Come Back To Us..

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A/N So I know I said it would take a while but I couldn't wait any longer to share this first chapter! I'm still in shock from how many people enjoyed the first part of this story so I hope you enjoy this just as much, if not more. It will start slower but it will pick up soon just stick with it! 

Thank you to everyone who takes the time out to read my stories, I appreciate everyone of you.

I can't promise it's not emotional but here we go again! 

Avengers POV***

**Bruce ran out to you just as your eyes closed. He knelt beside you as Steve and Bucky jumped back to let him get close. "I can't find a pulse, get her inside now!" Bruce looked over at Tony before Steve, Bucky and Sam all instantly followed Bruce's instructions. They were rushing you into the med bay, your body was limp and lifeless as Bruce ran ahead to get a bed cleared for you. Tony was carrying Peter at this point, his body not wanting to move on it's own as all he could do was cling to Tony's arm. Nat and Wanda following closely behind you as you were carried back into the compound. They were careful with you as they laid you on the medical bed, Bruce quickly starting CPR to try and get your pulse back. "TONY I NEED SOME HELP IN HERE!" Bruce frantically shouting for Tony to help him as the rest of the team stood and watched from a distance, still mostly in shock.

**"Tony go I've got him." Nat grabbed a hold of Peter as Tony quickly ditched his Suit and rushed to Bruce's side as they both did everything they could to get a pulse. Tony started hooking you up to various machines that stood around you as Bruce pressed against your chest, feeling the blood from your wound seep through his hands as he desperately wanted to hear you heart beat again. The next few minutes that went by were tense and felt like hours before one of the machines attached to you finally started beeping, slowly but it was still something. The medical bay filled with sighs of relief as the team glanced between each other before Steve turned to everyone and spoke softly but assertively. "Okay guys let's leave them for now. They need space to work.." Everyone slowly nodded in agreement, Tony smiling thankfully at Steve as they all filtered out the doors towards the living room. The boys supporting Nat, Wanda and Peter as they all became weak with emotion.

**As the team gathered in the living room, everyone was silent and still in shock at what had just happened. Quiet sobs escaped from Peter as Nat held him close, rubbing his back for comfort as she pressed her forehead against his shoulder. Bucky and Steve sat with Wanda as she held her head in her hands. Back in the med bay, Tony and Bruce shared worried glances as your vitals were no where near what they should be. Bruce finally spoke up as Tony held gauzes over your chest. "Tony, she needs a hospital, she needs the best chance if she is going to survive this." Tony looked down at you as he agreed with Bruce. "F.R.I.D.A.Y call an ambulance please. Explain the situation, tell them it's urgent and we will get Y/n to the main doors to meet them there." Bruce nodded as Tony struggled to get his words out, applying slight pressure to your chest. "5 minutes out Sir. Should I inform the rest of the team?" He wasn't sure what to say but Bruce spoke for him. "Yes F.R.I.D.A.Y tell them too get some cars ready, we will all follow the ambulance and escort her safely." Tony gave Bruce a thankful look before they started wheeling you out to through the compound towards the main doors as the rest of the team followed and headed to the garage.

**You were transported to the specialist hospital in New York as the team followed close behind. You were rushed straight into theatre before anyone could get parked. They all gathered in the waiting room, sitting close together to support one another as the nervous wait began. Tony paced the floors before saying anything to the team. "Anyone want coffee? We could be here a while?" Most of the team nodded as Sam offered to help him. Steve was with Nat and Peter as Bucky sat with Wanda. Nobody spoke, tears were still being shed as the radio was the only noise filling the room. Bruce was back and forward, trying to look through the windows to see your progress but he couldn't make anything out past the many bodies surrounding you and the machines. They all jumped in unison as doctors and nurses rushed in and out of your room with various machines and equipment before Tony and Sam returned with drinks for everyone, Tony even got Peter a hot chocolate to try and keep his sugar levels up. "Drink it Kid. You'll need it." He gave him a soft smile as he continued handing everyone a coffee. He was always the one caring for everyone in times like this, always level headed and everyone's shoulder to cry on deep down.

**3 hours passed and still no news. The team became impatient as everyone started to get restless. Tony and Bruce paced the floors continuously as Peter had fell asleep lying across the waiting room seats, his legs on Steve and his head on Nat's lap. Nat was stroking the side of his face to try and keep him calm in his sleep, Wanda was playing with a small red wisp of energy in between her fingers as she still let a tear fall down her cheek from time too time. Sam and Bucky left to get everyone some food as they had a feeling it would be still a long wait ahead.

