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A/N Sorry for some reason this chapter got deleted so had to re-upload :)

 ***It has been 3 Years since you were put into the 'Ice Chamber' in Wakanda. The world has changed around you without you even knowing about it. Nearly a year ago, Thanos came to Earth in search of the Time Stone. The Avengers and everyone who stood by their side tried to fight him and his army off but they failed. He managed to get his hands on all 6 Infinity Stones, once he had them all he snapped his fingers. Half of all life across the Universe was gone, turned too dust. Those who were left had to try and find some sort of normality as there seemed to be no chance of getting anyone back. The Avengers who were left tried to still work but with limited resources the world was finally in a peaceful time after all the chaos, so they had no work to carry out. Tony, Nat, Peter, Clint, Sam and Bruce all survived and lived at the compound together. Pepper, Aunt May and Clint's family were all lost as well as the rest of the team. T'Challa was also lost but Shuri survived. You had been on ice for 3 years now..***

Avengers POV
The team were all finally starting to live some sort of life without those they had lost. They were still doing research into getting those who they had lost back, but nothing was coming up successful. They were still fighting their usual battles against HYDRA and other enemies but they weren't as much of a threat as they once were. They also helped in disputes within the City and surrounding areas but most of the time they were just trying to get over what had happened. They were all at the compound, doing everyday tasks and keeping themselves busy. Nat and Peter were in the living room with Morgan, Tony's daughter. With Pepper gone he moved her into the compound to care for her. Peter was the only other team member who knew she even existed before the snap but him and Nat help Tony care for her, as well the rest of the team. They were watching a movie in the living room whilst Tony was doing some work in his office, they never expected what would happen today. Tony's office phone rang, which he answered right away.

**Phone call**
Tony - "Hello Tony Stark here."
??? - "Hello Mr Stark, it's Shuri..."
Tony - "Oh hello Shuri. Is everything okay, I wasn't due to hear from you until next week?"
Shuri - "Yes I know sorry Mr Stark but I'm going to need you to come to Wakanda.
Tony - "Is everything okay? Is Y/n okay?"
Shuri - "Yes I just think you should come as soon as possible so we discuss things face to face."
Tony - "Okay I will be there soon."
Shuri - "Thank you Mr Stark. Feel free to bring the team if you would like. I'll be expecting you."
Tony - "Thank you Shuri. See you soon."

The phone went silent as Tony sat back in complete shock, wondering what was so important Shuri couldn't tell him over the phone. He took some time to make some arrangements before telling anyone the news. He didn't know what to say to the team but he needed to do it soon so he could get going.

It was a usual day at the compound, I was spending my day with two of my favourite people. Peter was the little Brother I never had since I lost my best friend. He kept me smiling everyday, he was so resilient, even though I knew he thought about her everyday. We kept each other going then after the snap, Tony brought Morgan to the compound. She's the cutest little 4 year old ever. She was our new reason for sticking around. She spent most of her days with me and Peter so Tony could work with Bruce in the lab. Clint and Sam kept themselves busy on missions, which was strange as it would usually be me and Clint but I wasn't complaining, I didn't want to be out there without her, it didn't feel right. I was in the living room with Peter and Morgan watching Frozen, we had popcorn and sweets on the table as we all sat on the sofa together. All of a sudden Tony called me into his office. I was surprised as he usually just worked on his own or with Bruce. As I walked into his office he looked stressed. "Everything okay Tony?" He looked over at me with tears filling his eyeline, I thought the worst instantly. I waited for him to say something, it felt like hours before he spoke. He told me about his phone call with Shuri and I couldn't help but think this was it. That we were going to have to go say our final goodbyes. I could tell Tony thought the same but he just didn't want to say it. "So when do we leave?" Tony nodded into action as he stood from his chair. "I think it should just be us. Peter can stay with Morgan and Bruce can hold the fort whilst I'm gone. Clint and Sam are on a mission but I will update them on what is happening.." I nodded as I thought about Peter. "Should we tell Peter?" I could see Tony thinking this through before he spoke. "I'll tell him she needs some equipment, which is why it's just us going. I don't want to stress him out." I thought the same, as much as I didn't want to keep anything from him, he was needed with Morgan and if it was bad news, it would hurt him more than anyone. "Okay so I'll go update Bruce then pack some stuff and meet you at the jet in an hour?" I wanted to leave as soon as possible, but I knew Tony would need some time to organise. "Sounds good Nat, the jet will be waiting." We nodded and went out seperate ways. I headed to the lab to talk with Bruce whilst Tony went to speak with Peter and Morgan.

