XXIV. One of a kind Fiancé

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Hermione's POV

I was here at my office on the fifth floor checking on the latest reports about 'Hermione'. It was almost bankrupt but mom and dad don't want to sell any of the seventy branches. I'm doing everything to fix this problem. After all, I don't want to be a bride of a man I don't really love. I'm looking on every way possible just to save the company from bankruptcy but everytime I was near the solution, a problem will spring. I had no sleep. It was already five in the morning but I'm still awake drinking gallons of coffee. Ofcourse, I don't want to go to the dinner later. I need to find a solution. I've got to. I remembered Ginny. I promised that I'll go with her today at Hogsmeade for shopping. I need to tell her that I can't come. I accioed a parchment before writing.

Dear Ginny,

Hey. Goodmorning. I'm sorry if I can't make it today. Mom and dad were having problems about our company and I need to fix it or else. . Nevermind. I'll just tell you when time comes. I'm really sorry. I hope that you'll understand my situation.

Sincerely Yours,


I went to Bella and tied the parchment on her feet.

"Ginevra Weasley, Burrow." I said and Bella already flew. I went back to my office, reviewing the designs but it was still fresh and new to everyone. I was even looking for a wrong about the financial documents but there wasn't wrong. I can't take it anymore. I'm so sleepy. I can't control it anymore. I just drifted into unconsciousness leaving the documents in front of me.


I woke up because of a tap on the window. I opened my eyes and the sun shone so brightly. I looked at the clock seeing it was already two in the afternoon. I got to my feet and yawned before getting the letter from Ginny's owl.

Dear Hermione,

I'm sorry for the late reply. I forgot to. It was alright if you can't come. Lavender and Pansy's going with me. Just fix your problems there and we have a lot to talk about. I already know that you broke up with Oliver. I won't tell anything 'cause I know that your decisions was for the better. See you tomorrow? or the say after?

Truly yours,

Ginny x

"'Mione! My dear? Are you here?" I heard mom.


"Hey 'Mione. You didn't eat lunch? Are you alright? Here." Mom said while holding a tray of lunch.

"Thankyou mom." I said and sat before eating.

"My dear, The dinner is at six pm later. Please, 'Mione. Act well and dress yourself. You look so wasted." Mom muttered, looking at me.

"ugh. Y-yes mom. As you wish." I answered before sighing.

"Alright. Fix yourself. We're going to fetch you later at five-thirty. Just make yourself beautiful." Mom said and walked out of my office without waiting for my reaction.

What am I going to do? It's almost too late and I can't still find a solution about this. I was just holding what mom said. If I don't want him then I won't marry him. I'll just give it a try. I rested for two hours just laying down on the poolside on the rooftop thinking who's the mysterious people behind the M Line. Just after thinking and reminiscing about my life after graduating from Hogwarts two years ago, I got to my feet and headed to my walk-in wardrobe. My gaze was always caught by the special part of my wardrobe, it was the part where all of my clothes were emerald green. That color meant so much to me. I picked a dress before going to the bathroom and took a shower. After that I wore the dress. I put a charm on my hair to be dry and arranged it in soft curls. I put some makeup and match my dress with black pumps and purse.

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