**6 hours pass as the team are still gathered together in the waiting room for any news on you. Tony has eventually sat down as Bruce still paces slowly back and fourth. The team are exhausted, leaning back in chairs as most of them doze off for short naps before a door closing or someone walking past will startle everyone awake again. Then the moment everyone had been wishing for, a surgeon and a doctor came into the waiting room, catching everyone's attention as they spoke to the whole team. "So.. My name is Dr Hyte. I have come in to update you all on Y/n's current condition." The team all sit up and give the doctor all their attention as he begins to address everyone. "I first want to apologise for the long wait, she has not long been out of surgery. Myself and my team had a lot of extensive tissue damage and repair work to do as well as a number of blood transfusions to make up for her significant blood loss before she got here."

**The team all became more and more concerned as the doctor went on. "But after we got on top of everything we managed to repair everything we needed too and stitched her chest and back. She may need more repair work doing but until her body begins to heal we won't know how much more needs doing." The team all share a sense of relief as they share short glances between each other. "I need to speak to Y/n's next of kin if they are here?" The team all stutter as they weren't sure how to handle this. Steve and Tony nod between each other as the most level-headed person needs to do this. "That's me. Whenever your ready doc." Tony stood and followed the doctor to another room, he was nervous but he knew this was what he did best - looked after his team.

**They got to the room as the doctor shut the door behind them and sat opposite Tony. "Okay so we have some issues with Y/n's condition." Tony knew it was too good to be true but he had to stay almost professional in this moment so he could digest everything he was about to be told, but he had no idea how bad it was going too be. "I think I should firstly tell you that we actually lost her 3 times in those 6 hours she was on the table. With this and her injuries, it could affect her brain function in the long-term." Tony's heart sank as he knew this was worse than anyone thought, the doctor even froze as he could see Tony was in shock but with a small nod, he continued with what he was explaining. "The third time we lost her, we had to use adrenaline to get her heart beating again, which caused her body to go into shock. The team did everything they could to calm her but nothing worked, which lead to her being placed in a coma."

**Tony struggled to keep his emotions in check as he listened closely to the Doctor. "We basically want to give yourself and her family 24 hours to decide the next steps. She is currently still in a medically induced coma but she can't be like that for a long period of time. Right now, I can only give her a 5-10% chance of survival so we can either give her time to try and heal with some help or we could.." Tony stopped the doctor in the nicest possible way he could before he finished that sentence. "Okay, give us some time, I will be in touch. Anything she needs just do it. Keep her alive, for all of us okay Doc?" He nodded as they both stood and Tony shook his hand. "We will do everything we can for her Mr Stark." Tony nodded and smiled softly before re-joining the team. They all left you in the safe hands of the doctors and headed back to the compound to rest, everybody was too exhausted to argue to stay with you at this point. They all needed some energy back and Tony insisted you were safe.

**The team all went off in their seperate directions, most were heading to their rooms to shower and get some well deserved sleep. Tony and Steve gave themselves a couple of hours rest before meeting up in Tony's office to discuss matters before talking to the team. Wanda wanted to be alone, she went to her room and didn't want anyone to follow her. Nat stayed with Peter in the living room after they both showered and changed. They dozed between watching TV under one of Peter's huge warm blankets they huddled under together, she knew he couldn't be alone right now. Sam, Bruce and Bucky couldn't sleep for long so they decided to keep busy around the compound, waiting for any news to reach them.

**"So who decides what we do Tony? Peter is not in the right place to do this?" Steve leant on the back of the chair in Tony's office as Tony sat sipping on a coffee, which he was functioning on right now. "I know Steve, I think we should have a meeting. We are a family and a team. We do this together." Steve nodded in agreement as Tony sighed rubbing his face in his hands. "I do have a way she could have a slightly better chance of surviving this but it's a long shot.." Tony sat up abruptly with a slight glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Let's hear it Rogers, anything at this point will help her.." Steve went on to tell Tony his idea before he took some time to think about it. "Let's put it to the team, see what they think. Go rest and I will call the meeting soon." Steve nodded before opening the door, turning back before he left. "You need to rest too Tony. She needs you, as well as the rest of us." Tony gave Steve a soft, exhausted smile before he left him to think everything over before leading the most stressful meeting of his life.

