VIII. Chocolates, Brooms, Hexes

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Hermione's POV

I was here at Hogsmeade with the famous womanizer in town, none other than, Draco Malfoy. As we take our path towards the sweetshop, I can see people gazing at us and whispering to each other just like the scene in the Great Hall this morning. They're gazes were different, others looked happy, and the others looked as if they'll kill me. I avoided the gazes and entered the Honeydukes'. I can see all the sweets that were sold and I'm craving for it. From the lots of chocolates, to the candies full of sugar, jellies and many other sweets. I also noticed girls inside the shop looking at Drake, whisper, laugh, blush, and making their faces cute. I rolled my eyes.

"I wanna get over this Drake!" I said and I'm starting to get angry and I don't know why.

"Alright. Calm down! I'll just get some chocolate frogs and balls for us, I'll also browse other sweets, meet me at the counter in 10 minutes." Draco said while looking around the confectionary. His gray eyes were searching for the chocolate section. I went to the beans section and got Bertie Bott's Flavoured Beans. After getting some and put it in the basket, I went to the sugar quills and got some also. I put it in the basket and went to the jellies and gummies section. I always love gummies. I got some and also put it in the basket. I think it's enough for us for the whole week. I went back to the counter after 10 minutes of browsing. My eyes widened on the scene before me, Draco holding two bloody baskets full of sweets.

"Hey! What the hell was that? That's plenty for us just for a week." I said losing my patience. The girls a little while ago just made my mood really bad and I hate it.

"Hermione, I just want all of this. I miss eating dozens of chocolates and sweets." Draco said childishly as if he was only three. I can't help but to say yes.

"Alright.. " I said and sighed in defeat.

"Thanks 'Mione! I know from the very start that you'll give up. You can't resist my charm after all." He said with his famous Malfoy smirk.

"Uh. . In your dreams Drake! It's our turn now." I said trying to change the topic. After punching and calculating all the sweets.

"48 galleons sir." said the saleslady to Draco and making cute face.

"Here." I said handing her bags of galleons.

"No. I'll pay for it. Here Miss." Draco said and handing the saleslady a bag of galleons. I just sighed. I can see the saleslady hiding her smile and blushed lightly. I just rolled my eyes and got the bag of sweets. I want to get out of this shop as soon as possible. I walked quickly to get out of the shop and as soon as I got out I ran and stayed in the side for a while. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hermione?" Draco said as if he was catching his breath. I turned around to face him.

"What?" I said with the tone of anger.

"What's the problem 'Mione?" he asked and I can see the concern clouding on his stormy grey eyes.

"Nothing. The girls inside were just very annoying. Their ogling on you! duh." I said and rolled my eyes again. That girls just made my blood boil. Oh? by the way, why am I like this? I really freaking hate this feeling. What the bloody hell is happening to me? Then I saw Draco starting to smirk and his smirk got wider and wider.

"Hey! Why are you smirking like that?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows. I'm like this and the only thing he'll do was to smirk on me.

"You look like an old wife being jealous, you look like very jealous. . . or Are you jealous?" He said and turned his smirk into a genuine smile.

"No! Absolutely not!"

"That's what you said Mione! I hope that that's the truth." He said teasingly.

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