I Need To Do This.. For Her

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Your POV
You stood as close to the machine as you could as it hummed and whirred infront of you all. The sides of the machine leaning inwards to meet the end of the time tunnel to allow Clint and Nat to come back safely. You gripped Peter's hand tightly as Tony's hands held your shoulders from behind you in anticipation for their arrival. The nerves are now rushing through your entire body, your chest tightening with that aching pain ripping through it again. You clutched onto Peter then without warning, Thor came beside you to hold your other hand to keep you steady. You flashed him a small smile before you all turned back to the machine, finally seeing a faint figure appearing on it's own. Why only one? This is making no sense. Who is it? Is it Nat or is it Clint? What happened? Too much was rushing through your head as your closed your eyes tightly, trying not to let your emotions overwhelm you too much. You were still recovering from your last Code-Green in New York, you didn't want it happening right now again.

Your eyes remained closed until you heard the machine start to slow down towards a stop. You felt everyone's grip on you tighten. Tony's breathing became heavy behind you as you felt Peter's body tense beside you. You gripped his hand back before you slowly opened your eyes, seeing someone on their knees on the floor of the machine. You couldn't make out who it was from where you were stood, you followed Thor and Tony as they left you to go see who it was. You couldn't bring yourself to join them yet, the pain in your chest getting worse with every minute that passes. Peter was looking to you, waiting for you to move. You feel his grip on your hand, you look back at him as he smiles softly. You return to small smile before nodding to tell him your ready. You hang your head and concentrate on the floor infront of you as you both walk up the stairs of the machine. You hear a deep voice, that's not Nat..

You get to the top of the stairs before taking one final deep breathe. You the look out infront of you, seeing Tony and Thor standing either side of Clint. Your heart instantly sinks as there is no sign of Nat. You see anger and regret on his face, you suddenly feel sick to your stomach as you see his eyes finally meet yours. Your body seems to forget how to breathe properly as your waiting for someone to say something. "Clint.." Your voice breaking instantly as you slowly come to the realisation of what is happening. His eyes stuck on you as every around you both have fallen silent. Peter's hands wrapping around your one hand that he still has a hold of as you finally hear Clint's voice. "I'm.. So.. Sorry.. I.. I Couldn't.. Stop her.." You could see how much Clint is struggling to get his words out and it cements it. Something happened to Nat. You needed to know what. "What happened Clint?" You ask in a hushed tone, not wanting it to be real. "She.. Y/n.. I'm so.. Sorry.. She.." He couldn't finish his sentence as he collapsed to the floor on his knees. You quickly feel infront of him, reaching out for his hands as he slowly looked up at you.. Tears brimming his eyes as your gaze met his.


We left Rhodey and Carol on Morag before setting the co-ordinates for Vormir. I was with the only other person I trust besides Y/n. Clint was like a brother to me. I knew we'd keep each other safe on this mission. We had no idea what we were up against but we had one goal, getting that Soul stone and getting back to the compound. This was it. We were going to bring everyone back. 5 years too long without them all. There was a lot on the line and we couldn't fail. We needed the rest of the team back, Clint needed his family back, Tony needed Pepper back and Y/n needed Wanda back. We were buckled in and the spaceship was travelling to our destination. I turned to look at Clint, his eyes wide as we passed through space like it was nothing. Clint looked back at me, his smile making me chuckle. "We're a long way from Budapest." He commented, making me laugh as we finally slowed down as we approached our destination.

We stepped off the ship after it came into landing. We were faced with a huge mountain-type heap of multi-coloured rock ahead of us. It was surrounded by small lakes and miles of sand fields. The skies above us were unlike anything I had ever seen before. All the colours were incredible. 'I wish you could see this Y/n..' I thought to myself before Clint caught my attention out infront of where I was stood looking over the views around me. "Come on Romanoff, let's get moving." I nodded in reply before catching up to him. Making our way through a shallow lake which lead us to the bottom of the mountain. As we got to the base of it we suddenly realised how high is climbed above us. This was going too take a while. We shared a glance before starting our climb. We made stupid small talk as we made our way higher and higher. The air didn't seem to thin out at all, it just became colder. As we got past half way it started to snow lightly. It made me smile since it's hardly snowed in New York recently. Clint noticed my smile and returned it with his goofy grin.

