★Twenty- Five★

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Serene was in her room that morning as usual, her friends still hadn't left and they sat together as the talked.

"What would happen after your engagement? Will you go stay with King?"
Zara asked Serene.

"No. I won't, I'll continue going to school. Nothing is even going to change, except from me wearing a stupid ring everywhere I go" Serene answered Zara.

The girls fell silent for a while, before Olive broke the silence.

"You might want to start getting involved in you father's company. What do you people call it again? Ah empire! I think you should start getting involved, learn about things, because that man, Mr Odoi, he can't be trusted"

Serene told her she understood and that she was planning on doing that.

Ezlynn had her laptop out and she called the girls over to where she sat on the floor, a part that was rugged. They rushed to her side, cuddling together as Ezlynn clicked on a button and a movie begun to play.

They all turned to the door when it burst open and Cassandra entered, she looked out of breath and was panting as she took slow steps further into the room.

"Cassandra why are you panting ? Is something wrong?" Serene asked her, she got up from where she and went to hold the girl.

"I ran up the stairs. Yes. Something is wrong, very wrong and you all have to see"


Serene's  heart dropped and her head spun as she opened her mouth widely gasping for air, her chest rose and fell and her eyes burned with tears, she could not watch the image on the television screen for long, her eyes shut tightly but the image stayed in her head, it terrified her, the image of Ivan's body lying in the middle of a busy road, his body twisted in the most horrifying angle, with blood around him.

Then Serene screamed, she screamed in horror and fear, panic took over her senses as she thought of the worst thing that could happen. Beside her was Olive and Ezlynn, the two tried to comfort her even though their own cheeks were stained with tears.
Cassandra held Flora as the girl cried too, the sound of Serene's painful screams making their heart drop.

The Old Lady sat unfazed, she tapped her fingers on the arm rest. Oforiwaa and her husband sat together, both of them hugging each other. Emily was no where to be seen.
"Serene please calm down" Oforiwaa tried to say, but her voice came out quivering, her husband wrapped his arm around her body tighter in order to comfort her.
Suddenly, Serene stood up from were she had had dropped to the ground, her eyes bloodshot and angry, she turned to the Old Lady and pointed a shaky finger at her.

"This is all your fault!" She yelled at the Old Lady, Oforiwaa shot up from where she sat going to hold Serene back, the girl tried to free herself, twisting and shaking her body out of Oforiwaa's strong hold, but failed, she threw her arms and legs angrily, as she yelled at  her grandmother.

The Old Lady rose from her where she sat a look of shock on her face.

"How is it my fault? If he had been much careful and didn't ride that stupid bike carelessly would he have died?!"
The Old Lady retaliated, her voice raising as she spoke. This was not what she had wanted, she dropped to her seat again, clasping her hands together tightly.
All she wanted was for her granddaughter to marry the right man, she didn't want all the hard work her husband had done to go down the drain, just because of some childish love affair. She believed there was more to life than fallen in love, she had to keep the family's legacy going, their empire must expand, and what best way could that happen than to partner with one of the greatest company in the country.

Everything was going as planned until her stupid granddaughter decided to fall for some low class trash, a gold digger she believed he was, and though she had been furious with him, she hadn't wished for him to die, for she had also taken him as someone she cared for a long time ago.

Was it wrong that she had stopped them from being together?

Now that he was dead, Serene blamed her for his death.

Was it her fault?

A memory she had locked up deep deep at the back  of her head resurfaced, like a scene in movie, the memory rushed back inside her head, playing over and over again, and she couldn't stop it as it begun playing all over again, this time slowly.

Her past, her younger self, what people didn't know, was that she had had a life similar to Ivan's, and that was why she had cared for him so much, because Ivan reminded her of her younger self.

She had also loved someone, and that person had been taken away from her. She knew what Serene felt, she understood how she was feeling.

She was like Ivan when she was younger, kind hearted and smart. She had had big ambitions and was deeply in love.
Then there was no love again, her heart turned to stone and she got herself immersed in money and fame, she got obsessed with power to the extent that she became heartless and horrible.

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