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A/N ~~ I know it's been a while.. I haven't forgotten about this one I promise :)

**No POV

It's been 4 days since you woke up form your Coma. It's been a rough couple of days, your body is in a lot of pain and even the pain medication isn't helping as much as it should. You had been sleeping a lot to try and deal with the pains you were going through but even then, you were only managing a couple of hours at a time before waking up again. Wanda and Peter had not left your room, no matter what time of day you were waking up, one of them was always awake too. Peter has been at your every call, no matter what you need, he jumps up and gets it from you. You can't help but smile at how attentive he is with you. He even keeps ringing Tony to bring in the things you want to eat, even though you don't have a huge appetite at the moment, he still brings in far too much for you just in case.

As for Wanda, she has been the most amazing person to have by your side. She has been learning how to clean and re-do your bandages with the Nurses, as well as making sure your pain medication is constantly on track through your IV. She also got Tony to bring in a laptop so she could set you up a little table so when you are awake you can watch anything you want too together. Most of the time, you fall asleep half way through a movie but it's still nice to be able to watch something with Wanda and Peter. Tony has been back and fourth to the hospital with anything you all need, as well as wanting to make you are okay. Pepper stopped by yesterday which was a nice surprise, they told you they would bring Morgan in when your feeling a bit better in yourself. Clint left yesterday morning to check in with his family, he was really happy to see you awake and starting to get better. He promised you he'd be back as soon as he can.

Your POV

You are currently sitting up in your hospital bed watching Harry Potter with Peter as Wanda was catching up on some sleep in the bed across the room. Peter is sitting in the bed next to you as you were both sharing some sweets and popcorn. You were up to watching Prisoner of Azkaban so you were currently watching the part where the bus is driving through the streets and the beds are flying around, which Peter always finds very funny. You can't help but laugh lightly at him being so entertained as he was eating his toffee popcorn. "Could you pass me a drink of water please Pete." You asked with a smile. "Yeah of course Sis." Peter instantly leant forward, grabbing your bottle of water and taking off the lid before handing into your right hand. You thank him and take a drink before he takes it back to put it on the table beside him. You try and change how your sitting but it's no use and you end up groaning in the pains your constantly dealing with in your shoulder when suddenly the door opens to your room, waking Wanda immediately.

"Sorry to interupt Y/n, but it's time for your midday check up." Dr Grey announces to the room making you nod your head and smile in reply. "Of course Dr Grey, come in." You say and he brings in his small table with everything he needs as Peter pauses the laptop and moves to sit in the chair beside your bed so he is out of the way of the doctor. You look over and see Wanda wake herself up before coming to stand beside where Peter is sitting so she can make sure everything is okay. You smile as she comes to your side first, kissing your head as she reaches you. "Hey sleepyhead.." You greet her with a small smile making hers grow. "Hey baby." She returns as Dr Grey gets set up and looks over his notes on his clipboard. "Okay how are you feeling Y/n?" Dr Grey begins as he finishes reading his notes. "I'm still getting some pain in my left shoulder and my ribs. I feel like sometimes I can't take a deep breathe. And I still don't feel really hungry.. If I eat too much I feel sick instantly." You explain as Dr Grey looks at your machines behind you and takes down his notes like usual.

"Okay, all of those symptoms are completely normal with what you have been through. In all honesty, I'm happy that you are doing so well. We were expecting you to be in a lot more pain and sleeping more too. But your body is dealing with all of this incredibly well. So keep the positive mind set going and you will be feeling much better soon." Dr Grey explains and you smile over at Wanda and Peter at the news, which they mirror easily. "As for your appetite, that's something that will come back when the pain medication is decreased. For now, I am going to prescribe you some high protein drinks to have 3 times a day, as well as trying to eat as much solid food as possible." I nod my head in agreement, knowing I need anything to help my body heal faster. As much as I am usually a fast healer, what those stones did to my body has really screwed me up big time. So I need all the help I can get. "Thank you Doctor." He smiles as he comes over to check my bandages and anything else he needs to do before he finally gives me some pills then leaves us to it. "Someone will be back later to do another check up like usual Y/n. Until then, keep up resting and your water intake."

