Part 2

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Nothing was really the same after what you, Norman and Emma saw, everything was all sad and mopey for you guys you couldn't even fake a smile.

Of course Phil woke you up along with Jemina.


"Yay! Hey y/n, c-could you tie my s-shoes again??"

"Uhm sure Jemina, and morning Phil.." you said attempting to give off a smile.

After tying jemina's shoes you got up and went to go grab food supplies, you decided not to cook today and let mom do it after what you saw last night, it felt like you couldn't trust your own mom?

You attempted to shake it off but suddenly while walking with a couple of napkins and drinks you felt a light tap on your shoulder.

"Hey, y/n? Try to smile, or you might look suspicious.., I know your sad about what we saw last night but try not to make it obvious, no matter what I'll be here for you if your ever lonely.." Norman whispered, as he gave off a eye-closed smile.

You nodded a and bit your lip attempting to smile, Emma walked over to you and gave a smile, which looked fake, but who could smile after seeing one of your siblings dead in a truck with a rose stabbed through their credential stomach.

You knew you looked suspicious when mom kept eyeing you, so you just shook your head and gave a friendly smile to her, of course mom smiled back and she turned around and started making breakfast.

-time skip

It was finally time to go outside and play, you didn't feel like playing tag, along with Norman and Emma.

"Wanna play tag?" Don asked with Gilda doing chores and washing cloths, "No maybe after this me and Norman will take a walk I guess." You replied as Norman nodded his head assuringly.

-time skip

You and Norman went to take a walk around the forest, you both finally found a spot to sit down and talk a bit.

"Do you think we should tell anyone, about last night?" You asked, "We should, maybe to some of the older kids because if we tell any little ones we might scare them and they would tell mom, and besides it's against the rules to go to the gate so who do you think we should trust?" Norman said bringing a thumb to his chin, "Well, I don't think we should tell Anna I kinda got a suspicious vibe from her, maybe I'm wrong? I guess we're settled with don, Gilda & ray, I feel like ray would be the easiest to talk to, he might believe us, I could be wrong tho, but don might have a whole breakdown if he tell him about conny being... you know.., annndddd I feel like we could trust Gilda so let's aim for all three of them, they might believe us and help with the whole escape plan." You said, staring right into Normans eyes, before looking away. ("We aren't birth siblings? So why do I feel weird and fluttery, would it be weird to crush on your sibling, well were not birth siblings or step siblings and I do consider Norman as a-") before you could finish your thoughts you had an arm around your shoulder, leaning against Norman's ear, you attempted to look behind to see who was doing that and sure enough it was ray.

"Tell me what happened yesterday." Ray kinda growled while glaring at the two of us, "Huuuhhhhh, what do you mean...." you said, looking around with the same obvious face as Norman, "What happened yesterday at the gate, when you went to go return little bunny to conny, you guys came back all bummed, mopey and sad." He said tightening the grip on yours and Normans shoulder.

"Well...?" Ray said, you and Norman stayed silent, as Norman began to explain.

"Oh okay..." Ray said after Norman explained, "HEY? YOUR GONNA BELIEVE HIM THAT EASILY?!?!" You yelled.

"Well, duh, Norman would never make up some stupid little joke, did you not see the serious on his face or is your brain made out of a damn donkeys crap??" Ray replied, you grabbed your hair and shook your head with a surprised look on your face.

"Hey, that's not very nice ya know.." Norman said, "I don't care if your both together or what, and your escape plan is terrible, how are you going to manage bringing over 30 kids with you to "escape"??" Ray shook his head and leaned against a tree with both of his hands in his pockets.

"Hey I would even make a boat outta mud, if I had to in order to escape with all my siblings, no way would I leave them here?!?!?" You argued, clenching your teeth.

"Forget it. There's no way you could escape with that much people, bring a couple of people, not 30, are you crazy?!? How are you gonna make a boat outta mud, that's clearly impossible you crazy girl." Ray said.

"Erm, whatever! I would if I had too!!!" You yelled as you stormed off to go back because the alarm had rang.

"You better take control of your dumb minded girl over there." Ray hissed at Norman while saying that.

"We're not together! And so what, at least y/n cares, no wait, we both care! We could both rule once we get to the outside, together!!" Norman said, while walking away.
-time skip

You were Putting away some clothes as mom called down for a meeting.

"Hello children! I may have to inform you that a new caretaker is going to be joining us in 2 days! Make sure you treat her just like your own parent!" Mom smiled and said, ("not a new caretaker...") I thought. After mom finished talking, I walked upstairs and looked at the drawings a couple of kids made, I placed my hand on where conny's drawing used to be and thought about things that pondered into my mind, until I almost jumped when a voice spoke.

"Hello y/n.." I turned and saw mom, "What may you be doing?" She spoke again and walked over and placed a hand over my head. "Erm, nothing! Just thinking about conny! I really miss her..." I said and trailed off a bit at the end. "Hm, okay, yeah she was a nice sweet girl..., y/n, tell me..., did you go to the gate yesterday?" Mom asked slowly moving her hand to my ear and feeling the bottom part, eyeing that spot, my heart dropped right on that spot, I shifted uncomfortably and thought of an answer, "Uhm no mom! That's Against the rules! No way would I do that..!" I placed a hand behind my head, chuckled then smiled, "I better go get rest! Goodnight mom!!" I walked off, to the bedroom, I swore I couldn't have seen moms expression change in the corner of my eye. I got under my covers and fell asleep thinking about what just happened...

Word count:1183

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