The Wars of the Roses

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Tw: mentions of blood and general violence

1480     //     1485


The nation paced around the the room, his steps quick and in hurry, whilst running his fingers through his long hair and quietly talking to himself with closed eyes. That he hadn't run into the furniture already was a miracle.

A young country watched the older with worry in her eyes. She wasn't used to seeing him this agitated, especially since he normally did a pretty good job at hiding his emotions.

Suddenly she heard the great gate open, jumping at the loud sound the heavy oak doors made as they scraped over the ground, just to jump again when the doors shut with a loud bang.

She turned around as the door of the hall the two nations resided in was shoved open with immense force. And there he stood. The man she wanted to see the least at the moment. It didn't help that he was clearly very angry, whatever the reason for that was. Though it was probably Lancaster.

"What do you want Yorkshire?"

Her voice was filled with annoyance and to make her point even clearer she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes as she turned around to face the earldom completely.

He gave her a disapproving look, before just walking past her towards her companion.

"England, I have to talk to you. It's about Lancastershi-"

"It's always about Lancaster. But you defeated her, your house has the throne, why do you still bother? The war is over."

It was obvious that he didn't believe in what he said. It was more like he wanted to make himself believe. He wanted the war to be over. Afterall, he had just finished the century long conflict with France, just to be dragged into the fight of two earldoms who's rulers wanted the crown. The fact that the house of Plantagenet was practically splitting in two was not good for him, and neither was the civil war of the earldoms.

But what satisfied her to see, was that England seemed just as fed up with this conflict as she was.

"We both know it's not. She'll try to get it back, and I cannot risk to let my guard down. God knows what she's planning."

England finally stopped his stride to properly look at his earldom. She had no idea what he was thinking, he just suddenly acted like he normaly would, after he just had a mental breakdown. He raised his hand to rub his temples before lifting his head again and spoke up in an oddly lighthearted tone that didn't sit well with her.

"Richard really isn't a good influence for you, eh? None of you two are made for power, it's getting to your head. As soon as this is cleared out, I will be the one on the strings again. And since I already know how this works,-"

He began to walk towards Yorkshire who seemed to get increasingly unsettled by the situation. England's tone began to shift aswell, his voice became harder and colder with every word he spoke, it even gave her the creeps.

"-I also know that you cannot change this outcome, no matter how much you want to. So if she does defeat you and your graceful king-"

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