Dr Grey leaves the room and as if on cue, Peter lets out a yawn. "Get some sleep Peter. You've been up for hours." You tell him and he nods before swapping places with where Wanda was before the Doctor arrived. She gets him into bed, making sure he is okay before leaving him to sleep. You lie back into the bed as Wanda then comes over to sit beside me, taking my hand in hers. "Hey you.." I greet quietly making her blush a little in return. "Hey." Your still getting used to having her back by my side, it's been amazing. "Did you enjoy your nap?" You ask her and she nods her head, her eyes fixed on yours. "I did. Your doing so well Y/n, we are all so proud of you." You can't help but smile at her words as she squeezes your hand gently. "Thank you Wands." She leans forward, being careful not to move you too much as she connects your lips together, kissing you carefully but powerfully. You melt into her lips, missing them more than you ever imagined you could miss anything. Both of you not wanting to pull away but then someone clears their throat behind you both, ruining the moment as you both turn slowly to see Tony standing in the doorway with a stupid smirk on his face.

Wanda POV

"Hey lovebirds.." Tony greets us, his hands full again as he comes into the room, immediately seeing a sleeping Peter in the corner making him smile softly. He always manages to barge in at the most inappropriate times. But I'm so thankful for him, which is something I never thought would happen. But we have formed a strong bond going through this together. He really does care for us both. He's showed it so much recently. I sit back and settle beside a giggling Y/n as she just finds it all a little too amusing. She must have had a dose of Morphine. She rests her head down on my shoulder, making my heart flutter as Tony places the bags down near Peter, pulling the blanket over his body more securely before he comes and stands on the other side of Y/n's bed to where I am sitting. "How you feeling Kid? Dr Grey just told me he is happy with your progress." Tony says with a huge smile making us both smile in return. "I feel like I want to be home I know that much.. This bed is horrible." She jokes making me and Tony laugh at her sense of humour being back to almost normal. Which is deffinently a good sign. But we both know this won't last long with what we need to tell her..

I spoke with Tony last night when Y/n was asleep about when we should tell her and we agreed the sooner the better, so she can get used to the idea before we bring her home. As well as being able to see everyone else, since Tony doesn't want someone else bringing it up before we get the chance too. We both know Morgan is dying to see her but not until she knows everything. I hate keeping this from her, and so does Tony. But we need her better, not to be sent backwards because she freaks out over this. I know she is strong, but this is something no one expected to happen, especially her. I let them catch up, but suddenly I can hear Tony's very loud thoughts about telling her. He's worried but he knows now might a better time than any to tell her since she is high spirits and the Doctor is happy so far. I catch his gaze and subtly nod, letting him know I agree with what he is thinking. He seems to relax a little and carries on to talk with Y/n. This is going to be hard, but she has us here. She knows that. We need to be strong, for her.

"Why don't you have an hour kid? You look tired.." Tony says suddenly and I notice her heavy eyes. "Yeah I think the morphine just kicked in.." She jokes making us laugh. "Have an hour, none of us are going anywhere okay baby?" I assure her and she nods before I get up and help her get comfortable. "Sweet dreams Soldier.." I say softly after leaving a kiss on her forehead and tucking her into the blankets on her bed. She smiles and says something in reply but it's mumbled so I just smile and stroke the side of her face until she falls asleep quite quickly. I move off the side of her bed, making sure not to wake her before seeing Tony on his phone across the room. He is deep in thought about something. I walk over and lean on the wall beside him, letting him finish whatever it is before he turns and smiles softly at me. "You doing okay?" He asks and I just nod. "Today then?" He asks and I nod again. "Yeah. She needs to know." I say as I move my eyes back to her sleeping peacefully on the bed. "She does. She'll be okay. She's so strong.." He says whilst trying not to get emotional. I can't help but let a tear escape down my cheek at the thought of her hurting again..

