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"Fuck you, Erwin." Levi whispered. He got up slowly, head hanging low. He didn't look up as he left. Just walked straight past him and dragged the door open, kicking it shut on the other side.
Barely two steps from the room, Levi broke down. Slumped onto his knees. He held his head between his hands. Something in Erwin's words had reached inside of him, ripping out whatever Levi had left, leaving him empty and helpless on the other side of the door. His chest rose and fell but his breaths were by no means regular. More tears trickled gently down from his eyes and then further still through his fingers, sliding down his arms and hitting the ground in a quiet spatter. They picked up color as they ran through the blood on Levi's hands, tracing the red down his arms in faint streams. Why was there always so much blood? Every single action seemed to result in blood. Every mission. Every fight.

Levi's chest rose faster, his heartbeat increasing.

So many deaths. Everyone always died.

His eyes were losing focus. He looked around, trying to steady himself, turning his gaze down to his hands. His fingers tingled. As did his toes. Was it the wounds? Were his hands numbing from blood loss?

It's the blood again. It's always the blood.

Levi hunched forwards, the pressure in his chest increasing; the pain unbearable. He placed a hand on the wall to steady himself. His breaths wouldn't come. Levi couldn't breathe.

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