Chapter 2

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"Let me get this straight. You're going to be teaching a class full of kids?" When Korra nodded, Opal burst out into a fit of laughter.

Korra's eyes rolled to the side, unamused.

Opal calmed her laughing fit down into small giggles.
"Sorry Boss." She said, wiping at a few tears.
"I just can't imagine you teaching. Especially kids as young as these."

"It's stupid. I'm a cop, I shouldn't be doing this sort of stuff." Korra flew her hands up into the air in protest and then crossed them against her chest.

Opal begun to type onto her keyboard for a moment before leaning back into her chair. She kicked away from her desk and the chair rolled over to the other side of the cubicle where her coffee cup was.
"Well you're doing it in order to catch Mako, so I think this is excatly what a cop would do in this situation."

Korra huffed and leant against the cubicle wall. She knew Opal was right, that's why it made her frustrated.
"That bastard has been on the run for too long..." She dragged her hand down her face.
"It's almost embarrassing that it's almost been 4 years."

Opal took the last sip out of her coffe and tossed the remins in the box underneath her desk.
"Hey.. it's not your fault. This whole floor has been working to catch him." She said and gestured around the cubicle farm. There were at least over 100 people stationed around, tapping away at their computers with their eyes hypnotised by their monitors.

"That makes it even more embarrassing." Korra huffed again.
"All of these people chasing down one guy.."

"You'll get him this time boss. I'm sure of it." Opal replied and spun around in her chair so she could get back to work.

Korra fiddled with the tie around her neck, loosening it up a little.
"I have a partner too.."

Opal raised a brow, slowly twisting her torso so she could look over her shoulder. Her lips rose at the corners and her eyes squinted with mischief.
"A partner?"

The officer knew that look all too well. She shook her hands out in front of her frantically, shaking her head.
"No, no not like that. Just a partner to help with the case."

Opal's shoulders drooped. She thought that Korra finally managed to open up and live a little.
"Oh." she said and continued to tap away.
"Who is it?"

Korra popped her head up and gazed over the sea of grey walls, everyone was working and there was a small sound of chatter amongst them all. Once she was satisfied with her check, she leant forward and muttered close to Opal.
"Some newbie called Kuvira."

Opal hummed, a finger on her chin in thought.
"I've heard of her before but I haven't seen her around. Is she nice?"

"She's... serious I guess." Korra shrugged. Not really knowing what words to use to describe her new 'partner'. There was no doubt she was attractive, especially with those green eyes.

"You sure she can keep up with you?" Opal asked, earnign a small chuckle from the officer.

"I hope so." Korra replied.
"Chief Beifong said that she could handle herself."

"Who can handle themselves?"

The two women jumped at the sudden voice that just invited itself into their conversation. Korra spun around and tilted her head up, meeting with a pair of green eyes that peered down at her.
"Oh.. morning Kuvira."

Kuvira rose a brow and exchanged glances between the two.
"Morning Korra.. and..?"

Korra took a step back and gestured to Opal sitting at her desk.
"This is Opal. My assistant." Kuvira nodded her head and Opal gave her an awkward wave. Korra cleared her throat and stepped back into the position she was originally in.
"So is there something you need?"

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