As soon as Peter was awake again, we left him with Y/n, who was still sleeping soundly on the bed so we could go see Dr Grey. We went for a coffee first then headed straight for his office. Tony let me in first before joining in the seat beside me. My nerves shooting through the roof as we wait for him to start. "So, what did you both want to talk to me about?" I instantly look to Tony, knowing I will not be able to get through a full sentence right now, my mind firmly on Y/n. "We uh, want to tell Y/n about her arm.. Today." Tony explains and Dr Grey nods his head softly in return. "I see. I suppose there is no right or wrong time to do this. Whenever it is done, there is a chance of a bad reaction by the patient. But usually the sooner the better is best. Would you like me to be in the room when you do?" I let out a small sigh in relief at his offer. "Yes please. We are thinking when she wakes up next, we will all sit with her and tell her." Tony explains further and Dr Grey agrees instantly. "Of course. Press my buzzer and I will be by as soon as I am free." We both thank Dr Grey then leave to get back too Y/n's room. Both of us pretty much silent, knowing what is to come.

"Wanda.." Tony says quietly in the hall before we get back to her room. I stop and turn towards him. "I'm glad she has you. Just promise me, no matter what.. You will never leave her side?" Where did this come from? Why would I leave her when I just got back to her? I'm never leaving her side again. "I'm never loosing her again Tony. No matter what happens." He nods and smiles before pulling me into his arms. I hesitate for a second before hugging him back, both of us holding tightly before wiping away our tears as we break apart. "She'll be okay with this. I know she will." Tony assures me and I just nod in agreement. Still not entirely sure but she has to be. We take a second before heading back to her room, immediately seeing Peter sitting beside her on the bed as they are back to watching the rest of their movie. They both look up at the same time and instantly I laugh with Tony seeing how alike they are. They both have this goofy smile on their faces which are adorable. "You two look cosy.." Tony jokes making me laugh as they both frown before turning back to the laptop. Tony rubs my back for comfort before he goes to the chair and I go and greet Y/n. Even in that small amount of time, I missed her so much.

We all have something to eat together before Y/n's next check up. I sit nervously as the nurse changes her bandages and does her usual checks. Once she leaves, Tony pulls Peter outside to head for a hot chocolate and to tell him about our plan, leaving me some time with Y/n. After finishing our kiss from earlier, I sit back and can't seem to hide my emotions as I feel a tear roll down my cheek. Y/n instantly wipes it away before looking right into my eyes. As if she is reading my mind.. "What's wrong Wanda?" She asks gently making my heart break.. I hate this. "I just want you to know that no matter what happens, I love you. I love you more than anything and we are never being seperated again. No matter what." I ramble a little and she smiles at my words before lifting my hand to kiss the back of it. "I love you too Wanda. So fucking much.." She lets out a small sob and I cuddle her into my arms. We have a small moment before we hear Peter's voice again coming down the hall. Here we go. Please forgive me Y/n..

Your POV

Peter brought you the nicest Hot Chocolate back from the canteen before he wanted to go on a walk outside. No wonder considering he has been in this hospital room for so long. But when he left, You couldn't help but notice he looked upset about something. You then looked over to Wanda, who had a similar expression on her face. What is going on...? You were watching the start of the next Harry Potter movie when Tony suddenly got back from his phone call and came over to sit next to you. Instantly the air in the room got thinker as he reached over to pause the movie on the laptop. "Can we talk Kid?" Oh shit.. This is not good. I nod my head in reply as he lets Wanda come and sit beside me on the bed as he stands beside her. Both of them looking nervous about something. Your mind racing with so many different thoughts, which Wanda quickly realises as she squeezes my hand to get my attention. "Baby, calm down your thoughts please." She says softly so I nod my head and take a moment to calm clear my head before turning back to Tony. "What is it Tony?"

