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Hello and welcome this funny oneshots book :)

So, with theo re-publishment of this chapter, I will finally open up requests. They will probably take a while to make, especially if I make the chapters too long, but I still want to give you all the possibility to request something if you wish so ^^

Since I want to give you people only the best content (ofc 😌), that is as accurate as possible, it means that I have to do RESEARCH. And I guess, just like everybody else, I'm more inclined to research something that actually interests me, so everything might take a bit longer.

I also have a lot of oneshot ideas myself, so don't you worry, I will provide you with content, tho it's gonna be mostly about European history, since I know more about it.

You can request any historical event you'd like to see, but it would be greatly appreciated if you specify it. Just saying "World war 2" is not gonna help, just add "North Africa Campain", "Pearl Harbour" or "The Blitz" or whatever you want, but please, specify your request, I can't write everything about such complex subjects. If I must, I'll pick a certain event myself, or you can add to your request that I should improvise in certain aspects. You can also request the point of view of the event, although I don't really write with a specified POV, it's mostly on what country the oneshot should focus.

And also; research takes time. So it might take me a while to finish the requests, especially if I lose all motivation and live up to my title of procrastination master again, but I assure you that I read all of your comments, and I'll hopefully get around to finishing them all once they're here :D ^^

So yeah.... have fun I guess ._.

Btw, this is not a shipping book, if ships do occur, they'll be merely a side plot and not relevant to any of the oneshots. We are focusing on history here XD
(Unless you want to focus the oneshot on a certain alliance or other historical bond between countries)

Oh and I'll add the time the event/oneshot takes place up in the right corner, so you'll see that immediately-

Have a nice day/night
(Time zones are confusing)

Countryhumans Oneshots // historicalWhere stories live. Discover now