Welcome Home

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Khaleda, Jessi and Nadia were freaking out that there was only one day left before their boys come home. As soon as Shefaly left for work the girls decide to make welcome home signs. Getting creative with their sign making and making a mess in the process, the girls finish and realize that Shefaly was back from work and that they had spent all day working on their signs.

"When I left, you guys were making signs. I come back home and you guys are still making signs. Oh yeah, I ain't cleaning this shit up either." Shefaly said before having a hissy fit and storming off to her room. "Well damn, someone's been taking their bitchie pills." Khaleda replied while Nadia and Jessi are still shocked due to Shefaly's out burst.

The rest of the evening went as usual chit chat, food and then early bed time for Khaleda and Jessi as they have to be up at 5:00am to make their way to the airport to meet Niall and Harry. Trying not to piss off Shefaly further the girls and Nadia call it a night and head off to bed, leaving Shefaly all alone in the living room watching a documentary on tadpoles. (...okay?)

Harry's POV

I can't wait to go home and finally see Jessi after all this time apart, I love touring and singing to all our amazing fans but it's hard when your number one fan is back home waiting for you. But just to know that I'm only a few hours away from seeing her is killing me.

With all of this on my mind I walk into our dressing room, with a water bottle in hand, it's funny how I seem to always be carring a water bottle, hahaha. As I look up from my water bottle, I notice that Niall was nervously looking at his watch, I walk over and slump myself on the couch next to him and say "just a few more hours mate" he looks over and says "I know... I just really wanna go home and see Khaly again" seeing Niall upset like this was breaking my heart but I knew too well what he's going through so I patted him on the back and decided to change the subject. "Jessi sent me a text." Niall rolls down his sleeves looking confused "she did? What did it say?" I pull out my phone and read Jessi's text to again "basically she asked if I could find someone to hook Shefaly up with." Niall being intrigued questions "like a blind date?" "yes Niall, like a blind date" shaking my head I slid my phone back into my front pocket.

Meanwhile Louis over hears their conversation from outside their dressing room, and knocks over the water machine. "OH SHIT!"


"JESUS CHRIST! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!" Niall and I say in union, shock evident on our face, we run out of our dressing room to find Louis standing drenched in water which has now covered most of the hallway floor. We stare at Louis with blank expressions "what the fuck happened Lou?" I question him. "JIMMY PROTEST!" Louis yells before a crowd begin to form around us. We're all gathered around Louis, while my shoes were soaking wet from the spilt water, fucking great!. He begs me to tell him what Niall and I were talking about. "Come on, please Harry you have to tell everyone PLEASE!!!" Niall looking at me with his puppy dog eyes says "mate, you might as well tell them now" god I hate when he does that. "Okay fine! Can we please at least move somewhere else, my boots are freaking soaked!" we all make our way into our dressing room, I take a deep breath, and proceeded to saying "thank you Louis for gathering us all here after your little um... Incident." "anything for you mate." Louis reply with a cheeky grin. "As I was saying, I received a text form Jessi saying basically if I could find a suitable bachelor for Shefaly." as the news sets in Sandy was observing everyone's reaction to the new information. Zayn was the first to speak up "I'm game" followed by Louis "I'll tap dat" Laim still in confusion by the news says "since when was Shefaly single? No one tell me anything!" Sandy slowly makes his way to the front of the crowd and says "who's Shefaly?" something tells me it's gonna be a long night... I take this moment to explain to everyone who Shefaly is, "Shefaly is Khaleda's sister, she's 22, lives in London... Uh...she's nice." I get interrupted by yelling from the back of the room "IS SHE FIT!?" I can tell by the annoyance in his voice that it was Louis "YOU KNOW EXACTLY HOW SHE LOOKS LIKE, YOU IDIOT!" Louis being the sass queen that he is replys with "ouch, that's mean Harold." and storms out the door, just to return 30 seconds later. "Get ready to mingle, Saturday is a big night!" with my final say, Naill exclaims by saying "RIGHT!" #OhNoNiall I shake my head once again, every time. Paul bursts through the door and yells "GET YOUR ASSES UP AND INTO THE VAN, WE'RE OFF TO THE AIRPORT IN 10 MINUTES!" with that being said, we all grab our bags and head out the door.