**Most of the team was in the living room now, apart from Tony, Bruce and Wanda. The room was quiet, nobody knew what to even say. Peter was asleep on Nat's shoulder as she was dozing on the arm of the sofa. Steve, Sam and Bucky were all sat infront of the TV as everyone felt exhausted but nobody could sleep. "Do you think someone should check on Wanda?" Steve's voice was quiet, but enough for everyone to hear. "She wanted to be alone, we should respect that for now. We can check on her soon. Just let her cope in her own way right now.." Nat's tired voice spoke softly as her eyes were pretty much closed. "She's right Steve, everyone deals with things differently. We have to respect her space until she needs us." Bucky spoke up as he was focused on the floor infront of him. The room went quiet again, but before anyone could say anything else, everyone's attention turned to the voice that suddenly echoed across the compound. "Good evening team, Mr Stark would like everyone to attend the meeting room as soon as possible." F.R.I.D.A.Y addressed everyone, as the team shared worried glances, Peter jumped up from his deep sleep. "What is it? Is she okay?!" He was panicked slightly, before Nat and Steve rubbed his back to calm him. "It's okay Kid. Tony just wants to see us all. Come on, let's go together." Steve was calm as everyone slowly made their way to the meeting room.

Wanda POV
I told everyone not to follow me as I headed straight to my room when we got back to the hospital. I couldn't progress anything right now, I didn't want too. As I got to my room, my body collapsed onto my bed. My legs curling into my chest as I felt my chest tighten to the point I could hardly breathe. Then my thoughts took over my body. 'Why was I so distant?' 'Why did I let my jealousy take over?' 'Why did I kiss Steve and hide away from telling her?' 'Why did I stay away from her for so long?' 'Why did I leave her side?' 'Why didn't I react quicker with Loki?' 'Why didn't I carry her straight into the med bay?' 'Why did I leave her at the hospital..?' They became too much, tears streaming down my face again, stinging my already puffy eyes as I allowed myself to fall asleep with exhaustion too stop the thoughts.
I didn't sleep for long before I was woken up from a nightmare, seeing her die in my arms again and not being able to do anything. I knew I needed to try and do something to try and keep myself awake. I couldn't face seeing her again in my head. I ran a shower, letting the water run down my body as I took some deep breathes. I stayed in the shower for at least an hour, just letting the water roll down my body as my music played quietly on the counter. Then I heard it, one of her favourite songs that she added to my playlist.. "Baby lay on back and relax, kick your pretty feet up on my dash, no need to go nowhere fast let's enjoy right here where we at..." She loved country music, it was her not-so-guilty pleasure. I could hear her singing in my head and all of a sudden, my knees buckled from under me. I slid down into the shower and finally broke. Uncontrollably sobbing as the shower hid the noise from anyone else. I couldn't loose her, not now, not ever. I sobbed for what felt like hours before finally finding the energy to get out and put some clothes on. As I sat back on my bed, F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice filled my room before I left to join the rest of the team.

**The team all arrived in the meeting room one by one as Tony sat at the end of the table, which he never usually did. He was always standing when it came to team meetings. But this felt different, he wanted the team to know he wasn't in charge when it came to this meeting, it wasn't a normal team meeting. As the team all took their seats, Wanda was the last to arrive, she sat beside Peter as she gave Nat a soft half-smile. Everyone waited for Tony to start, he was so restless, knowing this was going to be a hard talk to have. He finally took his attention away from his own hands and scanned the room slowly, taking in everyone's faces before speaking in a soft, gentle tone. "Okay guys, I know how hard it's been these past 16 hours. But I wanted to bring us together to discuss things properly. As a family." The team all sat up in their seats as they could tell Tony was already struggling. Wanda took Peter's hand in hers as Nat gently rubbed his back. "There is no easy way to say what I am about too say but I feel everyone should know what the Doc told me away from you all. They actually lost her 3 times within the 6 hours she was in surgery. Each time was more than a minute long. The last time they needed adrenaline to start her heart again.." There was not a dry eye in the room, even Tony let a tear run down his cheek as he spoke. Peter's head falling onto Nat's shoulder as he gripped Wanda's hand tight in his.

**Tony regained his composure before continuing his discussion. "They have gave us all 24 hours to decide what happens next. As Y/n doesn't officially have a next of kin, it's down to all of us. Our options are either give her every chance to heal in her coma before attempting to wake her up when they feel it is safe to do so or tu.." Peter suddenly jumped out of his seat before Tony could finish his sentence, everyone startled from his hands slamming down on the table as his chair shot backwards. "NO! NO MR STARK! THAT IS NOT HAPPENING!" Tony rushed around to him as his body was so exhausted he could hardly stand. Tony pulled him into his arms and hugged him tight as everyone felt Peter's pain in his voice. "It's okay Kid. I'm here. I've got you." Tony's voice lowered and reassuring as he held Peter close. The room fell silent as Peter sobbed into Tony's shoulder, forcing his words out. "I can't loose her again! I can't Mr Stark.." Peter's words and tears were all that the room could concentrate on as no one could hide their own hurt. "I know Kid. We aren't going to let that happen." Peter nodded, slowly pulling away as Tony grabbed his chair and sat him back down, allowing Nat and Wanda to take over comforting him again. He walked back to his seat and cleared his throat, taking a moment to himself before saying anything further.

