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Coulson's group

May, Coulson, and other SHIELD agents take down Hydra agents on the way to the portal room

Coulson: "There it is, Fitz-Simmons you got what it takes to shut this down?"

Fitz: "Yes i was able to replicate a device to the vibrations Daisy used to destroy the original Obelisk."

Coulson: "Good so she doesn't have to come down here."

on comms
Daisy: "I should still be there if anything goes wrong."

Coulson: "No need putting yourself at risk again. I know it was painful to destroy that thing to the point you were bleeding. All Fitz-Simmons has to do is blow this thing up and get out of here."

Ward: "That's not gonna happen"

Ward and Gideon Malick, the leaders of Hydra walk in. They grab Fitz and Simmons while Coulson and May try to fight back.

Simmons: "stop what do you want from us?"

Malick: "our team's going to need a guide through the portal going in and coming back out. and since you Jemma Simmons are the only one who has ever returned, you're the perfect candidate."

Simmons: "WHAT? NO. I will not be going back there. Especially with that- that thing."

Fitz: "wait what? what thing Jemma?"

Simmons: "a demon."

Coulson: "there's a demon that lives there. and we have to destroy the portal and make sure it never comes here."

May: "Why would you be trying to open the portal then with a monster like that?"

Ward: "Oh we are opening the portal for the monster like that. And who better to lead us through than the women who has seen it." He looks over to Simmons


Ward: "Well one of you are gonna have to go through the portal with us. We'll give you time to decide, in the meantime lock them up" He points to Coulson and May.

They bring Fitz and Simmons as well to decide who is going in

Simmons: "Fitz I'm not going to let you go down there."

Fitz: "well i'm not going to let you go back down there. you're recovering from the last time and i know how to navigate my way around like you showed me."

Simmons: "just promise you'll be careful."

Fitz: "I will, but if i come back with that thing, that monster. Shoot it."

Coulson, May, and Jemma agree

Hopefully we won't have any more problems, Mack's team is already notified to come back here after finding the Inhumans.


(Bobbi/Hunter and Mack/Y&N's team)

On comms
Bobbi: "No sign of them yet. Coulson's ordered us to come back to the castle once we're finished"

Y/N: "Everything alright?"

Bobbi: "Probably not, but they said they're got the situation handled."

Mack runs inside a tent while you follow. He shines a flashlight towards some boxes.

Mack: "Bingo" *on comms* "I found the Inhumans"

Bobbi and Hunter: "on our way to your location now"

Y/N: I walk over to Mack and look at them suspended in the gel "are they hurt?"

Mack: "no, hopefully not. this gel was made to suspend them. not to harm them."

Two Hydra agents walk by seeing you two in the tent

Hydra agent: "hey what are you two doing here?"

They start to attack as other agents rush in as well.

Y/N: "Bobbi, Hunter Location??" I hear icer shots as agents fall to the ground

Bobbi: lowering her weapon "here."

You four rush to get the Inhumans out of the gel and into the Quinjet.

Once everyone is safe you four and a handful of other agents head to the castle.

Agent Y/N of SHIELD & the Avengers Where stories live. Discover now