Khaleda's POV

Today was the day that Jessi, Nadia and I have been waiting for the anticipation was killing us, just to have our boys home where they belong. (crazy mofo's, right?) As my alarm goes off at 5:00am, I hesitate to press snooze but I don't, instead I groans and shut my alarm off before Jessi busts through my bedroom door screeching "OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! HARRY'S COMING BACK HOME!! CAN YOU HEAR ME SCREAMING?!?" as I covered my ears with my pillow preventing me from hearing Jessi's screaming before I whacked her with it. "IT'S 5:00am IN THE FUCKING MORNING! OF COURSE I CAN HERE YOU, MR'S COLLINS FROM NEXT DOOR CAN PROBABLY HERE YOU!" Jessi shocked by my out burst decideds to slowoly back out of my room... "oh yeah, Jessi" with caution Jessi reply "yes? Khaleda" getting up and jumping up and down on my bed I yelled "OH MY FUCKING GOD NIALL IS COMING HOME TODAY!!!" as the excitement takes over we freak out and start screaming uncontrollably. This then awakens Shefaly whom was unimpressed with the early awakening, yelled "IF YOU GUYS DON'T SHUT THE FUCK UP, I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU ALL! I know how to do it! I watch Crimewatch!" Jessi and I take a seat on my bed, and I whisper "who's rattled her cage??" we both burst into laughter, "I'M FUCKING SERIOUS! I HAVE TO BE UP IN 3 HOURS!" Shefaly yells from her room down the corridor, "shhh Jessi, we shall not laugh." Jessi then covers her face with a pillow and carrys on laughing. "Come on, Jessi let's get ready to go before she murmurs us." Jessi nodding in agreement, starts singing "So let's gooo! Till' we've lost control and we'll stumble through it all. Let's do something new and UNPREDICTABLE!" OMG she's so cheesy sometimes. "Haha! Wrong fandom Jessi." in defence Jessi replys "Hey! I like 5sos too." before hitting me with my own pillow, she skips off to the guest room where she was staying.

As I get changed and remember to pack my things into my bag before heading downstairs to be greeted by Nadia whom is ready and rearing to go. "Morning Khaleda." I return the friendly gesture "Good morning Nadia, all ready to go I see?" Nadia smile and replys "yes, all ready to go. I'm so excited!" being joined by Jessi a few minutes later, leaving at 7:00am with Shefaly still asleep, we head out to the rented mini van and make our way to the airport.

*At the airport*

Listening to 1D non stop for about 3 hours, we finally make it to the airport at 10:00am, with only half an hour left before Niall's and Harry's arrival we head to terminal 3 gate B3. As Jessi and I patiently wait for our boys to land, Nadia takes a seat on the bench and goggles pictures of Luke. (she's kinda weird.. so yeah) Jessi notices a guy in green bennie walking towards us. "HARRY! HARRY! OH MY GOD! I SEE HARRY!" by the time I look up from my phone, Jessi's gone. "Where the hell did Jessi go?" I question Nadia, "umm... Harry, Harry, something Harry and then she ran off" I laugh to myself "I guess Harry's here, hahah." Nadia doesn't respond, too busy perving in Luke. I turn back around to find a pair of bright blue eyes staring back at me, it takes a few moments to realise who I was looking at. I lift up my sign and say "welcome home stranger." Niall laughs and hugs me, "I've missed you so much Khaly." (awe bless) "I've missed you too nialler." as our sweet moment gets disrupted by Nadia's yelling "Let's go! Let's go! Luke's plane just landed." before we head off to terminal 4 gate C4, the boys collect their luggage. Being greeted by Louis, Liam and Zayn I notice someone else too. As my curiosity gets the best of me, I ask Niall "hey Niall, who's that guy over there talking to Harry and Jessi?" Niall looks over to here I was looking and replys "oh that's Sandy. He's here as one of the suitable bachelor's for your sister." as we both start laughing, we make our way to gate C4 to find Nadia and Luke already reunited. After a quick hey and hi to Michael, Calum and Ashton we're all back in the mini van, on our way back to my apartment.

Author's note :


OMG it's been a while since I last updated (so sorry about that) but now it's summer vacation, I plan on updating more often :) whoop whoop.

There are a few new characters in this chapter :

Mr's Collins - neighbour
Sandy - guitarist for 1D

A friendly remember that this is a book on love, lies, decent and betrayal.

Will the person you love be the person who destroys you?

Can Sandy be trusted?

What really happens on Saturday night?

To find out, well you'll just have to wait and see....

#SecretsAndLies #LoveOverLust

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