Avengers POV
An hour had passed, Tony and Nat had taken care of everything at the compound before meeting on the jet. Tony didn't wait around before flying the jet to Wakanda. The flight was quiet, they both didn't know what to expect. They spoke a little about Peter and Morgan but they were really just trying to keep their minds occupied before getting there. As they entered the barrier, the nerves started. Tony landed the jet no problem as Shuri was waiting. They quickly left the jet down the ramp and met with her infront of the Citadel. "Good afternoon Shuri, how are you?" Tony quickly hugged Shuri before she turned to Nat for a comforting hug. "Glad you could both make it on short notice. I know I was vague on the phone but I thought it would be better face to face." Tony and Nat both studied Shuri's face as she showed minimal expression. "Follow me, I'll take you straight to the lab so we can talk." Shuri lead the way to her lab as Tony and Nat closely followed, still not knowing what to expect. They walked with a bit of a rush as they followed Shuri into her lab. She gestured for them to take a seat as she sat infront of her computer. She took a few minutes to look over her screen as Nat and Tony sat impatiently waiting, sharing a number of glances before turning to Shuri as she finally spoke. "Okay so I have some really good news.." Tony and Nat's bodies went into slight shock, they both expected the worst before hearing Shuri's excitement in her voice. "Y/n's bran function has reached 80% in the chamber, as well as her vitals holding steady, which means we can wake her up and 'defrost her' in a way." Nat and Tony couldn't believe what they were hearing. "Are you serious?" Tony questioning Shuri s she had a huge smile on her face. "I am Mr Stark, it was successful. We saved her. We just need to wake her up to be 100% sure." Tony turned to Nat, both with tears in their eyes at Shuri's words. "Shall we?" Shuri stood and questioned them as they slowly stood up and followed her to you.

My nerves were at their worst right now. I had never been so nervous. Arriving in Wakanda with Tony was silent, I could tell we were both thinking the same. We were here to say goodbye then take her home. I felt so guilty for not telling Peter but I knew he was vulnerable still after losing everyone close to him, apart from me and Tony. I hugged Shuri tight as we met with her, she had become an extended part of the family. I couldn't read her face as we followed her to the lab. As I sat beside Tony his hand found mine, this was strange for Tony but after the past few years, he was different. He was no longer afraid to be vulnerable. Especially being around Morgan more, he had almost became soft being a single-Dad, which we all supported him for. We glanced between each other before listening to Shuri. What she said to us I will never forget, she was ready to come back to us. My heart was racing as I struggled a little to breathe, I didn't believe her but I couldn't find any words. Tony spoke for both of us before Shuri said the same again. I had never been so hopeful, could I actually be getting my best friend back..? Shuri was quick to gesture us to where she was. We walked into the second part of her lab where the chamber was. There was a few people doing some final preparations in their. Shuri took the tablet and stood beside the chamber. She looked over some results before turning back to us. "So this won't take too long to carry out. One of my team will show you to a small room down the hall where you can wait for her. I will come collect you when she's ready." We both nodded, not being able to speak as we were taken to a small room with a coffee machine and TV, along with a sofa and bed. We were left just us as we heard a lot of chatter and machines beeping from the lab. My nerves were back as Tony was clearly stressed out. I made us both a coffee before sitting with Tony on the sofa, not knowing how long we would have to wait.