He takes a shaky breathe before turning his body to face me fully, he goes to say something but the door opens behind him. "Dr Grey?" You question out loud as he comes to stand at the bottom of your bed. "Hey Y/n." He greets with a smile before turning to Tony. You follow him and look at Tony, who looks even more nervous now. "Okay Kid. We have something to talk to you about, but we need you to stay calm and listen carefully. Can you do that for us?" Now your nervous.. What could be happening..? "Um, yeah.. Okay." You say nervously as Wanda holds your arm in her free hand. You glance over and see tears in her eyes before you look back to Tony. "What is the last thing you remember from fighting Thanos?" Tony asks and you think back to what happened.. Not something you want to remember but you try and think about it all. "I remember the huge battle, then Thanos tried to snap again.. Then I took the Stones somehow and snapped away him and his Army. As well as trying to uh.. To bring Nat back. As much as I knew it wouldn't work.. I still had to try.." You feel yourself getting upset at the thought of her being gone. You feel Wanda wipe away your tears before you carry on as best you can.

"This huge surge of energy went through every nerve in my body before I started too loose my vision. I looked down and noticed my left arm was burnt really badly before I stumbled back against the floor as the team stopped around me. I remember talking to your and Wanda.. And Peter.. Then everything went black.." I take a breathe as I finish telling them all, I can feel Wanda's hand trembling in mine so I squeeze it as best as I can as I look right at Tony. Who has an unreadable look on his face. "After you blacked out, we got your straight to this hospital. Dr Grey was waiting for you with his team. They took you through to operate and save your life. But they could only do so much.." Now your confused.. What happened.. Then it hits you all at once. You slowly lower your gaze to your sling. Your stomach twisting as you suddenly begin to realise what has happened.. Something you never thought about until now. Only thinking that your arm was bandaged and strapped up to help it heal, and that's why you never thought to try and move it. "Tony..?" You ask a little hesitently as he just sits and looks at you with a sympathetic look.. Fuck.

"Y/n. It was a last resort. Your nerve endings were dead. You would have had no movement left below your elbow. And then there would have been a greater risk of infection.." Dr Grey chimes in confidently from the bottom of my hospital bed as I notice Tony starting to struggle with the conversation. A huge sense of guilt radiating from him. You have no idea where your emotions are right now, but you need to hear everything for sure. "So, I have no arm?" You ask out right, wanting to know exactly what they are trying to tell you. Your heart racing and chest tightening, but you need to know. "Not entirely Kiddo, Dr Grey? Do you want to explain?" Tony looks over at Dr Grey and he nods and smiles softly since he was the one who carried out the surgery. You look to Dr Grey and he has a soft expression on his face as he clears his throat to talk. "Okay so as you remember, your arm was severely burnt and damaged from what happened with the Infinity Stones. We attempted to repair your arm and treat your burnt skin but it was all too damaged. Your nerve endings were dead and there was no chance of you ever regaining any movement or feeling in your arm from your elbow down. And with that being a huge factor, the limb had to be removed."

You take a moment to process his words, and instantly you tried to feel that somehow it was not true. Hoping it is some sort of dream, but as you look down to your arm, you realise that your not in a dream. It's real. And now you have no idea what is going to happen. "I know this is a lot to take in Kid, but you still have movement in your shoulder and upper arm. So, I've been in the lab and I think I can design you some sort of prosthetic for when your better.. If that's what you want." Tony explains and you can't help but feel lucky to have him by your side on this. He's obviously been planning for this for a while, so even when he has been at home, he's been trying to look after me by being in the lab. "Can I think about it?" You say to Tony, still needing time to process all of this before jumping into anything. "Of course, there's no pressure about any of this." He assures you before you turn back to Dr Grey. "Can I see my arm?" You didn't expect to ask that question with such confidence but you managed it and caught everyone by surprise as you suddenly feel all eyes on you. "Um you can in a few days when your bandages are re-wrapped if that is okay with you?" You nod your head in reply, not sure what to say now..

