Part 3

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You woke up once again with troubled kids attempting to wake you up.

"Y/nnnnn wake upppppp!"

"Hey! Let her sleep!"

"Fine then you help us don!" You glanced as the kids tackled don as he fell over.

"Hey! Knock it off!" You yelled, the children shook their heads and ran off somewhere else, you got up feeling more stubborn thinking about why mom acted and talked like that, it was like she was a different person? And what was that meeting about a sudden new caretakers coming, you brought a finger to your head a thought, not know where you were going you accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oof!" They said as they fell and you tumbled over, erm now what, oh it's Gilda.

"Uhm hey y/n!, what was I gonna tell yo-, Oh!! Right, Norman wanted to meet up with you once we go on break to talk about..., hm he didn't mention what he wanted to say.." Gilda said while pushing her glasses up, you nodded and gave her a smile, you knew exactly what he wanted to talk about, you moved out of the way so she could walk over to don and there you left.

You set down some plates and essentials and took off.

-time skip

After eating it was break time, lots of yapping kids came running outside, yelling and laughing, but you on the other hand, you were waiting for Norman to catch up.

"Hey so Gilda told you?" Norman said panting at bit and giving a smile, "Uhm yeah, are we gonna talk about the.... escape plan?" You said leaning over and turning your voice in a whisper while Norman nodded, you both ran off to the forest as he reached for you hand and you accepted.

Still holding hands you got to the destination and sat down near a giant wall.

"Whoops sorry..!" You said as you took your hand off his feeling embarrassed as he just smiled and gave you one head pat.

"Hey so have you noticed that big wall behind us?" You mentioned wondering, "Erm yeah, I feel like we could use it as a big clue, besides Emma and ray know so we could probably ask them.." Norman replied as you thought for a bit before slamming your fist on your other hand, "OH! Maybe I could climb up the wall to see where it would lead to, that way, we could use it as an escape, I'm pretty sure there's another forest behind, leading to freedom!" You said proudly as Norman nodded in agreement. "So how would we climb up to the top of that wall?" Norman asked as you jumped from your spot and climbed up the nearest tree to the wall.

"Are you sure you could make it to the other side?" Norman asked smiling but in a serious worried tone, "Obviously!!!" You said as you took a jump and landed on the wall, "What do you see?!?!?" Norman asked, "if you mean the other side then..-" you cut yourself off mid sentence and took a minute to stare before you snapped back to reality, "Erm, sorry! It's another forest!" You yelled as you jumped back to the tree and made yourself all the way down.

"So? How do we expect to get everyone over? Not all of us could climb, including the younger ones.." Norman asked a bit puzzled to be exact, "Hm, okay, maybe we need something that could lift us up, maybe a rope??, thats pretty easy to climb! I could climb up the tree and jump over to the wall and hold the rope!" You exclaimed as Norman thought for a little. "But where would we get the rope??" Norman asked as you were quick to reply, "Oh! We could use table cloths and hide them somewhere! Maybe around the library, bathrooms or the dining hall???" You beamed as Norman looked impressed.

"Okay so it's settled, well use table cloths as our rope advantage, but what if there are demon guards on the other side? Didn't we see demons there back at the gate?? Oh and mom has been acting very weird ever since the scene at the gate.." Norman said non stop as you looked up and pondered for an answer to what he just said.

"Hmm maybe mom gets notified whenever someone leaves the building or..." you said stopping as the first thing that came to your mind made you surprised.

"Maybe we have tracking devices on us! That's how mom always knows where we are! She also pull out this thing from her pocket and takes a look at it and goes!" You said excitedly, "Hm your very smart y/n, I think that might be just it." Norman said as he placed a hand on top of his and smiled.


That was the alarm to go meet up back at the front, you and and Norman ran as you saw mom in the distance.

"Ah! There they are.." mom smiled and crossed her hands slowly until you heard crying.

"MOM! ITS DARLA, SHES LOSTT!!! WAAAHHHH!!!!!" You turned and saw Ralph, he was crying in a sorrow while running and hugging mom. Mom nodded and placed and hand on his cheek and said "I'll go find her.." she took out the same little thing from her pocket, it looked like a virtual watch! She took one look at it and walked off to the forest.

A couple of minutes later, mom came back with a sleeping little one in her hand, smiling and returning her.

"WOW MOM THAT WAS SO FAST IT WAS MY FAULT IM SORRYYY!!" Ralph yelled as mom assured him it was okay and took one glance at me.

After we went inside I went to the bathroom and locked myself and searched my whole body for a tracking device placement, but you found nothing, until you remembered once an image placed in your head, remembering mom always placing her hand on the bottom part of your ear and taking one stare, feeling it, you quickly threw your hand over your ear and swiftly moved it to the bottom part feeling it lightly, and sure enough a little stub was hard in your ear you felt it and shook it around a bit and you felt hope, But how did mom get the tracking device in our ears? You thought a bit, thinking you finally thought of a possible way to get them in.

Maybe mom had placed the tracking devices in when you were a baby? RIGHT! That was the answer you unlocked the bathroom and peeked out, everyone was just going to bed and mom and went in her office and locked the door, you tip toed over to the kitchen pantry and grabbed a table cloth and took it with you, you peeked in your room and saw Norman along with some other kids getting ready for bed, you made a motion with your hand for Norman to come, he took one glance at you and made an excuse to go to the bathroom and went to the door.

"So you got the table cloth?" He asked, "Yeah, do you think ray should come along?" You asked, "Sure, maybe he knows something." You both walked off to find ray and discuss a bit.

"Alright ray, so you get it?" Norman said as you, Norman and ray walked into the library, "Hm okay, is that all?" He asked, "Well, it was pretty difficult to tell, but I guess that's all, do you know anything about mom and the new caretaker coming tomorrow?" Norman said in a pretty serious tone, "Don't worry! I don't know anything else.." Ray said in a suspicious voice, clenching his teeth in the last sentence, your frowned, it was pretty obvious that you knew that ray knew something else that he didn't say, but you decided to keep quiet.

"Hey I've been getting a bit of assumptions lately..." you trailed off while saying, "Okay go on.." Ray said, "Well I feel like there could be somebody here... betraying us, like working with mom and the demons.." you said, rays face immediately changed when you said that but he was quick to change back to his poseur without you or Norman noticing, "So like a traitor..?" Norman said, you nodded, "Hm if we're gonna work on finding the apparent "traitor" then I think you idiots should get some rest if you wanna work your so called brains.." Ray said as you and Norman nodded and walked out..

Besides, another enemy was going to be coming to the house..., so you better be ready for tomorrow, you reached the room and opened the door carefully and walked over to your bed and waved Norman a goodnight sign and went under the covers over to sleep......

Word count: 1480

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