Avengers POV
Back at the compound, Peter was taking care of Morgan as he was making her some dinner. He sat her on the bench as he made sandwiches. He was so caring with her, as he was busy Morgan spoke to him form the bench beside him. "Do you think Y/n will come back?" Peter, Tony and Nat all talked to Morgan about you all the time. They wanted her to know you even though she hadn't had the chance to meet you. Peter became a little upset as he looked over at Morgan. "One day she will. And she will love you just as much as I do." Morgan smiled which made Peter smile. "I can't wait to meet her." Peter chuckled as he picked her up and placed her back on the floor to go and eat. "Come on you, let's go eat in the living room so we can finish our movie!" Morgan ran ahead as Peter wiped away his tears before joining her, he knew something else was happening with Tony and Nat leaving so suddenly but he knew he had Morgan to look after.
Tony and Nat had been waiting for a little while before any of them spoke up. "You okay Nat?" Tony looked over as Nat was making another coffee, she was shaking as she held her cup. "Just scared Tony.. What if she doesn't wake up.. Or something goes wrong.." Tony stood and placed his arm over her shoulder for comfort. "I know Nat but we have to be positive, we could have her back with us soon. Imagine! After everything that has happened lately, this could be something finally going right!" Nat giggled as Tony was trying to make her laugh. "It just seems too good to be true Tony.. I mean what happened before Loki turned up.. What if it was just not meant to be.." Tony took her into his arms as she became upset. "Nat, she will come back to you. Regardless if it's as your best friend or more. She will be in your life again." They both shared a moment before a knock at the door separated them. "Mr Stark, Miss Romanoff. She is ready for you." They shared a glance before Tony spoke up. "Go on Nat, I'll be in soon okay. Go see your weirdo!" Tony smiled as Nat followed them into the lab where she was in disbelief at what she seen.

My heart was pounding as I walked into the lab. As I walked back in, I could see Shuri stood beside the bed. I took a second before joining her. My emotions were all over at his point but as I stood beside her, all I could see was my best friend. She was lying so peacefully, just like when I left her just over 3 years ago. I couldn't take my eyes off her as Shuri done her final checks. I could see her finally breathing on her own as the team took away most of the machines that had been keeping her alive. "Okay I'll leave you alone, she should be waking up anytime now. If you need anything just press that button." I nodded as Shuri and her team left the room. It was so quiet, all I could hear was the machine beeping as her heart was beating. I sat beside her bed, taking her hand into mine. I couldn't help but intertwine my fingers in hers. She was still a bit cold as I took in a sharp breathe at being able to touch her again. My heart was pounding through my chest as I could hear her breathing. I watched as her chest was rising and falling slowly and deeply. I lost track of how long I was sitting watching her before I heard her voice. "Hello..?" Her voice was so quiet but I heard her clear as day. I jumped up to her side as I looked down I watched her eyes slowly flicker open before she looked right at me. My heart beating so fast I feel like I'm going to pass out, struggling to find any words of my own. "Y/n..?"

The room was bright, similar to the med bay at the compound but slightly bigger. You could sense someone with you as you slowly felt your eyes flickering, forcing themselves to open. It was nice to be able to hear things again and not rely on memories. The last things you could remember hearing were the team coming to see you before you were placed into a deep sleep. It was cold in that chamber. You could hear unfamiliar voices talking to you as if they knew you as you heard them discuss what was going to happen to you whilst you were in there. Once you lost your hearing you turned to your memories to see everyone again. You watched over and over as you replayed them in your head. Some were not so happy ones but any memory was better than having none at all. You had no idea what time it was or how long you had been asleep but it was finally time to find out. As your eyes adjusted to the light room your nerves started going into overdrive as you could feel someone holding your hand, or at least you thought it was your hand. Your brain was in a sense of confusion as it had been so long since you had to think for yourself and control your own body. You tried to squeeze your hand but you couldn't quiet yet. So next to try was to speak to see if the person with you would hear you and come into your eyeline. You took a deep breathe before finding the only word you could think of in the moment, "Hello..?"

You felt the words leave your mouth and instantly the person with you jumped up from beside you. They still had your hand in theirs as you finally seen who it was. You could feel her heart racing as her hand became boiling hot with excitement. "Y/N?" You heard her voice, it was like your world had came rushing back to you. You felt the happiness fill your body as your heart started racing. The machine was beeping a little faster as you could feel it in your chest. You could see her face light up as you looked right into her emerald green eyes which had filled your memories. You wanted to talk again but you struggled as she spoke again. "Y/n it's me, Nat! Do you remember me?" You felt her hand squeeze yours tighter as your mind became less confused about everything. As you felt yourself become more normal you decided to do something you might later regret. "Who's Y/n.. Who are you? I don't know a Nat..?"

