Chapter 8: Snowflakes

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"All you need is to roll a four and you win, that's impossible though" Will said

Daphne threw the dice, the girl wore a lavender turtleneck, mom jeans, and black sneakers.

"Four!" She cheered

"Good job!" Will smiled

A month had gone by since the whole fiasco, Daphne was properly introduced to Will, he taught her how to play D&D, that day was the day of the snowball.

"Are you going to the snowball sweetie?" Joyce asked

"Nope" Daphne replied

"How come?" Will asked

Daphne shrugged and continued to munch on her fruit snacks. A while later, there was a knock on the door, Daphne opened it.

"Come on, let's go" Steve motioned

Daphne hugged Jonathan, Joyce and Will goodbye, she got into Steve's car and drove to a familiar house.

"You stay here, I'll go get him" Steve said

Daphne nodded

Steve knocked on the door to the Henderson's house. The two got into the car, Daphne examined Dustin's hair. Daphne had a camera with her, she held it up and pointed it at Dustin.

"Say cheese" She giggled

The boy turned around all confused when she hit the button, blinding the boy with the flash, Daphne giggled and Steve laughed. They arrived at the school.

"Remember, once you get in there" Steve began

"Act like you don't care" Dustin finished

Dustin checked himself in the mirror

"Now. You're gonna go in there" Steve begins

"Yeah" Dustin replied

"Look like a million bucks" Steve added

"Yeah!" Dustin said, gaining confidence

"And you're gonna slay em dead" Steve added

"Like a lion" Dustin said, making a purring noise afterwards, Daphne was weirded out

"Don't do that okay?" Steve requested

"Good luck" Daphne smiled

Dustin got out of the car, he turned back noticing Daphne wasn't getting out of the car.

"Aren't you going to come too?" Dustin asked

"Nope" Daphne replied

"Why not? Don't you want to go?" Dustin asked

"I'm okay, go have fun" Daphne smiled

Dustin walked in, Steve drove off and headed back home.

"Where's Daphne?" Mike asks

"She isn't coming" Dustin replied

"Did you not ask her to be your date?" Mike asked

"No, I couldn't" Dustin sighed

Meanwhile, Daphne and Steve we're setting up the Christmas decorations.

"Do you know what love is?" Steve asked

"Love? No" Daphne answered

Steve smiled to himself, he assumed Daphne started crushing on Will.

"Well, love is when you care someone a lot more than yourself. Obviously you need to actually mean it since it isn't something you should mess around with, you have to tell the truth when you say it" Steve explained

"Did you love Nancy?" Daphne asked

"Yeah, a lot. Seeing her happy now is all that matters, sometimes when you see someone you love end up with someone else then you just have to accept it" Steve added

"How do I know if I love someone?" Daphne asked

"You would do anything for them, it's like how you would act if they were family but you see them more than just family. You want them in your life forever. Do you love someone?" Steve asked

Daphne smiled at shrugged

"What do you say when you love someone?" She asked

"You say three simple yet meaningful words 'I love you' if they say it back it means they do too but if they don't then you should move on. I'm not saying you need to say it to every person you like, say it to the one you feel most drawn to" Steve explained

Before they could continue talking, the phone rang, Daphne got it assuming it was Steve's parents. Daphne had met them and talked to them, they told her she looked a lot like someone they knew and were okay with her staying with Steve.

"Hello?" Daphne answered

"Daphne? Can you put Steve on the phone please" Dustin asked

Daphne called Steve, she went to finish hanging her stocking when Steve grabbed his keys.

"Come on, we're going somewhere" He smiled

They drove to the snowball where Mike and Eleven were waiting outside for them. Daphne ran to hug Eleven.

"Follow me" Eleven said

Daphne looked back at Steve, who nodded at her. The couple took her inside, Daphne looked at all the streamers and decorations and was left mesmerized.

"Pretty" Daphne said

Dustin came up to Daphne, she caught Nancy looking at them as if Dustin went to her for advice.

"Come on, let's dance" Dustin smiled

He extended his hand out to her which she took and smiled.

'You would do anything for them'

The two danced to the song that was playing, staring into each other's eyes, Daphne made Dustin feel complete. After a while, the two said bye to everyone they knew, Will asked Daphne to go over the next day to play D&D which she said yes to, Steve drove to Dustin's house to drop him off. The next day, Daphne went over to the Byers' to play with Will. She wore a blue turtleneck with mom jeans and her sneakers.

"The striker strikes again!" Will cheered

Will and Daphne had gotten quiet close to the point where everyone thought they were dating and had D&D dates. They all carried on with their lives hoping everything would be normal again. Were they right?

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