**Tony shared a glance with Steve before speaking again, "We do have an option which gives Y/n a better chance of survival. But it's not ideal. Steve?" Tony gestured for Steve to take over, the team all turned and faced him at the other side of the table. He coughed, wiping the tears from his eyes before talking. "Okay so I have connections in Wakanda. As we all know their technology is years ahead of it's time. They may have a way to help her heal without risking long-term damage." The team all looked at Steve in shock and confusion as Tony took over once again. "I told Steve not to contact anyone until we came to a group decision. Those are our 3 options. I can safely rule out one. But the other 2 are keep her at the hospital or send her to Wakanda." The team all shared glances between each other before Tony went around the room and asked everyone their opinions.

Sam? "I trust in Steve and T'Challa so Wakanda."

Bucky? "I agree Wakanda will give her the best chance."

Bruce? "I will have to do my own analysis in Wakanda but it's worth the chance."

Steve? "I trust in T'Challa and his family so Wakanda Tony."

Wanda? "I don't know Tony. I don't want her to go that far away from me but I also want her to have the best chance.. I'm sorry I can't.."

Peter? "Wakanda. I trust you Cap."

Natasha? "I'll go with what Peter wants Stark. Wakanda."

**Tony stood up and addressed everyone, "Okay so it's decided. Steve make the call. Come see me once you have. Everyone else go eat and rest. It is 17:40pm. Let's call it a day and I will see you all tomorrow unless anything else comes up." The team all disperse, Steve was first out as he headed straight off to call T'Challa in Wakanda. Everyone else filtered off to their rooms or the kitchen. Peter asked if Nat and Wanda would stay with him in the living room as he didn't want too be alone. They both agreed as Nat and Peter resumed their positions under the blanket on the sofa as Wanda went to sit on the chair across from them but Peter quickly got her attention, "Wanda.. Why don't you join us? It's cosy in here.." Wanda looked at Nat as she gave her a soft, inviting smile before she nodded and joined them in Peter's blanket next to him. They all sat in a comfortable silence as they all watched the TV, dozing in and out of sleep.

**It was later that evening, Tony was still in the meeting room waiting for Steve to come back with good news. The rest of the team were resting in their rooms besides Nat, Peter and Wanda who had all fallen asleep on the sofa together. The compound was unusually quiet, not hearing anyone working or talking between themselves made it sound empty and miserable. Tony was nodding off leaning forward on his desk before Steve's knock on the door woke him up instantly. "Come in Rogers." Steve quickly made his way in as he walked over to sit next to Tony. His voice was quiet but hopeful as he talked to Tony. "Good news Tony, T'Challa and Shuri have agreed to help Y/n. They are making arrangements for her to arrive tomorrow. We just need to get her there as quickly and safely as possible." Tony finally allowed himself to smile as Steve gave him a hopefully smile back. "Okay so let everyone rest and I will make all the arrangements with the hospital. We will all travel with her on the jet. Then we can both rest and get ready for another long day. Good work Cap." they both nodded as Tony quickly picked up the phone to ring the hospital as Steve left to go to his room. Tony shortly followed suit and got some well deserved rest.

**It was the following day, the team were all still quiet, hardly talking between each other as they staggered between rooms to either eat or work. Peter stayed with Nat and Wanda as they tried to get him to eat some breakfast. Nat was trying to get him as talk a little as Wanda couldn't find any words for anyone. It was around 11:00am when Tony finally made an appearance in the kitchen. He made himself a coffee as Nat was making Peter a drink. "How you holding up Romanoff?" Nat looked over to Tony as he gave her a sympathetic smile. "Just looking after Peter, he needs me right now." Tony shook his head slightly as he stood next to her and spoke softly to her. "I've known you long enough to know when your hurting Natasha. I could see how you looked at her, you cared for her more than you ever want to admit. So I know how much this is hurting you.." Nat tried not to show hr emotions but she trusted Tony and before she could shake it, her eyes glossed over as a tear ran down her cheek. "I'm scared of losing her again Tony.. She is literally the closest I have ever had to a soulmate. She is my best friend and knows me so well. She has been my rock for so long. I can't live without her.." She began to sob lightly as Tony hugged her tight. "I know Nat. I've got you."

