The War of 1812

535 10 5


Tw: fire, mentions of blood



The young country shivered as he advanced towards the city. He wasn't a fan of boat rides, but they had to use them to get to their destination.
Get it together Canada, you're not a child anymore. Brother lost at Baltimore, the capital is now undefended, you can finally show him that what he did was wrong.
Was it wrong?

'Don't think about it.'

"Canada? Are you alright?"

He looked up from his quivering hands and was meet with his father's eyes. His face didn't display any emotion, but that was always the case, the younger had gotten used to it. The only emotion that could be seen was in his eyes. Was it concern?

"Oh yes of course, I was just thinking if-"

He stopped himself before continuing. This is right. He shouldn't have dragged me into this. What did I do to him for him to invade my country and burn down my towns, leaving the citizen to freeze to death? Was it to get dad's attention because he was busy fighting Napoleon? But.... but it was his decision to leave.... and he's happy with it right? If he weren't he wouldn't have fought a war for it... and he wouldn't have attacked me.

And there was the frustration again. Even though his father didn't tell him everything, it was rather the opposite really, Canada wasn't stupid. He knew about the neutral ships that took part in the French foreign trade, that were interfered by the Royal Navy. But hell, it's not like the Continental System hadn't been a thing. Many of the things father does aren't right, but Ame should've known that using an invasion into my territory would make declaring a war even worse. Far worse. And here we are.
'But does he deserve it?'

I don't know.

"If you say so. I'll leave you to it to tell me yourself if something's bothering you, I'll be listening. But if you're unsure, tell me know.
Don't do something you will regret later."


"I'll make sure to do."


As they entered Washington, the air was thick with fear. Most people had been evacuated or left on their own accord, but some still remained, watching them wide eyed through their windows. It's not like they needed to worry for their safety, father had clearly stated that no common housing shall be set aflame, they were only going for the buildings of importance.

Like the White House.

To be fair, almost all politically or culturally important places resided in the White House anyway, the Library of Congress, aswell as the Senate and the Supreme Court. It would all go down in a raging fire, cloaked by the thick dark smoke. This was his day of revenge, and in his father's eyes, they were being VERY civil with their doing. 'Saying that they could do MUCH worse things. Like burning the entire city to the ground. But the Canadian guessed that the man couldn't bring himself to do something this extreme to his own son. Just as wouldn't have been able to do it to his brother. Rather ironically.

He practically disowned all of you, and you still see him as your brother? You're too soft for your own good. Grow up. Grow up. GROW UP!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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