XXVII. Ring at Eiffel Tower

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Hermione's POV

Sunday, it was our last day here in Paris, France. The opening of Pansy's hair parlour and Lavender's dress shop on wizarding Paris were finished and successful. French wizards, especially the ladies kept on visiting it. Yesterday, I dropped by the 'Hermione' branch in muggle Paris and it was going well too. I looked at my muggle wrist watch seeing it was already six in the evening. We're currently staying in a hotel near the branches, just one room for girls and another for boys.

"Hey, 'Mione? Aren't you getting up or what?" Lavender asked, slightly annoyed based on the tone of her voice. I was still laying down on my bed, feeling tired because we went shopping this morning.

"Don't mind her. She's just mourning because until now she and Draco were not talking to each other like dumb stupid gits." Pansy uttered, putting her black pumps. Yes, I'm not talking to him up to now and vice versa. I don't want to talk to him unless he apologized on what happened a week ago because it was all his fault. I just ignored her and continued face planting in the pillow.

"Okay. I don't care. Well, girls, let's go. I won't miss our dinner at the top of the EIFFEL TOWER." stated Ginny that knocked me off of my little own world. I nearly fell off the bed. I got to my feet and hurried to my cabinet to get my clothes.

"Told yah. I made her stand up." told Ginny wearing her infamous smirk.

"Wear formal huh." Pansy ordered while gazing on her phone and grinning.

"Okay, and Gin, I won't really miss it for the world." I retorted and let out a chuckle. I got a venus-cut midnight blue dress with diamonds and sapphire.

"I'm done. Let's go?" Lavender screeched.I don't know if she said that to annoy me or to make me panic what so ever. They're effin' mocking me.

"Hey! Just wait for me!" I screamed in panic that made them laugh. I headed straight to the bathroom and took a quick shower before getting to my clothes. I left the bathroom while drying my dirty blonde hair.

"Wow. You're gorgeous." Ginny commended my outfit. She was wearing a black off-shoulder dress with red pumps.

"Just what I told yah. She's not ready at all." said Pansy sarcastically. I just rolled my eyes and giggled. She's wearing a maroon tube cocktail dress and white pumps.

"Whatever Pansy. I'm a girl scout when I was a kid for you to know." I muttered oblivious to the fact that they don't know what a scout is.

"Uh, scout?"

"Girl Scout?"

"What's a scout?" They all reacted.

"'em sorry It's a muggle thing. Kind of club when you're going to muggle public schools. It was like being an army and being disciplined and everything." I explained while putting my silver pumps and they just nod.

"We should go now girls. Ron texted me, they're on the lobby now." Lavender exclaimed smiling because of excitedness, obviously. She's wearing a purple fitted backless dress and a white sandals.

"In a hurry Lavender, are we?" Pansy, letting out a comment full of sarcasm.

"She was just over acting." Ginny uttered while putting light lipstick.

"Just excited Gin." Lavender retorted and grinned, pacing back and forth.

"Stop your non sense chat guys. Can we go now?" I asked.

"Ofcourse. Let's go!" Ginny roared. We got out of the hotel room 1175 and headed to the glass elevator. Just minutes, we found ourselves walking to the lobby of the hotel. There sat on the comfy couches of the lobby were Ron, Harry and Blaise. We went near them.

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