We finally made it to the top of the mountain. Out of breathe completely but we made it. Clint's goofy grin had disappeared as he caught his breathe back as I was scanning the area around us. We still weren't sure what to expect as we made our way slowly down the path ahead of us. Looking around each corner and rock as we walked beside each other. Then without warning, a hooded figure appeared as if from no where ahead of us. My gun instantly raised in it's direction as Clint pulled out his new sword and got ready for anything. The hooded figure seemed to have no face, but then a creepy deep voice came from it's direction. "Welcome." Instantly I was on high alert. What was this.. "Natasha, Daughter of Ivan. Clint, Son of Edith." A hushed silence grew between us all as the hooded figure seemed to float not far from us now. My curiosity getting the better of me as I wanted to know more. "Who are you?"

"Consider me a guide, to you, and to all who seek the Soul Stone." The floating figure answered without hesitation. It's deep, almost menacing voice drawing us both closer step by step. "Good. So you tell us where it is then we'll be on our way." Clint spoke with confidence from beside me in reply. The hooded figure now stepped into the subtle light shinning down from the clouded sky above us. "If only it were that easy.." The figure now showing a red face said one final sentence before turning and floating away from us. We glanced towards each other before nodding and following it. It knew about the Soul stone so we needed to find out what it knew about hopefully find the Stone. We walked together to follow the figure as it made it's way towards an opening infront of us. The figure then formed a long black cloak as it finally turned back to us. We walked out to the opening at the edge of the mountain, a huge drop not far from us.

"What you seek lies in front of you, as does what you fear." I stepped out of the opening as our guide stopped now far from the edge of the cliff. I stepped out to look over the edge as it spoke once again. Looking down to see a stone circle platform beneath us. "The Stone's down there?" I questioned to myself but out loud too. Hoping for answers. "For one of you. For the other, in order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love.." Clint now by my side as we peered over the edge of the huge drop only a foot away from us both as we listened to the words from the red figure behind us now. "An everlasting exchange.. A Soul for a Soul." The figure finally giving us some sort of definite answer to how we obtain the Stone. A pit of the bottom of my stomach making me feel so sick as I glance towards Clint beside me. 'Whatever it takes..'

Clint - "How you doing?"

**Clint waving to the hooded figure as I was now sitting on a rock away from the edge as Clint was pacing back and fourth infront of me before finally stopping infront of me so we could talk.**

Clint - "Maybe he's making this shit up?"

Natasha - "No.. I don't think so.."

Clint - "Why because he knew your Daddy's name?"

Natasha - "I didn't.."

**Clint caught by surprise at Natasha's words before starting to pace again.**

Natasha - "Whatever it takes Clint.."

Clint - "Yeah.. Whatever it takes Natasha.."

**Both of us now looking down at the edge of cliff before I seen the look in Clint's eye.. Natasha now stood infront of Clint as they leave little space between them.**

Natasha - "If we don't get that Stone.. All those people stay dead."

Clint - "Yeah.. I guess we both know who it's got to be.."

Natasha - "Guess we do.."

**Clint and Nat both reach out a hand for each other.. Looking down at the bond before looking back at each other's eyes."

Clint - "I'm starting to think we mean different people here Nat.."

Natasha - "You don't understand Clint. These last few years.. I had the family I dreamed of my whole life. I had Y/n in a way I always wanted her. We were together. I fell completely for her. I allowed myself to fall completely head over heels in love with my best friend.."

Clint - "Nat.."

Natasha - "..I know it's always going to be Wanda. It always has been and always will be. I need to do this for Y/n so she can have the life I could never give her. That's who her heart belongs too.."

Clint - "She loves you Natasha.."

Natasha - "But she is In Love with Wanda. That's the difference."

Clint - "Don't get all decent on me now Nat.."

Natasha - "You think I want to do it..? I'm trying to save her life.. And yours you idiot."

Clint - "Yeah, well, I don't want that. I can't loose you Nat."

Natasha - "You have a family Clint. They need you.."

Clint - "Your a pain in my ass, you know that!"

I nodded in reply to Clint's comment. He knew I needed to do this. The fear racing through me as I felt Clint pull me closer. I rested my forehead against his as we shared a final moment. He gave me a chance with S.H.I.E.L.D all those years ago even though he knew what I had done before he found me. He was supposed to take me out. Instead he gave me a second chance, a family, people I could trust. I trusted him more than anyone. He knew my past and still he made me a part of his family. An Auntie to his amazing kids. He gave me purpose. He meant that one day I met Y/n. And felt how it feel like to be loved by someone else. She was my person, even though she belongs to another the time we had after her accident and then after the snap. We had our time together. I hope she never forgets. I hope Clint and his family never forget me.

