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Paige leaned against the wall of the Williams Building, as she huffed and puffed, trying to catch her breath. She wiped the sweat on her forehead with a handkerchief, and straightened her collar. It was quite likely that she looked like what the cat dragged in, but she didn't care. It was two minutes to ten, and she felt like a freaking winner.

After Paige brought her breathing under control, she walked into the hall, and her eyes darted around furiously for a familiar and friendly face. Finally, she spotted Casey Holland, her closest friend in the department.

Casey beckoned to her with a wave. "Hurry up Paige. I kept a seat for you."

Paige dashed over to her and slipped into her seat, just in the nick of time. Professor Rawlings walked in and mounted the stage a few seconds later. His face was stern as he surveyed the audience and tapped his wristwatch. Paige raised her wrist to check the time and realised that she forgot to wear hers. A quick glance at the wall clock confirmed her suspicion. It was ten o'clock sharp. She hissed. "What a punctual mother trucker!"

"Good morning students. Welcome to today's departmental meeting. I am here to address you about an important project you will be embarking on." Professor Rawlings said. He pointed a finger and gestured with his hand in sweeping movements, making him look more like Simon Cowell than he already did. "I hope you all remembered to put on your name tag stickers, you will be put into groups of three and supervised by some of my exceptional PhD students."

The students murmured as they answered, "Yes."

Paige rolled her eyes and whispered to Casey, "Bollocks! I forgot my name tag!"

Casey giggled, "Relax, it's kind of hard to forget you anyway."

"Aww, how sweet of y—"

"Paige Adesanya, would you like to take over from here?" Professor Rawlings asked, and gave her a pointed look. There was pin drop silence, and all eyes were on her.

"No sir, I am sorry," she replied in a soft voice.

Professor Rawlings smiled and continued talking. Casey whispered into Paige's ear, "See? I told you. You are hard to forget. Your cute figure, caramel skin and big, brown—"

"Don't you have a boyfriend? Keep quiet and pay attention," Paige joked.

"—without further ado, let me introduce you to your project supervisors." Professor Rawlings said. "Give them a round of applause as they mount the stage."

Four men and four women smiled broadly and took their places on the seats, after introducing themselves. Paige observed them, and looked away with disinterest.

Professor Rawlings typed a few things on his laptop and projected the screen onto the overhead whiteboard. "You have been divided into nine groups. Check your name for your group and supervisor. These ladies and gentlemen will go to some designated spots in the hall where you will have a brief meet and greet, one on one, and discuss what the project entails."

The PhD students went to different angles of the hall where some chairs had already been arranged and they waved.

"I'm in group three," Casey said, "and my supervisor is Olushola Pratt." She got up, and dusted her jeans, entirely unnecessary, but it was a habit of hers. "What about you, Paige?"

"There must be a mistake. Can't you see the screen? Apparently, I am the only person in group nine, and my supervisor is Brian Rochester."

Casey gasped, she tucked an auburn red lock of hair behind her ear, and her bright green eyes widened. "Rawlings didn't introduce us to anyone with that name."

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