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Oh I wanna rise to the fight, to the fight
Yeah I'm gonna thaw through the ice, through the ice
Yeah I'm gonna love you in spite, oh, in spite of it all

Sia-sing for my life

The arrival of the old lady on campus wasn't the only thing that caused a buzz in the university, there was yet another surprise for the students and even the staff of the school.

The news like wildfire didn't just end in the four corners of the school, it spread on social media, and it was on the tongue of most people, especially those who loved spicy gossip about the affluent in the country.

What matter did the Hudson-Odois have with the Addoos?

Was it a coincidence or something was going on?

Oh! How about the affair between the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Addoo Jnr and the gold-digging servant in their mansion?

What a shame!

Some people said.

Nevertheless, Serene walked with confidence and grace, her chin high in the air and her face void of the panic that was starting to rise in her chest, the silence that stretched between them (Serene and the old lady) was quite deafening, it stretched even more, even the birds didn't chirp their morning songs, it seemed like nature itself was quiet, awaiting the storm that was slowly coming.

After a short while, which seemed like an eternity on Serene's side, they finally got to the designated room where the meeting would be held.

A few hours ago, the old lady had come knocking on her hostel room door, she barely spared Serene a glance when she said
  "there's a meeting you need to attend, follow me", and began walking away, Serene rushed out of the room thanking the heavens that she had already prepared for the day, there's no need to change, she had thought before rushing to catch up with the old lady.

Then, it became clear to Serene that the Old Lady was upset, probably towards her and the reason being the affair she had with Ivan, though she didn't say it out loud.

In the small office, a man with grey hair and a lanky form abruptly stood up from his seat, a broad smile appeared on his face as he approached the old lady and Serene.

"Welcome Mrs. Addoo, it is a pleasure to have you here"
The old lady only nodded, whilst Serene smiled at the man before taking her seat far from the Old Lady.

The door opened again and a man with all grey hair and a potbelly entered the room, his tall form loomed before them and his hardened gaze with furrowed thick brows which were also greying landed on the old lady before shifting to Serene, a crooked smile appeared on his face, making his already dark eyes darker, as he limped slowly towards them with the support of a walking cane, a dangerous aura about the man-made Serene gulp visibly, she laced her fingers together, her gaze never leaving the man, Serene knew without a word, that the man wasn't someone to be easily messed with.

"Ah! Felicia my old, old friend, long time no see" he shifted his cane to his left hand just as the old lady stood up and gave him a hug, a loud chuckle resounded in the room as the old man hugged her too, they rocked from side to side for a bit before parting, the man's attention then shifted to Serene, she sat up straighter and the corner of her lips twitched as a form of a smile.

"Have you lost your manners, Grace?"
Came the old lady's harsh words, Serene turned to the old lady, her eyes a bit wide from surprise and embarrassment, she wished at that moment that she could leave the room, that she could ignore the old lady and the man she had no idea who he was, after all, she had no idea what the meeting was all about and how it needed her presence.

She stood up though, stretching her hand towards the man, who gladly took it.

"Such a beautiful woman you have grown into"

Serene didn't know how to respond to what he had said, she only allowed the corners of her lips to stretch more, the man sat down opposite her, and Serene sat down too, her mind drifting away from the room to Ivan, then to the previous night, she hoped the meeting would end soon so she could hide in her bed.

Right then, the door opened again and the man they had met at the office when they arrived entered, and then came in another younger man, who was all too familiar to Serene.

"You" Her surprise was palpable as her eyes followed every move of the young man, King looked back at her, though not with surprise, he looked at her with a blank face, his stiff body sat beside her and Serene turned to look at him properly.

Was it about her recent academic performance?

"Since you know King, then you probably know who I am by now" the man spoke up.

Serene looked at him, and then it dawned on her that, the man who was sitting in front of her was King's father, but it still didn't explain why her presence was needed in the room.

"You are his father" she simply said, looking between the two.

"Good observation. Now let's get to the reason why we are here" 

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