Part 6

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You held the children and they held both their hands to cover their mouths, you, Norman, ray, Emma and a couple of more were still un-tagged, to be honest you didn't know how long you were gonna last until you were tagged. Thoughts donned through as you ran through the forest with high speed, loosing track of Norman you still ran as you suddenly spotted sister krone running towards directions, you acted quick as you jumped on a branch, clutching the children tightly in your arms and pulled yourself up on the tree, you watched directly down as sister krone moved swiftly.

Sister krone hummed a bit as her eyes darted up to the tree you and 4 other kids were on, you shut your eyes tight but opened them again, you saw sister krones tilt her head and then up, she spotted you and smiled Crookingly.

You quickly jumped off the tree, sprinting as fast as you could, jumping over rivers and branches but she still ran after you, finally you made to a bunch of huge rocks, you quickly hid behind a quadruple rock, still big enough to hide you and the kids you had in your arms, bullets of sweat beading down, you listened to sisters cooes for you.

"Y/n! Where could you be.. You could run but you can't hideee!♡" she grinned widely as she chuckled. "You know if you know about the secret.. and willing to escape.. then I'm on your side! Let's make a deal. I want to get rid of that witch Isabella, and become mom of this household! But I'll need your help.. if you get rid of her then I'll help you escape.. So we have a deal?" she stated, everything went silent after that, you might've figured she left but it could be a trick, plus there was 2 minutes left on the timer, you were about to get up as another voice spoke.

"Found you." a head appeared infront of your face as you gasped in shock.

Word count: 343

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