Chapter 20 (revised 06/10/2023)

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Week 18

The following day at 9:00 am, the case continued. Jocelyn was told she would not be needed that day. She stayed home in her pajamas and rested. She still felt emotionally drained from the previous day.


The bailiff called,  "Alpha Solomon Brahams of the Green Valley Pack, you are being called as the first witness today. Please step up the witness stand."

He stood up, walked to the front, and was sworn in. Lycan Cerberus asked, "Alpha Brahams, can you please tell us in your own words about the day of the debate?

"When the debate started, I did not know about the topic. The school had just invited me to attend since one of my pack members' reports had been chosen. When the fourth debater started, I knew one was Jocelyn's. It was about a teacher teaching pups and she-wolves self-defense. She had talked about wanting to teach this topic ever since her best friend had been killed during a rogue's attack. Her friend was visiting family at another pack. I was twelve the day we were notified of that.  She was upset and begged my dad to teach the pups and she-wolves how to fight. My dad said no, it was a male job to protect the pups and she-wolves."

A few people gasped when he stated that. Then started murmuring.  The judge smacked his gavel and yelled, "Quiet in this courtroom, or I will clear it." It got quiet.

Then Alpha Solomon continued,  "She never did give up. She started provoking others into fights to learn how to defend herself that summer. Well, one day, Beta Zane and I were out in the woods running. We came across her crying for her friend.  We felt terrible for her. We spent the rest of that summer teaching an eight-year-old pup how to defend herself.  The agreement was we would teach her if she would stop provoking fights, and she never started a fight after that.  She was a pretty good fighter. "

He stopped talking for a second,  "what I did not know was she was taking college classes to learn more about defensive and offensive fighting when she came to college.  But her studies did not help her on the day she was attacked. I was surprised it did not help her, but once I learned it was the top three groups that attacked her. That explained why she did not win. I know how good she was with defensive fighting. I observed her in the two defensive classes she took at school through a camera the school keeps in their classrooms.  She was going to come home that weekend. We were going to discuss her paper. I was going to start having the she-wolves start training, but much to my dismay, I let my ego get in the way. I got distracted when she was kidnapped and then distracted by her pregnancy. She never knew I was going to do that. We still searched for her when an anonymous letter arrived at the pack house.  It told us where she was. I arrived there and found her chained, naked, and smelling like bleach. One of our wolf enforcers  took over the investigation, but it got turned over to the Lycan later."

Mr. Varnish, "By your admission, she was a troubled youth. She caused fights, and later you taught her to defend. She liked to roll around with boys."

Alpha Solomon growled, "She was not a troubled youth. She was angry about her best friend being killed. We never rolled around. You seem to apply she was into sex. You could smell her innocence until the rape. I am ashamed that I tried to instigate an old rule. She was pregnant from the rape. The old laws state if made pregnant by someone, not her mate, she aborts the pup.  I have learned one thing from her. The reason I feel that the law was made is that a living pup is a proof of how we failed her as a pack.  These pups deserve a chance to live.  She is a fighter, but a fighter for justice. If these accused are found guilty, I will ask for the maximum sentence short of death by this court. Though I do feel they deserve death."

A gasp was heard throughout the court. Even the judge looked stunned, and the defense side all went pale.  Quin whispered to Winn, "What is that sentence."

Alpha Solomon smirked, "They will be made into a eunuch.  They will be stripped of all power.  Force to go through the Werewolf gauntlet.  If they survive that they will be put in the Lycan prison for life. "

Alpha Xavier roared,  "You cannot do that. That would end our family line."

Alpha Solomon looked at him, "Xavier, your family line won't end.  Your corruption will end, but Jocelyn's pups will inherit. They will be raised the proper way."

"You have a member who is a slut and got pregnant. No one will want her. I heard even her mate rejected her."

"You are wrong. She is strong, and I would accept her."

"As though a pack would accept a slut as a Luna. Plus, you only want her to expand your territory."

Alpha Solomon smirked, "At one time, that would have been true, but Alpha Goliath, Alpha Bruno, and I had already signed a paper the day of Jocelyn's surprise shower that we would be willing to be guardians to her pups—giving her control on raising her pups. Then the Lycan would keep the land in a trust. They would work to get the corruption out of the packs and run it. When they graduate, they will become the packs ALPHA, BETAS, and DELTA."

He looked at the judge, "I am done talking to those omegas. I am asking to be excused now."

Mr. Cerebus said, "One more question Alpha Solomon.  Do you feel that Jocelyn was gang raped?"

Alpha Solomon replied, "There was never a doubt in my mind about that. Before I covered her with a blanket, you could see bruises on her arms and legs where she was shackled. These were bruises even on her thighs. Her being captured and raped, I consider my fault. I should have thought some packs wanted to show her they could control her. If I had thought of that, she would have had escorts to and from school. In that way, I feel I failed her as an alpha."

He then got up and walked out of the courtroom. Alpha Goliath and Alpha Bruno followed him to give support to their friend.

Beta Frank growled at Alpha Solomon as he walked by. Before he responded. Alpha Bruno pushed him into the wall. "Listen, Omega- you are already on thin ice. You have lost all rights to her last full moon. Don't act like she is your mate now. You need to control yourself because next time, I won't get in anyone's way if they want to beat the shit out of you."


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