You seen her face drop suddenly, tears quickly lining her eyes as she looked into yours. You instantly realised that you had chose the wrong time to joke. You could see her studying your face as you let a smile slip in the corner of your mouth which she quickly picked up on. "Sorry Romanoff, too soon?" You could see her face burn up as she couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. "Your an a*shole Y/n! Don't do that!" She shouted as she punched you softly in your arm. "I'm sorry! I just wanted to see you smile, now come on, help me sit up so I can have a cuddle!" You start to lift yourself up as Nat supports your back and pulls you to sit up. You held yourself up on your arms as Nat found the button to move the bed up at the top. As she looked back at you she quickly wrapped her arms around your neck as you pulled her onto the bed next to you to have her close. She lifted herself beside you as your arms wrapped themselves around her and squeezed her tight. "I missed you so much weirdo.." You could hear her muffled voice in your neck as she cried on your shoulder. You just held her as she ran her hands up and down the back of your neck, which sent your hairs on end.

Nat pulled back a little, allowing you to breathe properly again as she ran her hands down your arms, gripping you to make sure your really there infront of her. "You okay?" You seen her scanning your whole body as you got the feeling back in your nerves, finally being able to take her hands back into yours. "Yeah I'm just so happy to have you back.. You scared all of us." You could feel her pain in her voice as she spoke. "I'm sorry, I couldn't let him hurt any of you." She shook her head as tears continued to fall down her cheek which made you get upset. "I thought I had lost you for good.." You squeeze her hands as she looks up at you, her eyes sparkling from the tears. "Stop okay.. I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere again." You seen her eyes flicker up and down your face as she tried to choke back the rest of her tears. "Do you remember what happened..?" You nod as you can remember everything. "I remember it all Nat. I seen my Mam and Dad, I knew I had died. But then I heard everyone's voices again which brought me back." You see the shock in her face as you talk to her with tears rolling down both your faces now. "I'm so sorry I didn't do more to protect you.."

You stop her by pulling her into another cuddle. You hold her tight as she buries her head into your neck, running her hands through your hair and rubbing your back as you hold her close. "You have nothing to be sorry for Nat. It was my choice, I jumped infront of that scepter." You feel Nat nod as you just hold her close, not wanting to let her go now she is here with you. It wasn't until someone knocked on the door you pulled away from each other. You wipe your tears from your eyes before looking over and seeing Tony enter the lab. "Hey Tony." You see him let a tear fall as he rushes over to hug you. You can feel Nat stroking your legs from where she is sat beside you as Tony hugs you tight before pulling back to talk to you. "I missed you Kid! How you feeling?" You smile as he wipes his face and stands beside you bed. "I'm okay actually. Still a bit fuzzy but I'm good. Just glad I can see you both again." Tony smiles as he sits on the chair behind him. "So where is everyone else?" You glance between Nat and Tony as you see their smiles disappear. You look at them worried as they begin to explain what has happened.

"..You were in the chamber for 3 years kiddo.." Tony's words pierce you like a knife as you realise you have missed so much. You listen closely as Tony and Nat tell you about the Snap and what has happened afterwards. They tell you who was lost and your chest tightens like a clamp around you. "So Wanda has.." You feel yourself start to tear up again as Nat holds your hands tight. "We are working on finding a way to get them back, but it's taking longer than we thought.. But we will kid. Don't worry." You nod as Tony continues to tell you what you have missed. You sit for hours as your body becomes normal again whilst Tony talks over everything that had happened. You are all caught up as Shuri comes back into the lab to check on you. "Sorry to interrupt but I just wanted to check on you Y/n." You nod as she checks your machines and vitals before speaking again. "Well that is all positive. It seems like everything we did has worked. Now I know it's late so there are two rooms in the Citadel for you too use as Y/n will have to stay here until I have all the results I need. But for now try and take it easy. I will pop back in the morning." You nod and thank Shuri before she leaves again.

