small day

375 14 2

Au: before kira, before spk, wammys era, kira hasn't happened, near's 14, mello is 15, they get along most of the time

Mello is on his bed eating a chocolate bar and reading some boring history book. His head perks up turning to his door as the sound of bare feet softly pattering up to his room.

The smaller boy was standing in mellos door way, a toy robot in one hand at his side and a stuffed sheep in the other carefully tucked into the crook of his elbow.

"Hey sheepy"
Mello greets the younger male.

He sits up and shuffles to where he's facing the door and sets his chocolate and book on the side table. He pats his lap and smiles.

"Come sit"
The usually tempered teen recommends. the messy haired boy complies and toddles over to his carer.

Near climbs onto the taller boys lap and hugs him tightly. Not before setting his robot and mr.wool safely to the side, of course.

"How old are you little sheep?"
Mello asks, to which the younger holds up 5 fingers one of which he was attempting to keep halfway down.

Mello chuckles at his attempt and responds gently tickling at the shy boys sides.

"4 and a half huh? Looks like I got a lil kiddo on my hands"

This earns a giggle from the squirming boy, making mello smile and chuckle along.

"Is it gonna be a small day or is my little sheep taking a break from icky big boy work hm?"

"S...mall.. 'ay"
The white haired boy babbles out behind his thumb which some how ended up in his mouth.

"Alright baby let's get you all ready for your small day yea?"
He says carefully picking near up from his lap setting him down on the ground, much to his dismay.

The pale boy's eyes light up, he toddles to his carers closet where he keeps most of his stuff for days like this.

Mello follows behind opening the closet door grabbing some stuff then closing it.

They both make it back to mellos bed where near climbs onto and sits near the edge. The other boy lays out a few things: a white pacifier with a cloud center piece and letter beads on the handle which spelt out "little sheep", a simple bottle and 2 cloth diapers.

"Do you want stars or sheeps?" Mello asks holding up both of the cloth diapers.

The small boy looks between the two and thinks before pointing to the yellow one with gray and white sheeps scattered all over it.

"Good choice little one"
To which near responds with a smile.

"Now c'mon lay down"
He adds patting the bed infront of him.

Near crawls over and lays flat on his back, the older male hands him mr.wool his stuffed sheep to keep him busy.

As near plays with his sheep mello pulls his pants and boxers down, replacing them with the soft cloth diaper. He pulls the tabs around nears small waist and plants them on the velcro landing strip.

"Alright kid, pants or no pants?" Near shakes his head.

"Alright here open up"
He says taking the pacifier and slipping it into the fluffy haired boys mouth.

Mello takes nears hands and pulls him up. Near sits there contently sucking on his pacifier.

"I'm gonna go to the cafeteria and get a carton of milk for your bottle ok? Be a good little sheep for mello?"

The sheep boy nods and mello pats his head before heading off to the cafeteria.

15 minutes later mello comes back.
"I'm sorry I took so long sheepy the cafeteria was re-"

The taller boy stops mid sentence once he sees the sight before him.

he stares in absolute adoration as he sees his little sheep all cuddled under his blankets, holding his stuffed sheep tightly as he snores away.

Nears eyes soon flutter open and light up as he realizes his mello is back.

He sits up and rubs his eye, yawning.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you little sheep"
Mello apologizes softly.

Near nods and raises his arms making grabby hands at mello. Mello sees this and picks him up, near was surprisingly light so it wasn't hard for mello to pick him up.

Near immediately cuddles into mellos neck, earning a small chuckle.

"Little sheep that tickles"
Near giggles at this, the thought of his carer being the ticklish one was such a silly thought.

Mello sighs and rests his chin on top of nears head. "Do you want your bottle now?" Near nods and turns reaching for the bed.

Mello puts him down and grabs his bottle, pouring the milk into the bottle then screwing the top back on.

"C'mon little sheep let's get comfy again hm?"

Mello climbs under the covers with near following soon after. They both get snuggled into the blankets near clinging onto mello like a baby koala.

"Here my sheep" mello hands near his bottle and he immediately latches onto the nip softly suckling.

After awhile they slowly drift off into a sweet dreamland. In each others arms the only thing that matters was mello had his sheep and near had his mello.


(A/N) So that was my first oneshot in this book! What'd you think? This is actually my first time writing meronia so it may be a bit rough but I hope you enjoyed none the less!

mellos little sheep | meronia age regression oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now