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Four Months Later

Paige looked around the Williams building hall and took a deep breath of fulfilment. It seemed just like yesterday when she was assigned to Mr Rochester for her departmental semester. The departmental project and all the adventures she had along the way were truly unforgettable.

She smoothed her hands down her black skirt suit, and adjusted the collar of her blue shirt, for the millionth time. Taking a close look at her face in her pocket mirror, she checked again if her slick top bun was still intact. A quick dab of a handkerchief wiped away the sweat which kept on accumulating on her forehead.

"I have got this. I am bold, beautiful and brilliant," Paige whispered to herself. It was the motivational confession she had formulated in preparation for the big day.

Paige blew out a few nervous breaths and suppressed her anxiety. "This is the climax. I am prepared. I am an achiever," she said quietly as she paced back and forth.

"Everyone give Paige Adesanya a round of applause as she mounts the stage for her presentation," Professor Rawlings said.

Paige threw a couple of air punches, bobbed and ducked before she climbed the steps. The loud clapping resonated in the spacious hall, and her black, leather heels clicked on the polished wooden floors.

Professor Rawlings smiled warmly at her when he handed her the microphone, "Good luck," he whispered.

"Thank you, sir," she replied.

The blinding, bright lights shone onto the stage and directly into her face. She resisted the urge to shield her eyes.

"Good day, everyone. I am here to conduct a presentation titled, 'The Biochemical and Therapeutic Properties of Salvia Hawtonrinus (Hawton flower)," Paige said boldly.

Her dad had advised her not to, but she scanned the rows of people seated in the audience. The hall was filled to the maximum capacity. Apparently, news had gotten round about the revolutionary Hawton flower research. Most faces were friendly, some were not. Others were indifferent, probably people who could not give a damn about the programme. When she located her mum and dad in the first row of the central section, her heart swelled with joy. Her parents beamed and waved discreetly, giving her the thumbs up sign as they grinned.

The first slide of her PowerPoint presentation was projected boldly on the the giant screen.


Silence fell upon the hall.

"Hawton flowers have been crushed and their juices extracted and used as soothing balm, by people living in the English countryside for centuries," Paige said. She took a few steps to the side and gesticulated with her hand for emphasis.

"The anti-inflammatory properties have been investigated by numerous researchers within England and at international research laboratories," she added.

Dr. Lang raised her hand.

'What a twat! Tin lady did not even allow me to complete my presentation,' Paige thought.

Paige plastered a courteous smile on her face, "Yes, ma'am?"

Dr. Lang requested for a microphone and cleared her throat, "If the anti-inflammatory properties have been investigated extensively, what was the point of your research?"

An icy silence fell upon the hall. Paige heard a few anxious gasps in the hall.

'Why can you not calm down and listen to what I have to say before jumping on my case like a kangaroo?' Paige wondered.

Paige took a step forward and smiled warmly, "That is an excellent question, Dr. Lang. Anti-inflammatory properties have been thoroughly tested and observed, but antimicrobial properties have not."

Paige held her microphone firmly in one hand, and resisted the urge to wipe her sweaty palm with a tissue. She aimed her pointer at the giant overhead screen. Several photos of Paige in the lab streaking Petri dishes, placing crushed petals in test tubes and observing samples of root under the microscope flashed on the screen.

"In the course of my research, which was carried out over a period of three months, new medicinal properties were discovered," Paige stated. It took a lot of determination to avoid breathing into the microphone as she spoke. The interested nodding of heads by some people in the audience boosted her confidence.

Over the next fifteen minutes, Paige discussed the procedures adopted in obtaining the Hawton samples. The thought of going to Dover with Mr Rochester, and the crazy adventures they had there, put a broad smile on her face. She continued taking a few steps to the right, left and smiled confidently as she spoke.

The audience laughed at the subtle jokes she cracked about how stressful the whole process was. "One of the most shocking developments was that I had to act like an adult the whole time," Paige chuckled.

Audible giggles of other science students and instructors could be heard in the hall. Everyone present could relate with that. Students who had to deny themselves of sleep or fun and instructors who were forced to supervise frustrated students. Friends and family who knew how much effort their loved ones put into their work also understood.

As more slides flashed across the screen, Paige highlighted the need for less toxic treatment of patients. "Every year, over four hundred thousand cases of severe allergy reactions to medication are reported in the United Kingdom. Hence, the significance of my research. My focus was on highlighting the less toxic and therapeutic properties of Hawton flowers."

"Root samples and petal extracts were found to have anti microbial properties. Effectively eliminating gastrointestinal pathogens and infected eye secretions," she revealed.

Paige concluded the presentation by stating that she realised more tests need to be done. She also expressed gratitude for Landmark University, the department of Pharmacy, Mr Rochester, who supervised her work but allowed her to do it by herself, and her family for their support.

There was silence in the hall. One clap, two isolated clappers and then the whole audience started clapping. People rose to their feet and gave her a standing ovation. In her own trademark lively fashion, she curtseyed and waved at the audience. Her humorous gestures earned her more praise from people in the hall.

A random person at the back shouted, "Can I have your autograph?"

Paige felt like she had finally climbed what appeared to be an insurmountable obstacle. Her joy knew no bounds when she completed her assignment. What she did not realise was that sharing the results of her research was even more thrilling. Standing in front of an audience to discuss her discoveries was an honour.

Professor Rawlings spoke into the microphone on the panelists table, "Thank you, everyone. Please be seated. Thank you, Paige Adesanya for your presentation. Now it is time for questions. Time will only permit us to accept ten questions please."


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