Part 4

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You got up early before anyone else and quietly tiptoed over to grab the cloths under your bed as a voice startled you.

"Up so early?" They said, you turned around and saw Norman sitting up on his bed.

"I was just gonna go hide the ropes, I'm not doing anything else I promise!" You whisper shouted, Norman walked towards you and placed a hand in yours holding them together with his other hand.

"Y/n, I really love how confident and nice you are, besides, you make lots of children smile.." he said, flawlessly, you stared in shock and gave a smile in return.

"Yeah.., okay." You said as you took your hand out of his and grabbed the cloths, you handed him some and told him the hiding spots, Norman nodded as you both tiptoed over to the bathroom, you hid the cloth up in the tiled ceiling of the bathroom and jumped off the counter you threw Norman a cloth and he took off slowly over to the library.

"Alright, is that all?" He said, you nodded as you both tiptoed over to the bedroom and went off to your beds, but before Norman made it, you tapped him on the shoulder and he spun around.

"Uhm, thanks for telling me that earlier Norman..." you said fidgeting a bit with your hands, he gave a no problem and smiled and walked back to his bed.

-time skip

You woke up at the call off dawn with a bell ringing downstairs. You got up and trudged down and peeked through the doorway.

"Well, hello children!" Mom greeted all of us as I noticed someone next to her.

You pointed it out to Norman who was next to you and whispered a couple of things, "This is sister krone she is a new caretaker at this house so please be respectful to her." Mom said while smiling, we all turned our heads to the mysterious caretaker that came out of no where.

"Oh hello kids! I am sister krone, I'm happy to be here and taking care of you all this semester!" Sister krone smiled as she averted her gaze to you and Norman.

"Well krone, please go and make breakfast for all the kids, I need to do some work in my office..." mom said, I can't keep calling her mom, after what we saw I just couldn't!

Sister krone nodded as she led lots of happy kids to the dining hall, you followed with Norman and grabbed a couple of plates, looking desperate or much nervous.

Sister krone darted her eyes to the both of you as she put some kids down and rushed over to you both.

"Ah! So you both must be Y/n and Norman..! I've heard you both have the highest test scores along with Emma and ray...!" She said putting her hands together and giving a smile.

"Uhm yeah..., eheheh, me and Norman have to go... uhm..... get the... napkins!!! Yeah uhm the napkins.." you bluntly responded as you took Normans hand and sped walked to the pantry room.

"Napkins? Seriously???" You both heard a voice as you peeked behind the pantry shelves and saw Ray hidden in the corner, while reading a book.

"I had nothing else to say!" You said and gulped as a beat of sweat rolled down your forehead, "Who cares what we said, at least we got out of there.." Norman said crossing his arms.

"Hurry let's get out of here." I said, grabbing some napkins and walking out.

-time skip

"Alright.. so I have something to show you both..." I said as me, ray and Norman made our way to the library, ray and Norman nodded as ray sat at a table and Norman came over to help me up the ladder to grab what I wanted to show. Slowly I skimmed and looked for the books I was gonna show them both, I finally found all 5 books and Norman helped me down and playfully bowed and waited for me to go, I smiled as he took my hand and pushed a chair for me to sit in, I gladly sat on the chair as Ray rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath.

"Alright.., so I've noticed something, well to be exact, Phil noticed something.... while I was helping Phil get some of his books he pointed out something in all 5 books that I grabbed for him, it's like a owl shaped symbol, on all books, isn't that out of the ordinary??" I said as I pointed out the owl symbols with the same untranslated writing underneath it.

"Hm, looks like Morse code..." Ray said and he examined the book as you shot bright with an idea.

"Hey! Maybe all these books lead to some secret code! Or maybe a tip out of here.." you suggested and said as they both nodded, you ran to grab some more books off the shelves and brought them back, and sure enough, the same owl symbol on each page you open, you grabbed the books and put them together in one, you attempted to read the code from top to bottom but nothing made sense..

Word count: 873

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