**Steve walked towards the kitchen, startling Nat and Tony as they separated. They both wiped their tears away as Steve entered. "Everything ready Tony?" He addressed Tony as he took a sip of coffee. "Yeah all ready. Jet is set to leave at 1 o'clock. Sam is piloting. Myself and Bruce are with Y/n in the back with all the medical equipment. Everyone else who wants to come is welcome too." Steve nods as he leaves to talk with Sam and Bucky. "I don't even have to ask if you are coming, could you look after Peter if he decides to come?" Tony looked back at Nat as she nods in response. "Of course Tony. Just get her their safely please. I will keep Peter with me as well as Wanda." They both smile softly before Nat leaves to talk with Peter and Wanda before they all headed off to get ready for the journey to Wakanda. The rest of the team all got ready as time started ticking away. Sam, Bruce and Tony set up the jet as Steve made sure everyone else was ready and had everything they needed.

**It was just after 12 in the afternoon and the ambulance arrived with you and all the life support machines you needed to travel with. Tony escorted you through the compound to the jet as Bruce did a handover with the surgeon. The team all stayed out the way as the ambulance crew wheeled you straight onto the jet. They moved all the machines into the back before leaving you with Tony and Bruce. F.R.I.D.A.Y alerted the team to start boarding the jet as Sam got ready for take off. As they boarded one by one, they all seen you on the huge hospital bed, the machines around you keeping you alive as you were lying so peacefully. Bucky and Steve were the first ones to board the jet, as they seen you Bucky felt guilty but Steve kept him moving. They took their seats nearest to Sam and waited for everyone else.

**Nat and Peter were next, she had not left his side for longer than 5 minutes since being in the hospital. As they both got to the bottom of the ramp Peter hesitated, grabbing a hold of Nat's arm as she stopped and waited for him to breathe. "I don't want too see her Nat.. Not yet." Peter spoke quietly as he looked away from where you were with Tony and Bruce. Nat pulled him close, covering his eyes as she slowly lead him up the ramp towards the seats on the jet. "Stay close and move slowly Peter, I've got you." As they made their way up the ramp, Nat finally saw your face again after more than 24 hours being apart from you. Her short gasp of air made Peter jump a little before she kept him moving. She took in one last look of you before turning her attention back to Peter, her heart physically aching as she turned away from you. Tony caught a glimpse at her face as she fought to keep her tears hidden, but he knew she was struggling, if it wasn't for having Peter to concentrate on she would really be a mess.

**The team waited patiently as Wanda took her time to board the jet. Tony and Bruce had you all set up and ready to move. Bruce went to collect a few last things from the medical bay before the jet took off for Wakanda. As he walked back to the jet, he bumped into Wanda who was dragging her feet almost. "Hi Bruce.. Do you need help with anything?" Bruce's hands full with bits and bobs as he jumped slightly at Wanda's voice. "Oh hey Wanda, erm yes that would be kind of you, thank you." Bruce handed her some of the equipment from his hands as she held out both her hands. They walked side by side towards the ramp of the jet, Bruce noticing her head suddenly drop as they reached the bottom. "It will be okay Wanda. Your strong. You can do this." Bruce's soft words of encouragement gave Wanda a small excuse to smile as he waited for her to go first for support. She took a deep breathe before making her way up the ramp and towards Tony who was stood next to your bed. "Where would you like these Tony?" Wanda spoke up, not looking at you yet as he pointed to the table across from him. "Just on there thanks Wanda."

**She placed her bundle of wires and packets down before finally turning in your direction. Her chest pounding as she seen your face, so peaceful and pale as she felt her eyes instantly fill with tears. She froze, looking right at you as the machines beeped with every one of your heart beats. "Wanda.. Are you okay?" Tony turned slowly and joined her at your side. She was silent, almost holding her breathe to stop her emotions showing as she studied your face. "Wanda?" Tony questioned again softly as she still didn't turn away from you. "Sorry.. Yeah I'm ok Tony. Just strange seeing her like this.." Tony nodded as he rubbed her back for comfort. "I know. But at least she is not in as much pain right now being this way." They both nodded slowly as they looked down at your chest rising and falling with the help of the ventilator. "Thank you for this Tony.. Looking after her so well since we both came to you. She really looks up too you." Tony choked back his tears as Wanda spoke to him. "You are both family now, that's all that matters. Now go get comfy and we will look after her don't worry." Wanda smiled softly before going to sit with the rest of the team so Sam could take off. The jet went quiet as the engines sent them into the skies and headed towards Wakanda. Where your life was going to be hanging in the balance..

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