Chapter 12 (revised 6/8/2023)

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Six weeks pregnant

Today I was sitting on the porch reading a book for my English class. This will be for the last report I need to be done for the previous semester.

I glanced up and saw Beta Samson and Beta Zane walking toward the house with another guy. My wolf started jumping around. "Knock it off. I am almost done with this book and can finish my last report."

"Did you not see..."

"Yes, I saw, but let me finish the last two pages."

They were stepping on the porch just as I read the last page. I closed the book and set it down on the table beside me. I start to stand up when I get a wonderful smell of chocolate and peanut butter. I look at Zane, "Did you bring me some Reese's cups?"

He looked at me strangely, "was I supposed to?"

"I've been craving them, and I smell chocolate and peanut. " Then I turned and made eye contact with the man I did not know. My wolf screamed, "MATE." I whispered, "mate."

His eyes looked at me, startled, and then his eyes turned black, "why you? I was tracking and turned the names into the council on who attacked you. They were boasting it could not be rape like you claimed when your body responded with many orgasms.

I gasp and whisper, "I was raped. They blindfolded me and strapped me down. They forced themselves on me and stole my virginity. You're my mate. You should believe me."

He growled at me, "I do not have a slut as a mate. I, Beta Frank Falcon on Cayenne Mountain Pack, reject the slut, Jocelyn Sommers from Green Valley Pack." He turns and storms off the porch.

I let out a scream of pain as I felt the bond break. Samson grabs me as I scream. Zane turns into his wolf and attacks Beta Frank. Beta Frank shifts into his wolf, and he throws Zane off his back. He snaps and lands a bite on Zane's side. Zane uses his claws and leaves claw marks down his belly, and flips him loose.

Samson links, "Goliath get here quick with the other alphas before their betas kill each other."

Goliath is sitting in his office with the other two alphas discussing what Frank had reported. He was startled when he heard Samson yelling at him in his link. He stands up and knocks his chair over.

Goliath hears Samson's link, "Doc, get here to Jocelyn's house. You're needed here."

Goliath yells at the other two alphas, "Your betas are fighting, and Jocelyn needs a doctor." He runs out of his office, followed by the other two alphas. They rush outside and shift to their wolves and take off to Jocelyn's house.

They see the two betas fighting and Samson holding a passed-out Jocelyn in her arms. All three alphas shout, "STOP FIGHTING NOW." The two betas stop. Then go into submissive mode.

Goliath saw a few other wolves standing and was watching, "Leave!" They all departed. "Now, what the hell happened?" He shouts at the two betas. Then he turns and walks over to Jocelyn, who Samson is holding. "What happened to her?"

Just then, Doc and a couple of guys with a gurney showed up, he saw the two betas bleeding and started toward them, but Goliath called out, "Doc over here. She's first."

Doc sees who it is and says, "Pregnant she-wolves can faint. She should be ok."

Samson growled and said, "She passed out after that jackass rejected her."

The doc said, "Get her to the hospital fast. We got to ensure the pain doesn't cause her to lose these pups she has been fighting to keep.  Also, call her midwife." The techs get her on a gurney, and Doc quickly takes her to the hospital.

The three Betas start to follow Doc and Goliath growls, "You three over here now. We will go inside her house and calmly sit down. You will explain what happened." he links the doctor, "Keep me informed." They all go over to the door and walk inside. They go into the great room and sit down on the sofas. "Since the offense happened on my territory, I will decide on punishment. Alpha Solomon and Alpha Bruno, you can give input."

Alpha Solomon speaks up. "Now, what led up to the two of you fighting?" No one spoke up. He looked at the other two alphas, "I swear they're acting like young pups."

Alpha Bruno said, "Whatever caused the fight, put an innocent she-wolf in the hospital."

Frank makes a humph sound and scoffs, "Wouldn't say innocent."

Zane grows and starts to stand up. Solomon growls, and Zane sits down with his hand clenched.

Solomon asks Frank, "Did you reject her because of the rape and not being a virgin?"

Frank looked at him and said, "Did you shun her and those bastards inside her for the same reason?"

Solomon growls and takes a step toward him. Bruno and Goliath grab Solomon. Goliath bellows in an alpha tone, "That is enough. I think I see what happened. Frank realized who his mate was. He said a few words and rejected her. She passes out in pain. Samson catches her. Zane attacks Frank because he hurt a member of his pack."

Zane and Frank say nothing. Samson replies, "Great deduction, brother. Now can we go check on Jocelyn?"

Goliath says, "You can go, brother, since you did not attack anyone. You kept her safe." He gets up and leaves. "You two, on the other hand. You both will be collared for 30 days and busted down to omega work. Your Deltas will take over your duties."

Solomon says, "I am calmer. You can let me go." They release him. "You two will also be in charge of elementary school defense training after school hours for the rest of the school year. Once you're done with your omega punishment."

Bruno adds, "You will also be running night patrol perimeter duties during that time. Plus, let's add that we only have pups practice twice a week in my pack. We have him do gear repair the other days. You get Sundays off."

Goliath adds, "At the end of the school year, we will sit down and decide if your punishment should extend out longer."

Bruno adds, "Since my Beta started the fight because of his poor choice of words. I am giving him to your pack for another month of omega work to make amends to both packs. That will be three months of omega work for you."

Samson linked Goliath, "Sir, doc said she would be ok. He did an ultrasound and discovered she will have quadruplets and not triplets."

"I am on my way." He looked at them and said, come with me. '' I have to see this to believe it."


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