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This story is not intended to promote or encourage actions/behaviors such as suicide, self-harm, abuse, violence, or substance abuse.

Izuku Todoroki

As Izuku arrived at his home without his husband to accompany him and provide subtle indications of reassurance, he exhaled steadily before unlocking the front door. Almost instantaneously, Rina dashed towards her only father, and Izuku's heart sunk as Rina's expression shattered from Shoto's absence. Meanwhile, Yuujin and Kirusuke ambled towards Izuku from the living room.

"Dad's still lost?" Rina queried, but Izuku felt like his heart would break after hearing her question.

Izuku sniffled as he bent down to his kids' levels. "Y-Your dad...passed away." The sorrow surrounding his heart refused to subside, and again, it became a paroxysm of pain in his chest.

Silent tears leaked from Rina's shriveled eyes. Kirusuke stared at Izuku in denial, and Yuujin's brows simply arched. Yet, no one spoke a word.

Oh, God, Izuku sobbed to himself as he attempted to force himself to speak again. I don't know if I can do this. It hurts... Yuujin hardly looks scathed by the fact that...his own dad isn't alive. I have to tell them. But how? How do I tell my kids that my husband and their dad committed suicide? This is too cruel. I can't do this. But I have to...

"He..." Izuku shakily began while sinking into a dither from his mind's defense mechanisms imploring him not to speak the truth. "H-He took...his own life." His eyes scrunched closed as tears poured from his eyes once again; he thought that he had already voided himself of his tears for the night.

Manifest stupefaction and arrant sorrow saturated Rina's mien as she embraced Izuku and began to quietly sob into his jacket. "Why? Why... Why did he... He... Why?"

Yuujin's gaze was pinned to the wall, but with balled fists, he scoffed, "Because he probably felt guilty for being the monster that he was when he was alive." His jaundiced reaction plunged a serrated knife through Izuku's temple as nails of apoplectic perturbation were hammered into his chest. "Did he think killing himself would be a good apology for everything he—"

"Didn't we make him feel like...he was a monster?" Rina hoarsely replied while lifting her head from Izuku's chest to breathe.

Kirusuke trembled as he shook his head as though spellbound in a trance. "I-It doesn't matter if that's not really Dad," he said as if to reassure himself that his own dad was not the same as the person that took their own life. "Like, Dad's not the kinda guy that'd do that to us, right?" Yet, it sounded as though even Kirusuke was struggling to believe his own false hope.

"It doesn't matter if we did, Rina," Yuujin retorted, but his voice modulation fluctuated into attaining a certain softness to it. "I'm glad he'll never be able to hurt us again. Papa, how many times did he hit you? Too many. Wh—"

With a face flooding with diamond rivers, Izuku impetuously huffed, "You don't know who your dad really is. Yuujin, you only seem to see the negatives in him. You don't know what happened to him. Your dad...was abused by his own father for years. Not just having his cheek struck, or a few, long seconds of being strangled. Imagine if your dad punched you to the floor until you couldn't get up. That was his childhood. Being trained for the military and beaten for a myriad of reasons..." He paused for a moment. "It wasn't just him. His father beat his mother. Your dad watched his parents fight every day...until his mom committed suicide. She killed herself in front of your dad when he wasn't even your guys' age. And...h-he tried to take his life that day as well. That's why he wanted to give you guys memorable childhoods—he didn't get that at all. He was fighting depression for a long time, but no matter what, we always came first to him."

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