Natasha - "Tell My Green Weirdo I love her. I always have and always will."

Clint - "I will.."

Natasha - "Look after my niece's and nephew's for me.."

I pulled away to face Clint one more time. He nodded as he cleared his throat before saying something. "Okay. You win." I smiled softly, knowing he was finally listening to me. But then without warning, he tripped my legs from under me, pushing my body into the ground beneath me as he followed my movement to kneel beside me. He was pinning me to the floor as he looked down into my eyes with a determined look on his face. "Tell her yourself.. Look after my family for me." He said before smiling down at me. No way. I wasn't going to let him do this. Not this way. I quickly flipped his body over mine, slamming him beside me into the floor. I got up to my feet, pointing my widow bites at him as I looked down at his shocked face. "Do it yourself." I commented back before firing a bite at his chest, paralyzing him momentarily to the floor as I turned to face the cliff edge before I ran straight towards it. Ready to jump. Ready to do this. I managed a few strides before an explosion went off infront of me, sending me flying off to the side away from the cliff edge. Winding me instantly I gripped my stomach in pain from crashing into a rock before looking over to see Clint standing back on his feet, looking over at me before he dropped his sword and began to run.

"NO!" I screamed as he threw his body over the edge. I scrambled to my feet as I ran to the edge as quickly as I could, seeing him starting to free fall from the cliff. I didn't hesitate before jumping after him, wrapping myself around his body before firing my grapple hook back at the cliff side behind us and we fell. As it cemented itself into the wall behind us I quickly hooked the end of it which was attatched to my waist and clipped it to the side of Clint's suit. We suddenly came to a halt in mid air, the line attatched to the hook tightening against Clint sending us both crashing into the cliff side. Clint quickly realised it was his body the line was connected too so he grabbed my arm in his hand before I fell any further. He had one hand on the line as the other held onto me. His body stretched between the two as we hung in mid air. "Damn you Romanoff!" Clint shouted down at me as he tried to reach his other hand down to me but he grunted in pain before reaching back to the line keeping us both safe now.

"Let me go.." I told Clint as I looked up at him. I could feel his grip loosening by the second. The pain of the position he was in getting the better of him as he struggled to keep his grip on me. "No.. Please no." Clint protested as his face was scrunched in agony. I nodded as he kept his eyes on me. "It's okay.." I could see the pain behind his eyes but I couldn't let him do this instead of me. It had to be one of us. It had to be me. I could see the tears brimming in his eyes as I felt my own creeping on me. "Please Nat.. No.." He pleaded once more before I knew what I had to do. "It's okay." I said one finally time before kicking myself against the cliff side. Breaking out of Clint's grip as he screamed in reply. "NO!" the last word I was to hear as my body felt weightless as I feel to the bottom of the cliff. I closed my eyes. The last person I could see as I fell was Y/n. The love of my life. Our time together rushing through my mind as I felt my body starting to shut down from the free fall. Her kiss. Her touch. Her voice. Her eyes. Just her. "I love you Y/n.." I whispered before it all went dark in a instant..


Clint POV
All I could do was hang there and watch her body fall further and further from me as I was stuck against the cliff edge. I felt so helpless and angry. She doesn't deserve this! It should have been me. Y/n needs her, how do I tell her. How did I go back alone to the team. How do I get the Stone from here. I couldn't help but look down at her body now lying on the stone floor beneath me. Her lifeless body making my heart ache before a flash of light makes me feel weightless. I feel the hook line disconnect from me suddenly then before I can work out what is happened I found myself kneeling in shallow lake, no longer being able to see the mountain in any direction. Then in a my balled up fist, I feel some sort of energy coming from it. I opened my hand out and seen the Stone. We did it. She did it. I sat back in the water, tears rolling down my cheeks as I knew I had to leave her here. Alone. How could I.. I know she did this to bring everyone back so I couldn't waste her sacrifice.. I had to take the Stone back. No matter how much it hurts.