"Well I'm going to get some sleep. Nat you coming?" Tony looks over at Nat who glances at you before answering Tony. "I'm going to stay here a little while longer before going to my room. If that is okay with you, Y/n?" You nodded and smiled at Nat's question before Tony hugged you and said goodnight. "See you tomorrow kid." You smile as he leaves the lab. "I don't mind if you want to get some sleep Nat. You look tired?" She shakes her head at you as she looks right into your eyes, "I don't want to leave you. I've missed you too much to leave you again so soon." You smile as she sits back on your bed. "So how are you feeling about everything, I know it's a lot to take in.." You nod as you see her worried expression. "I mean a lot of it I have no control over, so I have to process it the best way I can. But at the same time I'm awake and I can't allow myself to waste my second chance. Now many people would have lived through those injuries and as much as it hurts too loose everyone, I need to just stay positive." You see Nat smile and just cuddle you again. "Your so strong Y/n. You have me, Peter and Tony here no matter what okay?" You nod and hug her tight before she pulls away again. You both continue to talk for hours as she catches you up on everything she has been doing whilst you were on ice.

You must have fell asleep whilst sitting listening to Nat as when you wake up she is asleep in the chair next to your bed. You slowly let your body wake up as you were still sore from the healing process. You sat up as quietly as you could to not wake Nat up as she looked so peaceful curled up in the chair. You reached over for a drink of water but end up spilling it as you are startled by Tony coming through the door as loud as ever. "Good morning!" He looked so proud of himself as he walked in, announcing his presence before seeing he had woken Nat up. "Oh Sorry Natasha! Didn't realise you were still in here.." You chuckle as you see Tony look guilty as she sits up and gives him the death stare for waking her. "Well I did try and stay quiet to let you sleep.." You say sympathetically to Nat as she smiles softly towards you. "It's okay you should have just woke me up. How you feeling?" You smile as you take a sip of water before replying. "I'm okay, sorry for falling asleep on your last night, I promise your not boring!" You all laugh before Tony speaks up again.

"Well I came in with some good news! Your results over night were good so as long as Shuri is happy when she comes in soon you are free to come back to the compound.." You smile from ear to ear at Tony's news. "That's amazing news Tony! Thanks." He smiles in reply. "Glad you think so. Nat you want a coffee to make up for me waking you up?" She nods and smiles as Tony leaves to go to get her one as she stands up from her chair and stretches. You can't help but smirk as you see her shirt ride up her stomach, showing off her body. "Okay I know you have missed seeing me but do you really need to make it that obvious?" She winks at you as she brings her arms back down from her stretch. "Hey I've been on ice for years can you blame me?" You give her a cheeky smirk as you pat down the bed beside you for her to come sit with you. She struts over to you playfully as you choke slightly on your water at her. "Get your a$$ over here and give me a cuddle Romanoff!" You see her giggle as she hops on your bed, wrapping her arms around your neck as you cuddle her in tightly.

After a long cuddle, Nat sits back slightly from you, still sitting beside you but so her body is still facing you. "I know everything will be strange going back to the compound but I just want you to know that I will be by your side the whole time okay?" You nod and smile as you catch her gaze. You had missed seeing her bright emerald green eyes staring back you. You get lost as she tries to catch your attention but you don't register her words the first time. "Hey earth to Y/n! You okay?" You snap out of it and see her grinning at you. "Sorry, got lost for a minute.. What were you saying?" You can't contain your smile as you see her cheeks flush a little at what you said. "You know.. I never did have chance to come find you that day we had our walk around the compound.." You suddenly remember that day as the memories rush through your mind. The way you both just lay together talking and watched the clouds pass. You remember what she said about your eyes and what you said about hers. You see her eyes flicker as if she is thinking about that day too. Before you could stop yourself, you get caught up in the moment. "Maybe you did.. I mean that night in the kitchen.." You see her start to flicker her eyes between yours as well as your lips and you feel yourself gently lean in towards her. She does the same, but before anything happens someone knocks on the door.

