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"Maa Feli would be very upset if she heard this, it's surely going to turn out very unpleasant"
Oforiwaa worried for the poor girl, at that point, there was nothing they could do about it, she was pretty sure news had already gotten to the old lady about her granddaughter's affair with her very personal servant, the one she loved so much like a son.

"Oh, this is going to be really bad" Oforiwaa paced the length of the living room but stopped abruptly at the voice of the old lady, her heart skipped a beat, not for herself, but the poor girl.

"Ah Maa! You are back from your meeting already" she laughed nervously, the Old Lady only nodded as she took her seat on the sofa, her gaze was dead, angry, and dangerous.

"Yes I am, and what a shock I had when I got information that my very own cook is having an affair with my granddaughter! Ha!"
Something dangerous danced around her eyes, though she feigned amusement, it was clear she was already forming destructive plans.

"I think it's time we told our dear Serene who she is, and put the cook in his rightful place"

"But Nana, are you sure the information is confidential, there could be a mix-up or something, let us not jump to a conclusion just like that" Oforiwaa suggested.

Just then, the man of the house stepped in and his wife rushed to his side, her long dress flowing around her.

"My husband, you are back. Please talk to your old lady"
The man frowned, wondering what could have possibly gone wrong yet again.

"What is it again Nana?" Asked the man with furrowed brows, as he went to take a seat, a servant quickly helped him take off his suit, he slumped into the seat adjacent to the old lady, one hand vigorously trying to undo the knot of his tie, he waited for his mother to talk.

Dramatically, the old lady clapped her hands and cleared her throat loudly, her wrinkled eyes fell on her son as she spoke to him.

"I think you should ask your wife here, I'm in no mood to talk" came her response, she shifted so she was facing the other side, and though her ears were inclined towards their very move, she listened on as Oforiwaa explained to him.

"You shouldn't take sides in this Maa, you know how Emily can get sometimes, she could be telling a lie, who knows?"

The old lady took in a sharp breath, and so did the other two, though theirs was of fear and not of anger, she stood up slowly as she turned to watch them.

"Emily says the truth and we all know that. My say is final, I am visiting my granddaughter, she has to know who she is and what we have planned for her" 

She looked at the both of them, waiting for one of them to speak. Oforiwaa looked away avoiding the woman's heated gaze.

"Haba! Must you be difficult always? Leave this girl alone, her parents just passed away, let her love who she wants to..."

"... And bring shame to this family?! Do you even hear yourself son! Oh, you want her to follow in your footsteps, just like you brought this... this" the old lady paused, disgust mixing with anger in her eyes as she sized Oforiwaa up, the latter shifted uncomfortably and her husband stood up to her rescue.

"Erh this is not about us, don't change the topic, Nana, I'm in no mood to argue with you on this. Do whatever you want but don't bring my marriage into this, I wash my hands off it! and you should know that girl took after you, so she won't go down without a fight"   with that said, Kay stormed out of the hall his wife following right behind him.


Back on campus, Serene sat with people she could call friends as they talked heartily and laughed, it was already dark outside and other students had already settled in their respective rooms, others still lingered around, while a few too had evening lectures, nevertheless, everything was peaceful... or so it seemed.

"Who is that pretty boy you were with?"
Serene's eyes shot up and she looked at Zara hardly blinking.

What was she to say?

Her new lover, for that, was what they were, the memories of what had happened two nights ago made her stomach flutter and a smile stretched on her face without her noticing.

"Oh... He's your boyfriend huh?" Olive shifted closer to her, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"Yes I guess" her voice was low as she spoke, Olive and Zara made a funny sound as they shifted closer to her, too close that their breath fanned against her skin.

"Leave the girl alone" Ezlynn spoke up.

The girls insisted Serene told them about how things led to them becoming a couple, and Serene explained to them reluctantly, though her stomach still fluttered and a giddy feeling swirled in. Behind the three girls, Ezlynn listened quietly as Serene told them about her and the boy named Ivan.
She suddenly spoke up making the other girls turn to look at her.

"You both might get yourself into trouble... Serene, you of all people should know that your family will never approve of your relationship with that boy. What did you say he his again? A servant! In your mansion! Ha! Just be careful"
Ezlynn wondered how a girl almost her age could be so naive, it almost made her upset and frustrated, even her ever-loving father wouldn't approve if she were in Serene's shoes.
She knew how it worked, how their family worked, the rich were more connected than people knew, and oh the extent they'd go just to keep their family in line. Seeing as Serene is from one of the most affluent families, she doubted the girl's love affair would last.

"There's nothing they can do about it"
Came Serene's nonchalant reply much to her surprise.

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