Chapter 34 (revised 06/18/2023)-

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The next morning everyone on the council was present. Elijah stood up and walked to the center. He looked around and saw Mathis sitting in the box with the other witches. "It is nice to see you here today, Mathis. I guess your grandmother is doing better?"

Mathis replied, "She came through her surgery yesterday. She will recover. She still will have to go through rehab, but doctors expect a full recovery from her car accident."

"Great to hear, and welcome to your first in-person meeting. Now as mentioned yesterday, the old council demanded being present today. They represent opposition to Joselyn's protest. They feel the supernatural council should not interfere with wolf laws. They are right now in the secret chambers under guard." Elijah pushes a button, a wall lifts, and another stage appears. Everyone can see Xavier, Alexander, George, Terrance, and Barth sitting on chairs wearing collars with ten Lycan guards standing behind them. The retired members are glaring at all of us.

Elijah looks at Xavier, "You have read the trials. You have also seen the list of laws that the lawyer from each species wants to be reviewed and voted down. When reviewing laws on the subject of mates or whatever each of the other species calls your other half, beloved, etc., the review board came across a total of 48 laws about rapes, abortions, forced mating, shunning, and rejections of mates that are related to this case.

I was unaware that 982 years ago, fairies were on the verge of extinction. They passed a law if a female had not had any babies by age 30, they would be forced into a relationship. Once they had five babies, they could return to the world to look for their sparks. The babies would be raised in the palace orphanage until the age of 20. But between 20-30, they would have to have babies. Then would be released at age 30 to search for their sparks. That this law would only become active again if the fairy population dropped below 10,000.

The goblins have current laws. One of your laws states when a girl goblin turns 18, she goes to a mating ball if she does not find her mate, where she has two years to find them. If not discovered, her leader will force her to mate with the first male to claim her at the ball at the end of the second year. Males can breed at any age unless he is a leaders. Then he must force bond to anyone the elders assign."

Wolves and Lycans had similar laws about shunning or forcing abortions if they did not mate pups. However, 25 years ago, the Lycan overturned that rule, and the wolves voted not to. The overturning of this law has come before the Werewolf Council four times, and today is the fifth time being reviewed by their council but the first-time being reviewed by the supernatural.

The werewolves also have ancient laws that the top three can, upon a she-wolf's 18th birthday, if they have not found a mate, be forced into a relationship by order of their alpha. Then they have a rule that if a female has tested strong that they can be taken into a sexual relationship until they are pregnant with pups. Then the father gets custody of the pup, and the mother has no rights. This is not considered a matter of forced abortions. It is a matter of being able to get more robust packs according to that law which was written 350 years ago.

Goblin has a law that states a male can have sexual relationships with any female they desire once the girl reaches maturity. Which for goblins is between ages 12-15 years old. However, there have been arguments that adulthood doesn't come until age 25 since most women can carry a goblet to full term. In pregnancy before age 25, only 10% reach full term, and at age 25, it jumps to 95% reach full time. Males, if they are the father and don't want to become a father, can beat the girl until a miscarriage occurs.

If we review women's rights in a werewolf society, we need to address all the society's rules.

At this time, I am tabling Jocelyn's objection to specific rules and Xavier's objections. We are going to vote on the laws. Similarities have grouped the 48 directions.

You're asked to vote to keep or abolish each law. Then we can move on to Jacelyn's case. Once you have completed your votes, then you hit enter. Once everyone has submitted their votes, we will get the tallies. Each question will have 40 answers. Jocelyn and the former members may depart while we vote on these laws. You may return tomorrow."  They left for the day.

When they returned the next day, 47 48 laws were abolished.

The only law not abolished but asked to be looked into was...

Women and men cannot seek compensation for past laws when they are abolished or overturned.
17 keep // 3 abstain // 10 abolish // 10 review

Women can be forced into a relationship.
Three keep //three abstain // 36 abolish

A woman gets pregnant, and male forces her to abort
Two keep //one abstain // 37 abolish

If a woman gets pregnant and not by her mate, the father or his family can remove all the mother's rights to raise them.
Three abstain // 37 abolish

A woman is rejected by her mate because of having pups before they met; he can dispose of previous pups if he decides not to leave his mate. (Many cases of children disposed of meant forced into foster care and does not mean killed.)
One abstain // 39 abolish

If the father of the child/children is killed, the father's family takes over raising the children, and the mother loses her right to continue growing them.
Four keep // 36 abolish

Elijah stands and states, "Based on the finding of yesterday's law reviews. There is no reason for Jocelyn to be here. Those laws in question have been abolished. However, I do call for a vote...

1. As a supernatural committee, do we recognize Jocelyn as an Alpha?
2. Do we recognize her pups as future heirs?
3. Should we intervene in her pack business?

Xavier roars, "I will be damned if I let nobody like her take over one of our strong packs. I challenge you for leadership and demand satisfaction immediately. He jumps up and rips off the collars. He jumps and breaks the class enclosure down in front of the council. He shifted into his wolf form. He links to her in a snarl, "Attack or submit."

Hutton jumps down in front of Jocelyn, "Yesterday and every vote related to her case, I have abstained from every vote because of conflict of interest, but I cannot maintain my silence anymore. Her wolf has been hurt by the rejection of her pack and first mate, and she has gone into protection mode. She has even forgiven those who hurt her. She is that sort of she-wolf. Her wolf, because of this, has not been able to recognize that our moon goddess has made us second-chance mates. As her second chance mate, I will defend her."

He shifts into his Lycan shape and snarls at Xavier, "I give you one chance submit or attack."

He growls and turns and runs out. The others rip off their collars, shift and follow Xavier out of the building.

He turned to Jocelyn, "I am sorry you had to discover us being mates this way. I will wait until you and your wolf have healed to ask if you will accept me as your mate. You two will be my second chance, mate." He then turns toward her guards, who had charged in during the commotion, and says, "Protect her." Then he walks out of the council room."


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