"It's not what it looks like"

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After making the 3 hour ride back to Khaleda's apartment from the airport, everyone was exhausted and starving. The food at the flat was out and only Shefaly does the food shopping, which ment they had to get takeout. Niall suggests Nandos,"I'm starving!! Khaly can we get some Nandos PLEASE!!" Khaleda giving into Niall's insistent pleading agrees, "okay okay, Niall we'll get some Nandos takeout." Everyone apart from Louis were tired from the long journey, so he decided to make the 15 minute ride to Nandos. Everyone passes their orders on to Louis whom jumps into the car, driving faster then usual as he was in a rush to get back to the apartment. Until he realises blue and red flashing lights behind him from the front mirror, he knew what he had done and it was about to get worse....

Louis POV

I knew that I was in trouble so I patiently wait for the police officer to walk upto my car window, I hear a *tap tap* sound and my heart begins to beat faster. In my nervous state I think to myself, "come on Louis, you can do this! Just smile and if that doesn't work, then the puppy dog eyes should work like a charm." I slowly roll down the windows of the rented mini van to be greeted by a police officer,"Sir, do you know that you were driving past the speed limit? Licence and ID please." I begin to pleaded to the officer, "officer, please I'm so sorry" *puppy dog eyes* as I look up and look into the eyes of the officer, she looks familiar "OMFG! SHEFALY! WHAT!....HOW!....YOU!"
For the first time in my life I'm speechless, I can't comprehend who I'm looking at. Being just as confused as I am, the officer says "Louis Tomlinson?" as normality takes over I reply "yes Mam, the one and only." with a cheeky grin, as Shefaly's expression changes from shock and confusion to what only resembles Niall's face when someone eats his food. Being the first one to break the awkward silence I freak out, "SHEFALY WHEN THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN!?!" gesturing my hand over the police uniform that she was wearing, she was about to speak but I hold my index finger in the air to silence her, "I'm not done, I have more questions... HOW, WHY.....OH MY GOD! I HAVE TO TELL EVERYONE!" just as I pull out my phone to call Zayn to tell him about this huge news, Shefaly grabes ahold of my phone and throws it onto the road. I'm outraged, furious, about to kill that bitch, just as I was about to yell at her, she grabs my shirt and pulls me towards her, "listen up Tomlinson, you tell anyone and I mean anyone that I'm a cop....you'll find your ass in jail for speeding. Go it?" I'm stunded by her actions and don't know how to respond so I nod. She let's go of my shirt, "Good. Now seeing as I feel nice today, I'll let you off the speeding ticket. Have a nice day ;)" she walks back to her police car, I start up the engine and get as far way as I can. I have so many questions but I can't tell anyone, ugh what am I supposed to do? Thinking about what the fuck just happened I realise I'm still driving, "Oh shit!" I nearly crash into a car but swerve out the way just in time. Relief washes over me when I safely make it pass the colliding car, I need to get my head together before something happens. I try and shake my thoughts away as I pull into the parking lot of Nandos, shutting the engine off and get out of the mini van, before I slowly walk up to the entrance of the restaurant.

After waiting for about 45 minutes for our orders to be ready, I'm finally on my way back to Khaleda's apartment. I wind down the windows of the mini van to allow the cooling breeze of the summer air to wash over my nervous state due to Shefaly's earlier actions, I'm still pretty shaken up. (poor Lou) As I turn the corner on to Fifth Avenue and cruise down the street, I notice a pale blue Mini Cooper parked in the driveway right outside of Khaleda's apartment..."SHE'S BACK!" I practically yell to myself, what am I going to do? I think to myself, being Mr awesome my subconscious kicks in, "okay Louis my boy, you can do this. Just park the car, get the food and act like nothing happened. And if anyone asks, you know nothing. Understand?" "yes. WTF is wrong with me? I'm talking to myself." as I shake my head, I pull up next to Shefaly's car and take a deep breath.

With takeout in one hand, I click the keys with my other to lock the mini van doors and head towards the apartment door. I ring the door bell to be greeted by Khaleda, "Hey look who's finally back! What took you so long Lou?" before I get to answer her Niall dashes over and snatches the takeout bag from my hand, "GOOD LORD, FOOD!" I look to Khaleda who pushes Niall, hahah that's carma. I'm still stood in the door way watching Niall demolish a poor chicken, I feel a warm hand pressed against my back, "well are you going to come in or not?" Khaleda says before she laughs, I clear my throat *cough cough* and walk inside. "so Lou, you never told me why you took so long? I tried calling you but there was no answer." Khaleda says as she closes the door behind me, I'm about to answer her before Shefaly walks downstairs with my phone in her had. "well of course there was no answer, I just found his phone upstairs. You must have left it behind, didn't you Louis?" Shefaly casually says before staring at me, she's doing that freaky eye thing again... I just stand there and awkwardly laugh, "haha.. Of course, I left my phone behind. Silly me, haha." Khaleda buys our lie and makes her way into the kitchen before Niall eats all the food, everyone else is already in there which means im left standing alone with Shefaly. She passes me my phone, I reach out to take it before she grabs my arm, "its not what it looks like, I'll explain everything after dinner. Okay?" I hesitate and find myself speechless again so I just nod, she returns the same gesture before she walks off and disapers into the kitchen.

Author's note :

Hey guys!

Second update! Whoop whoop!!

I will be updating again soon (chapter 6) OMG, right? So let me know what you guys think of the fanfic so far, make sure you vote for Love Over Lust please and share this story!!

Make sure you brace yourself for twists and turns coming up in the next chapter so WATCH THIS SPACE!!!!

#SecretsAndLies #LoveOverLust

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