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Brian leaned back on his chair and interlocked his fingers behind his head. The evening breeze blew in and the fragrance of roses filled the room. It was Paige's perfume. 'That is strange' he thought. After questioning his sanity, he figured it might be on his clothes because they sat together on the train.

He was happy to finally be at home and scolded himself for missing Paige already. The cool music playing on the radio did not make him feel relaxed as usual. All it did was make him think of Paige, and long to be with her again.

Brian's mind raced with thoughts about her, and all the events that occurred during their visit to Dover. It was wild, crazy and scary. Anything apart from normal, but he enjoyed every single moment.

It worried him that he felt he could die and be alright when he was with Paige. Opening up about his past and his regrets left him feeling raw and vulnerable. He was pleasantly surprised by Paige's kind and non-judgemental response. After all was said and done, he felt like a heavy load had been lifted off his shoulders.

Brian put one leg over the other and looked at the ceiling. I have fallen in love with a teenager. Have I not set myself up for heartbreak? he wondered.

The thought of Paige brought a smile to his lips and warmed his heart. He pondered what the next line of action should be. Working on the lab analytical procedures would be complicated if they mixed business with pleasure. In that same vein, he wanted to be the voice of reason. He determined to do everything in his power to support her and her academics. They would need to need to sit down and lay all the cards on the table.

His sat upright sharply when his phone started ringing. It jolted him out of his thoughts suddenly.

It was Paige.

He cleared his throat, "Hello, Paige."

"Um, hello? Mr Rochester, please is that you?" the anxious voice asked.

He sat up straighter. It was not Paige's voice. "Yes, who is speaking? Where is Paige?"

"It's Madeline."

"Paige's roommate?"

"Yes, I need your help. Paige got a call from the hospital that her mum has been admitted. She is hysterical with worry and she is insisting on going alone. I think Paige needs you."

"Where are you?" Brian asked.

"At home. Do you have our address?"

"Yes, I am on my way," Brian replied. He rushed to put a shirt on and winced at the strain on his collarbone. After dashing out the door, he remembered that he forgot his car keys. He rushed back in, out and sped to Paige's house.


"Shh, it is okay, I am sure everything will be alright," Brian said. He held Paige in his arms as she wept. After superceeding speed limits to get to her house, he drove Paige and her roommate to Kensington Hospital. Unfortunately, by the time they reached the hospital, Mrs Adesanya had been kept from visitors. At least, for the meantime.

Paige looked up at him. "Fiddlesticks, I have gotten snot all over your shirt." She sniffed quietly, rubbing his chest. "They will not tell me anything. All they keep saying is that they are still running tests."

"I know," he said softly. They had been together all along, and he heard what the doctors said. It was clear she just needed a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. As he stroked her back, he was glad to be there for her.

Madeline awkwardly shuffled her feet. She dipped her hands in her pockets, and looked everywhere but at Paige and Brian. It was awkward hanging around the lovebirds, and she felt like she was spying on their private moment. She reasoned that they needed some space. Breaking the news about her separation from Simon, would definitely have to wait. Mrs Adesanya was on admission, and Paige was boo'd up. It was obvious that she was the third wheel. Nevertheless, she felt happy for her friend.

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