You couldn't process anything else going on in the room as you got lost in your head thinking about everything you had just been told..

"I lost my arm.."

"What now?"

"Am I still an Avenger?"

"Can I even use a robotic arm in my condition? What happens if I have a Code-Green incident?"

So many thoughts and feeling are rushing through your body when you suddenly hear a new but familiar voice in your head, startling you a little since it's been so long she's done this with you..

"Your you baby. Your still you. This changes nothing, your still an Avenger.. If that's what you want. Please try and calm down. Your still recovering.."

My mind seemed to settle hearing her soft, angelic voice echoing through my mind. You didn't realise until now you had closed your eyes, so, you slowly begin to open them again. Being met by Tony and Wanda again as they are sitting with you. "Hey Kiddo.." Tony greets softly as your eyes open fully again. "Sorry, I zoned out.." You say quietly as Tony gets you a drink of water. "It's okay. No need to apologise. It's a lot to take in and process. We are here when your ready to talk or whatever you need." Tony assures you as you take a drink from your glass then he puts it back on the table for you. "Thank you, for telling me. I know it wasn't easy for wither of you but thank you for telling me sooner rather than keeping it from me." You say looking between them both as they slowly start to smile. "We know it's going to be a lot to get used to, but you have us, Peter and the team to help you. The only person who doesn't know yet is Morgan. But she'll get used to it too." Tony comforts you making you now smile. "I can't wait to see her." Tony smiles widely at your words before his phone begins to ring so he leaves the room, leaving you alone with Wanda..

"I'm so proud of you baby.." Wanda quickly tells you as you turn to face her. Seeing her eyes brimmed with tears instantly causing your own to finally fall. "Oh Y/n.." She whispers as she pulls you into her arms tightly. You let out your emotions, crying and letting out so much you can barely breathe. Wanda soothes you as best she can, trying not to cry with you but eventually she does. You grip onto her jumper with your now only hand, not wanting her to move away from you as you let yourself just feel everything. You stay like this for a little while before your tears stop and you can breathe properly again. You pull away from Wanda slightly as she instantly wipes your tears away softly with her thumbs before she leans her forehead against yours. The contact settling your emotions but suddenly you begin to miss someone that always did this with you. Natasha.. You think to yourself quietly as you melt into the contact before Wanda pulls away eventually. "I'm not going anywhere, I'm here by your side through all of this. Good and bad.. You've got this." Her words soothing you as you nod your head softly in agreement. "I love you Wanda." She smiles at your sudden outburst, "I love you too Y/n."

**No POV

2 weeks go by in the hospital and your doing amazingly. You've been back on your feet for the last week without any stumbles thankfully. Everyone is impressed with how your body is reacting already. You've managed some long walks to get some fresh air and some more of the Hot Chocolate you and Peter love. Most of the team has been to see you now that the new Compound is re-built. The only person that has not been to see you is Steve. Which didn't bother you at all. Bucky quickly became very reasurring about the whole losing your arm thing which made you smile at his attempt at being supportive. He was trying though. Which was all that mattered. Everyone was really happy to see you. Thor even came by from being off World which seemed to irritate the staff as he made a mess where ever he went. But he was here. You could tell Tony was not happy that Steve had not come with the team, but you told him you were fine with it. Especially with what happened. It then led to a very uncomfortable discussion with Wanda about what happened. She explained her side of things but in all honesty, you could not be upset with her. She assured you nothing happened between them which seemed to make you feel conflicted but that was a discussion for another day when you were feeling better.

The Doctors and Nurses has been busy for the past 2 days trying to make sure you have everything to be discharged with since you had pestered Tony to take you home. You'd had enough of the hospital now and you know that Tony has everything you will need at the new compound, as well as everyone assuring you both you will be well looked after. So, with some gentle persuasion and a promise to come back and see Dr Grey once a week for the next 3 months to check on your progress, he agreed to let you go home. So now you had Wanda and Peter waiting with you to get the go ahead as Tony made sure everything was ready at the compound before he came to pick you up as soon as someone rings him.