You and Nat sit back apart again as Shuri enters the lab, quickly followed by Tony with coffee in his hands. "How's the patient this morning?" You see Shuri smiling as she walks towards you. "I'm very well thank you, how's you?" She nods and smiles as she picks up her tablet from beside you. "I'm good thank you. Good morning to you too Natasha." Nat and Shuri share a smile as she takes her coffee from Tony. "Hey Shuri!" Tony sits on the chair Nat slept in as she shuffles back down the bed to let Shuri have room to check your wires and results. She checks over everything as you all sit in a comfortable silence as Tony and Nat drink their coffees. After a little while, Shuri finally gives her verdict. "Well I'm very happy with your current progress so if your ready, I'm happy for you to travel back to the compound. I will pass everything over to Bruce who I presume will be your Dr there?" She looks to Tony who quickly nods in agreement. "Yes I spoke with him last night, he is more than happy to carry on your work Shuri." Your smile grows as you see Nat's grow even more. "Well then I will get some paper work for you and then your free to go."

You see Shuri smile as she puts her tablet back down on the table. "Shuri I just wanted to say thank you for saving my life. I don't know how I will ever repay you for this.." You feel yourself tearing up as Shuri leans over to hug you. "Your very welcome Y/n. If you need anything further, don't hesitate to ask." You hug her tightly before she leaves to get your paperwork. "So you ready to go home and see your brother?" You nod and smile through your tears as you begin to move your legs to the edge of the bed. "Woah! What are you doing!" You see Tony stand and panic as you pull the blanket back from your legs, making Nat jump in in front of you. "I'm getting up. You think I'm being bed bound anymore your both crazy!" You take a deep breathe before pushing yourself off the bed, wobbling slightly before getting your balance. "Take it easy weirdo! You have been out of it for years, literally!" You chuckle as you concentrate on taking a few steps. "Seriously Y/n don't push it!" You laugh before wobbling again as Nat and Tony jump to steady you. "Okay so I may need some help but I'm walking back into that compound!" You feel them laugh as they sit you back on your bed. "Also, I need some clothes, this robe is fetching but not really my style.."

You see Tony put his head in his hands laughing at you as you look down at your hospital gown. "I don't know, I think you look pretty fit in it." You look over and see Nat give you a wink as you shake your head laughing. "Thanks Romanoff. But seriously, please tell me you brought some of my clothes?" You look as Nat nods. "I did. Just in case. They are in my bag I'll get them for you." You smile in relief as Tony stands and heads to the door. "Okay I'll go fill out this paperwork with Shuri whilst you put some clothes on, I'm sure Natasha will be more than happy to help you!" You see him wink not-so-subtly at Nat as he leaves the room. "So.. What was that about Nat?" You look as her cheeks blush red as she brings your clothes over to your bed. "Just Tony being Tony. Come on, let's get you changed so we can get home." You smile so much it hurts as you look through the pile of clothes she brought you. "Good choice Romanoff." You smirk as she shakes her head at you, "I know what looks good on you weirdo, now do you need some help or can you manage?" You chuckle before replying at her slight shyness. "I may need a hand, I'll let you know." You see her turn away as you start to get ready, but as you are nearly finished, you start to get light headed as you try and put some socks on.

"Nat.." You voice is shaky which makes her jump and turn to you quickly. "You okay?" She rushes to get infront of you before you fall forward. She sits you back on the bed as your legs are still off the side. "Thanks, started to get a little light headed." She shakes her head as she catches her breathe. "Stop scaring me like this, please take it easy. Now give me those socks!" You laugh as you hand her the socks, she kneels down and puts them on your feet, as well as your trainers, tying the laces before passing you your favourite sweater. "Aww you remembered!" You see her nod and smile as you put it over your head, struggling to find the neck hole and quickly getting stuck. "Uhoh.." You hear Nat giggle at you getting stuck before you feel her hands pull the sweater down and over your head for you. She helps you stand up as she sorts out the hem at the bottom for you before looking back up, catching your gaze. "Thanks Romanoff.." You see her smile as you stare into her eyes for a few seconds before you both snap out of it. "Now sit back down so I can get changed." You laugh as you sit back down as Nat walks around to the other side of the lab behind you to change, putting on your hoodie she brought with her. You chuckle as she comes back and sits on the chair to put some shoes on, feeling butterflies at the sight of her in your hoodie again or is it just her giving you that giddy feel..? 

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