Chapter 1: Unexpected Guest

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It was November 1983, leaves crunched as a pair of bare feet walked on them. A little twelve year old girl walking in a forest lost and confused, she was walking on what seemed a road when she heard something make a loud screech.

"Get out of the road little boy!" A voice screamed

Blinded by the headlights, placing her arm over her face, the girl heard as the driver got out of the car, she noticed it was an older boy who had fluffy brown hair and brown eyes.

"Are you alright?" He asked

The girl nodded, the boy examined her buzzcut and her hospital gown.

"Are you cold?" He asked

The girl nodded and shivered a bit, he opened the car door for her, hesitating she got in, watching as the boy turned on the heater. The girl noticed as some noise started to be heard too and looked around causing the boy to chuckle.

"It's music" He smiled

"Music?" She asked, her voice was barely above a whisper

"Yeah, music. Have you ever heard music before?" He asked

She shook her head, leaving the boy very confused.

"Well, this song is called Girls On Film and it's by Duran Duran" He chuckled

The girl listened closely to the beat and melody

"I'm going to take you to my house so that you can call your parents okay?" He said

The girl didn't know who to call

"My name is Steve by the way" He added

The girl looked at him, she showed her the tattoo she had
The boy was in shock, he assumed she was from the weird lab nearby. They had finally arrived at his house.

"Okay, you can stay here if you want" Steve offered

The girl shyly accepted, the boy gave her a hoodie and pair of sweatpants for her to borrow, along with some sneakers and boxers. He lead her up to the guest bedroom and left her to change. After changing she headed downstairs where the boy was.

"Let's give you a name" Steve suggested

The girl sat down on the coach in front of the boy that was sitting on the coffee table.

"How about Joe?" He asked

"Girl" She said

Indicating she was a girl and not a boy like Steve had assumed

"Oh sorry" He laughed, he examined her thinking of a name

"How about.." He thought

He looked around until he spotted a picture of his younger sister when she was barely born.

"Daphne?" He asked

"Daphne" the girl nodded

The next day, Steve had school and didn't know where to keep Daphne.

"Let's do this, there's a dictionary there on the table, you look at a new word each day while I'm at school then when I come back we can go over it, deal?" Steve offered

The girl nodded, she didn't know what a deal was but didn't want to ask. She watched as Steve drove off to school, she looked around the house better and found the dictionary. One day she noticed Steve come home all beat up.

"What happened?" Daphne asked

Steve wouldn't lie, she expanded her vocabulary ever so slightly.

"I got in a fight and this guy named Jonathan punched me" Steve explained

"What's a punch?" Daphne questioned

"When you hit someone in the face" Steve answered

He punched the air to demonstrate, Daphne raised her fists and swung a punch hitting Steve, making him groan in pain.

"Sorry" She mumbled

The boy started laughing, she went to grab the first aid kit to clean the boy.

"He's am asshole" He complained

"It's okay" She smiled

Steve noticed how the girl looked a bit like him, once the girl finished cleaning him up, he decided to take her to the store and buy some things for her.

"Alright, we need to send some public rules, you look bald sorta so we'll say you have cancer or something so they won't suspect anything okay?" He explained

The girl nodded, they stepped inside. Daphne ran towards what seemed the last box of fruit snacks when another woman snatched it before her.

"Oops sorry" The woman giggled

Daphne glared at her
"Give me box" She spoke

The woman handed her the box, Daphne rapidly wiped her bloody nose and went back with Steve. After the store they headed back to the house where Steve was looking through his dad's files.

"who is she?" Daphne asked

Steve turned around and saw the girl pointing to a picture, he looked closer and saw it was a baby girl.

"That's my sister, she went missing and we still haven't found her all these years. My mom gave birth to her but after they said the baby died but turned out she was stolen by some psycho" Steve explained

"You can find her" She assured

"I hope, for now I have another little sister to take care of" Steve smiled

Daphne smiled back, a small sincere smile. The two never knew their bond would experience a turn of events.

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