Chapter 19 (06/10/2023)

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Week 18

Lawyer Cynthia looked at Lycan Cyrabus and stated, "I do not like what we are about to do. I am doing this under protest."

Lycan Cyrabus replied, "This was your client's idea. I am not sure I like it either. She, however, is a powerful-willed she-wolf. When she arrives, I will ask her again if she is sure she wants to do this."

The phone rings, and Cyrabus answers, "Cyrabus." Then he listens, "send her up." He hangs up the phone, "she is here." A few minutes later, there is a knock on the door. "Enter."

Jocelyn enters, and Cyrabus says, "Hello, Jocelyn. Are you ready for the trial to begin today?"

Jocelyn replies, "I am ready for it to end." She then sits down.

Cyrabus replies, "I empathize with your feelings on this. We will have you be our first witness. Are you sure you want to go into the room and be blindfolded before anyone other than the jury, judge, and lawyers are present."?

She replies, "Yes, then one at a time, have everyone else enter. I don't want anyone else to know. I will be sworn in and, one at a time, have them file in with a bailiff escort. They step in, and I press the button. I will do red to stop. This person is one, and then Green goes ahead and sits in the other courtroom. Red tags will wait for prisoners to be officially escorted in. Once everyone has gone through that courtroom, we get up and officially get moved to the other courtroom. "

"What if you don't tag anyone, tag the wrong person, or miss someone."

"Guess that person is lucky, then. I want to prove to everyone on the jury and the judge I know who did this to me. I have heard people ask how I can identify people by scent only. I need to prove it. What better way to prove it? Is it unconventional? Yes, but I have been told since the beginning of the classroom assignment that started this set of events I do things differently. My different way of doing things can infuriate others. You did manage to get the judge to agree. However, he might have only agreed since he is a wolf. Plus, two jury members are wolves; you told me those would be my biggest obstacles."

"Cynthia, you do have one stubborn client. What she says is true. Suppose she can identify her alleged rapist like this a second time. Plus, the others coming to testify in this case will prove their guilt. Plus, one of the wolves has agreed to testify. He claimed nine wolves were involved, and if she identifies the other two this way. We can prosecute them too. The one testifying claimed he did not take her because he is gay, so he was brought in to guard the door of the warehouse she was found in. He would have been the tenth wolf involved."

There was a knock on the door, and it was opened. One of the bailiffs stuck his head in, "It is time to come." We stood up and followed him."

Jocelyn follows Cynthia, Cerebus, and the bailiff into the courtroom. The bailiff directs Cynthia and Cerebus to sit at a table. She sees a lawyer sitting at the other table. She looks and sees the jury box with 12 juries in it. She considers the judge sitting in his chair. The bailiff taps her arm, and she startles. She looks at him sheepishly and follows him to a chair surrounded by a blind. The bailiff asked, "Can you please state your name for the court."

She replies, "Yes, it is Jocelyn Sommers."

He asked, "Which god or goddess do you worship?"

"The moon goddess, Selene."

He reaches over and grabs a crescent moon, "do you promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth in the name of Selene?"

Jocelyn reaches up and touches the crescent moon, "I do." Then she does a howl to close the pledge. The bailiff sets the moon back where he got it. He picks up and hands her a blindfold to put on when told.

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