even whipped out her phone and took a photo of it.

Janurary this year

"Eddy, check this out."

"What is it Jordan?"

Eddy peered into Jordan's phone. It was a photo of a list, it looked like some kind of ranking. At the top it said

1. S Brett Yang 2D

Yang was the only student with an S rank, the rest of the list consisted of one A, the remaining were Bs and Cs.

"...What list is this?"

"It's from last year. It's the skiing skills ranking list of last year's 2nd years that was prepared for their ski trip. It was pinned outside the PE staffroom and some girls took a photo of it and it's been circulating around all year."

"Oh.. wow. So Yang senpai was the only S ranked skier in his year?"

"Eddy, he's probably the ONLY S ranked skier in the entire history of this school Eddy. I mean what sort of person has an S rank in Tokyo!?!?"

"Well he's actually from Hokkaido, he said he learnt how to ski before he learnt how to ride a trike."

"Really? Oh, no wonder. Geez, how did you know that ?"

"Oh, he told me once. He can ride horses too."

"Well, I suppose he could. How cool is this guy??"

"So.. Yang senpai's first name is ....Brett?"

"WTF, didn't you know !?!?"

"No.. it never came up."

"Geez, what kind of protégé are you ?? I bet you don't even have his email or phone number ??"

"Actually, I don't."

"OMFG.  So Yang senpai doesn't know your first name either?"

"Actually, he does. He knew my name from junior high cos I competed in the regionals in track and field."

"Wow, you never know how people get to know you, huh."

"So Chen, are you looking forward to your ski trip that's coming up? It's almost compulsory to go, y'know."

"What do you mean by almost, senpai?"

"Well, its purpose was to get those who rarely exercise to get off their butts and get moving. So you are exempt if you are a member of an athletic club, like us."

"Oh, so we don't have to go? Does that mean we get to stay at home?"
"You wish. You'd still have to come in and get your name marked off at roll call and do some work at school. So in the end, it's best that you go. It should be a lot of fun for most of you.

"How was it for you last year ?"

"Well... I was ranked S for my ski skills so I was basically left on my own to do my own thing. It was okay, I was paired up with another guy who was an A and we just went for it."

"Oh, that's right of course... You're ranked S.... wow.."

"What's your rank, Chen?"

Eddy replied shyly.

"C. No skiing experience whatsoever."

Brett chuckled.

"Wouldn't surprise me if half of you 2nd years are like that. It would be good for you guys. You'll get an instructor who'll teach you. It should be a lot of fun."

Eddy felt like there was something in the universe that was against him. He had tripped and had severely sprained his ankle, just the day before his skiing trip...!!

"Chen? What are you doing at school? Aren't you 2nd years meant to be on your ski trip now?"

Eddy replied sadly.

"Senpai...I couldn't go because I'd sprained my ankle... I'm here for library study."

"OMG how did you even get to school today !?"

"I just pedalled my bike using one foot.."

"That's crazy. Go speak to the teacher and ask permission to work from home. You should be able to submit a note later."

"That sounds like a good idea, thank you senpai."

"Geez, you poor thing... Maybe you can make up for your lost opportunity if one day I could take you to Hokkaido to ski."

"That would be pretty awesome senpai.  I'd also like to see you ride a horse."

Yang chuckled.

"You and your horses.  I remember we talked about this before.  Sure thing, Chen."

"So.. senpai, how much longer will I get to see you at school?  Aren't your university entrance exams coming up very soon ?"

"Yes, like the end of this month.  Only weeks away... It's actually my last day here till graduation. Us 3rd years are finishing up. We're just here to get my final bunch of university entrance application papers."

"Really? Oh... so maybe I was lucky I wasn't on my ski trip to see you one last time to wish you the best for your entrance exams."

Yang smirked.

"Thanks Chen. To be honest, I really don't think it's going to happen for me this year. I feel like I'm wasting my application fees because I barely had any time to study. I think I'll be an unofficial 4th year senior high school student next year."

"Oh senpai, you never know. I'll keep my fingers crossed."

Yang smiled.

"Thanks Chen.  Now you should get yourself home and rest that ankle of yours..!"


A/N: Thank you always for your support, reading, voting and leaving any comments. They are very much appreciated. This was the 2nd last episode of "Twoset Senpai." The next episode will be the last one.

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