Author's Note

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Okay. So this is my time to shine bright like a diadem.

1. First of all, I want to say thankyou to all my gorgeous, handsome, beautiful and sexy followers/fans and readers for supporting my first bloody book. Thankyou because you kept on reading it even if some chapters were boring like History of Magic with Professor Binns. Thank you because you're voting the chapters that you liked. Thankyou for commenting your reactions and reviews about this bloody story, it inspires me even more and I'm learning. Thankyou for making this story happen because I don't know what to do if I'm already freaking out if there were only few readers. I might just go to the pitch and let the bludgers hit me on the head. Again, thanks to my fans or followers, it's better if it was called friends because you truly are good nice friends! =))

2. Sorry. Sorry for the grammatical errors. Sorry for the boring chapters. Sorry if I'm slow when it comes to updates but not as slow as Nagini. Sorry for the no replies, I'm just too busy studying for O.W.L.S. Psssh. HAHA. Sorry for all that I offended if I did. Sorry, sorry, sorry from the tip of my wand and from the bottom of my feet. Lol. Of my heart.

3. I hope you continue to be my fan/follower/reader/FRIEND. I wish you'll read my future stories like a bookworm, even if it's fan fiction or not. I hope and I would really love if I'll have a nice chat with each and every wizard, ofcourse that was all of you.

4. I'm very greatful that I have friends like you so let's cheers! *drinks buttebeer!* and would like to give you tons of chocolate frogs.

5. BAD NEWS: This is the end of Hermione Malfoy?!

6. Yup! I have an upcoming story. My 2nd story was entitled "Elusive Justice". Dramione again.

So I guess goodbye for now.

Remember this three:

a. I love you all.

b. Eat chocolate frogs to keep you alive.

c. Drink amortentia then look at Filch.

Don't dare to ignore that, my father would hear about this. Haha! *insert evil laugh*

Yours truly, forever and ever and ever 'til the dementors become white and 'til You-know-who gains a nose.

lttlmssknwtll xoxo ~


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