Part 10

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"Wheres your proof?" he asked, grinning, you scoffed as you calculated the answers in your head, "It all started when sister came to the house.., you acted more suspicious than usual, leaving randomly to go back inside, barely showing up anywhere and asking us weird and personal questions through out our escape plan, Norman probably suspects you also theres no way anyone would just brush it off like any single question.." you spoke as you crossed your arms, ray got back up and got closer, "Heh.., so you've figured me out, well played (y/n) it was fun toying with you all as the 'quiet bookworm ray', i see your getting smarter, the exams probably paied off eh..?" he laughed but his grin and laughter turned into a frown of despair and doom, "Go on.. go tell Norman what you've discovered.. I could care less." he said as he was about to leave as you snaked his arm back. Ray groaned, "Whats the catch?" he mumbled, "Right, so i wont tell anyone under these conditions, me and Norman use you as a trump card and get information from mom, tell us all that mom knows and you know under circumstances, and lastly never split the secret between us." You answered, "Heh, so basically your using me as your 'trump card' eh?" he replied, "Well im kinda on your side but then im on moms so its half n half, you think me?, the little ol' traitor will listen but seconds thoughts make it tempting.." he grinned you gritted your teeth and mumbled things under your breath, "Fine ill do it." ray finally Sudeuced and answered, he put his hand on his forehead and started laughing, you were honestly weirded out so you slipped passed him and made it downstairs, attempting to make it down quietly but that didnt go well because suddenly your hand was pulled into a pantry..

Word count: 322

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