Chapter 5 (revised 06/07/2023)

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I answered the door. The beta was standing there. "I am to take you to your parents' house to gather items they packed for you. The omegas will take what they and you have packed to your cabin. Come on and follow me. I will let you check that nothing was left before we go to your new place." I followed him to my parents' house.

My pack members stared at me in anger or pity as I walked. If I looked them in the eyes, they turned away. The only one who did not turn was Sally, my best friend since Pre-k. She still looked at me with anger. She was angry that I would give up on our friendship because of what was considered an abomination. We got to my parent's house, and we walked inside. My parents would not look me in the eye. My older brothers and their mates who were there would not look at me. It was like all of a sudden; I had no family and no friends. No one knew what to say to me. I went to my bedroom and sat at my desk. Once again, I was thinking back...

The day I was released from the hospital, I had Beta Zane come to my hospital room, "the doctor said you can leave the hospital today. I am here to take you to see Alpha Brahams. He wants to talk with you."

"Can't I go home and rest in my bed and see him later?"

"No, you need to come see him in his office now. It is our alpha's order."

I follow behind him, and I hear people whispering as I go by. I look straight ahead and pretend I don't listen to what they say.

One voice, "I heard the doctor tell her she was pregnant. Yet won't abort the pup."

"Why would she want a pup who is not her mate?

"Maybe she wasn't raped, and it's her lover's pup."

"With as many scents on her, maybe she is just a slut and doesn't know the father."

Tears started rolling down my face, and I heard Beta Zane growl, "Enough. Get to work instead of spreading gossip." They all scattered.

We continued walking the halls until we came to the Alpha's office. Beta Zane knocked on the door, and the alpha called, "Come in."

I walk in and expect to get scolded for my paper. He knew my views and goals. He did not like being called out on his lack of respect toward she-wolves. However, what he did next surprised me. "Beta Zane, you may leave now." Beta Zane leaves, and Alpha Brahams looks up at me from his desk. "I have gotten daily reports from the doctor about you."

I place my hand on my belly and gasp. "Yes, I know. Before the whole pack knows it is best to eliminate the abomination."

I stand up and shout, "You're too late. It's already hit the rumor mill. No, I won't abort. The moon goddess, for some reason, felt this pup needed me as their mother, and only she can decide if she doesn't want me as a mother."

He growls, "Are you disobeying my order."

I look at his chin. I cannot make direct eye contact. I put my hand over my belly again. I whisper, "Yes, I will not harm my pup. I don't like how it was conceived, but the moon goddess placed it here for a reason."

"You leave me no choice then. I will not kick you out of the pack. That would be not kind to you and the pup. Though you may wish I have. We have a small cabin on the edge of the territory by the Mountain Moon Pack and the Cayenne Pack. I will let their Alphas know we have you moved there just in case you wander into their territory. Our pack will shun you, but once a week, we will drop off supplies. We will have the midwife visit you to check on you. She will be the one bringing you supplies as needed." He stopped talking and added, "No, I will move you up to the empty guest room on my floor for one week. I will have the omegas bring some of your items to you. You can reflect and then will have the final decision."

I look at my alpha in disbelief. "I get attacked and raped. You are punishing me because I carry pups inside me."

The alpha won't look at me but ask, "You have stated pups as plural. How many do you think you're having?"

"I thought I heard two heartbeats, but I have not had an ultrasound."

"I will order the doctor to do one before you are escorted to your room. You realize you are being shunned and will be hard on your wolf. You are failing the pack by not following us leaders."

"But losing my pups will be harder on my wolf and me. It is not fair you punish them and me. It was not me who was failing. It is you who failed to protect. It is you who refuses to train women and pups. My rape proves that we women and pups need training. You shun pack members because you don't want to see or be reminded of your failure."

He growled. His eyes turn black, "get out of my office with those bastards. He then roars, "Beta Zane escort her to the guest room on my floor. Then have the Omegas pack up some of her stuff from her home
and take it to her there. No one is to talk to her. She will be sat at the corner table, and no one is to even look at her at mealtimes. Before taking her there, have the doc do an ultrasound to see how many abominations she has."

I growl back, "They are pups and not abomination Solomon Brahams." Beta Zane burst into the room, grabbed my arm, and pulled me out of the office. He shuts the office door, and we hear a loud crash, and Beta Zane shakes his head, "he has not destroyed his office in several years, and you anger him to that point."

I get to my assigned room after the ultrasound and wait for the omega to gather my items. I then start writing a letter to my parents.

Mom and Dad,

I do not know how you can decide to shun your pup and future grand pups. I think Grandma would be yelling at you two for behaving this way.

I am already feeling a bond with these pups, and that is why, even though I dislike how they were conceived, I cannot get rid of them. When they are born, they will be named after our ancestors.

If you and the pack still won't acknowledge me after their birth, I will seek another pack who will accept me and my pups because I know I have not done anything to be ashamed of except love my pups like you both had loved me before the rape.

It will be you who decides if you want me in your life, but just know it is not just me you lose. You lose watching your first grand pups. Yes, I believe there is more than one since I can detect at least two heartbeats.

Shunning me will mean this pack's loss and another pack's gain.


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