Your POV

You were now getting so restless waiting to go home. You just wanted to be somewhere familiar. As much as it is a whole new compound, Tony showed you everything and it looks the same as the told one, just a little more modern. And being able to be around everyone again is all you want to feel normal again. You had come to terms with your arm, especially after seeing it for yourself. It's not as bad as you were expecting it to be. And Tony had showed you some of his designs for your prosthetic which you admitted looked really good. He was planning on building it out of nanotech so that when you have a Code-Green episode, it can adapt and change with your body. Which was pretty cool. He asked your opinion on colours and eventually after some heavy debating with him and Peter, you decided on black and neon green. It was going to be a lot like Bucky's, and with the help of the nanotech, you can wear it all the time and not just when you need to which helped you decide on wanting to at least give it a go when Dr Grey tells you that you can.

"Y/n, you need to relax. They will be here soon with your papers." Wanda told you suddenly, snapping you from your restless daze on your bed. "Sorry, I just.. Want to be out of here. Back home.." You defend and she comes to side on the bed beside you. Taking your hand in hers. "I know baby and we will be back soon, I promise." She assures you with a kiss on your head making you smile. "I can't wait to share an actual bed together again.." You tease a little making her smile widen but you both burst out laughing when you hear Peter pretend to be sick in the corner. "Sorry Pete.." You joke making Wanda laugh as she buries her head into your shoulder. "Mhm.." He says back with a disgusted look on his face making you chuckle just as the door to your room opens making you look over to see Dr Grey with a smile on his face. "Someone is ready to head home." He announces making your heart pound in your chest as Wanda get up so you can talk with the Doctor. "Very ready.." You joke back making him laugh lightly as he comes to talk you through your medication and treatment plan.

"Do you have an questions?" He asks after going over everything with you. "Nope. But if I do, I have your number to ring." He nods and smiles, satisfied your ready to go. "Well, I will see you next week for your appointment. Don't hesitate to ring if you have any problems. But other than that, take it easy and enjoy being at home." You shake his hand and thank him for everything before he leaves you to get ready. "You ready to go home baby?" Wanda asks as she comes to cuddle you. "More than ready!" You tell her confidently as you cuddle her back. "I'll go ring Mr Stark and see where he is." Peter tells you both. "Thanks Peter." He smiles and leaves the room so you can get changed, since you managed to have a shower earlier this morning. "You need some help?" Wanda asks with a subtle grin making you laugh. "I mean.. I could use a hand.." You joke back making her look at you with an unreadable expression.. "Too soon?" You ask playfully as you squeeze her hand gently in yours. "Your terrible.. But I'm glad to see you smiling about it all." Wanda returns making you smile and nod your head in agreement. "It's my reality now.. No point being upset all the time." You reply making her smile and kiss you.

"I'm so proud of you baby. But it's our reality, remember." She says sweetly making you smile. "I love you Wanda Maximoff." You tell her making her blush slightly. "I love you too. Now, let's get you dressed before Peter and Tony walk in here." You nod and laugh as Wanda helps you get out of your hospital clothes and into some joggers and a t-shirt before she helps get your sling back on comfortably. She then slipped on some socks and trainers before helping you to your feet. "It feels weird being dressed again." You joke making her giggle softly. "I miss the hospital gown.." She teases making you chuckle at her playful side which is slowly coming back now your getting better. "Should we steal one?" You joke back making her laugh and shake her head no just as Peter comes back into the room. "Looking good Sis. Mr Stark is 5 minutes away but he said under no circumstances are you to leave the room until he gets here." Peter makes fun of Tony as he tells you what he said on the phone making you laugh as you walk around the room a little, getting used to being back in trainers again before you suddenly see Tony appear at the door. "Ready for home kiddo!" You smile as he comes inside and hugs you tightly. His body so much more relaxed now your getting better.

"Let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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