Your POV
"I can't do this.. I'm sorry.." You ran off from the garage at the compound. The pain in your chest now making sense to you. It was your heart breaking. You felt it as soon as she jumped. You knew it had happened but you didn't want to believe it. She's gone. Your best friend. Is gone. You'll never see her again. Tears streaming down your face as you just kept running and running away from the compound before finally collapsing in the middle of the training field. You fell to your knees before holding your head in your hands. Screams of pain and anger left your throat as you let them out as loud as your body would allow it. Your head ready to explode as you screamed over and over again to try and get rid of the pain you are feeling. Heartache and agony filling your body as all you could picture was her falling and falling.. Nothing you could do to save her. Your eyes stinging like venom in your eyes as the tears started to burn your face as the tears didn't stop as soon as Clint explained what happened on Vormir. Why her?

Your body slowly began to calm itself down as you lost your voice almost, your throat drying out as your eyes followed. You had no tears left as you had been outside for a while now. You were sitting with your head resting against your knees as you pulled your legs close to your chest. You couldn't loose the image of Nat's face from your vision. "Why you Nat.." You whispered to yourself over and over as you can't imagine living without her but now, it's becoming a reality. It's breaking you knowing you will never see her again. You'll never hear her voice or laugh, you'll never see her smile or feel you her touch against your skin ever again. Everyone agreed to do whatever it takes to get those stones but last night after... Well.. Your time with Nat you made a promise to each other no heroics. You both come back. No matter what. And now.. She's not. "Why did you do it Nat.. Why leave me?"

"Because she loved you kid." Tony's voice behind you catching you by surprise as your lift your head from your knees. He didn't say anything else, he just sat beside you on the grass, wrapping his arm over your shoulders. You took a deep breathe, knowing Tony knew you both really well at this point. "I can't believe she did it Tony.." His grip on your shoulder tightening as you talked. "She wanted to protect you and Clint. You were the closest people to her. She loved you both." You nod in agreement as you feel the tears threatening to leave your eyes again. "I loved her too Tony.." He pulled you close as you told him. "I know you did Kiddo. But your heart belongs with someone else.. She knew that. She always did. She wants you to be happy. That's all she ever wanted for you." You quickly buried your head into his shoulder as you began to cry softly at his words. He knew Nat better than most. "We're all going to miss her Y/n. But we need you for what happens next. The gloves ready with the stones. Everyone's waiting for you." You nodded as you pulled your head away, wiping your tears away before Tony helped you to your feet. "Let's do her proud and bring everyone back okay. You ready?" You nodded before walking alongside Tony back into the compound towards the lab.

You stayed close to Tony as you both entered the Compound again. Once you made it through to the lab, you seen Clint at the back. You left Tony's side and approached Clint. Quickly tackling him into a hug. He returned it easily, sharing the moment with you before you both turned your attention towards the huge gauntlet-like glove which was now holding all the stones. You glanced around the room, seeing who was going to do it. Thor quickly offered but in reality we all knew who it had to be. Bruce Banner became the Hulk through Gamma, and that's what energy the stones give off. That means he has the least chance of dying from re-creating the snap. Everyone gathered around him as the Hulk made his appearance. Tony came beside you, producing a shield from his suit to protect you both as Clint stood behind Thor and Rhodey. We all took a nervous breathe before the Hulk slipped on the glove. You all watched as it moulded around his hand. A surge of energy from the stones travelling up through his arm and into his shoulder. He started to scream out in pain, Tony quickly asking him if he is okay and ne nodded in reply. You watched in awe as he raised his hand above his head before snapping his thumb and index finger together, a wave of energy rushing out the room as he did.

You look around the room over the top of Tony's shield as the Hulk collapsed onto the floor. Thor and Scott running to his aid as you watched Clint take out his phone from his pocket. You made your way over to him, watching for any sign that it worked. A minute or so went by before you both watched it ring. Laura's name coming up on the front of his screen. "It worked!" You yelled out, catching everyone's attention as he answered, everyone hearing her voice as she spoke in a panic. He wrapped one arm around you as he smiled uncontrollably. You looked back at the Hulk, who was now awake and sitting up. He was okay. Tony smiled at you from beside him before the sky above the compound went darker and darker. As if something was blocking out the sun completely. You watched over as Scott walked over the windows near the lab, but before anyone could say anything more everything went dark.    

Code - Green Part 2Where stories live. Discover now