Chapter Four

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I woke up to the sound of music playing real loud, and I was laying in Jesse's bed by myself. Nothing had happened between us, I mean, we didn't have sex or anything, we just hung out. He was real cool, nice as hell, he didn't even try to make the moves on me. Anyway, when I woke up all I could hear was this real loud music, so I got out of the bed, and rushed out into the lounge room.

Jesse, Lint, Hayley and Mike were all there, they were really laughing at me when I stumbled in, I guess they were trying to wake me up. Lint turned the music down, and I sat down next to Mike on the couch.

"I just came to check you were alright today, you were pretty upset last night." Mike put his arm around my waist, and I could feel everyone watching me. I didn't remember being upset, but maybe that's why I had been hugging Mike, maybe I was crying. I felt embarrassed as hell.

"I was?" I laughed. "Must have been drunk, I'm fine."

I didn't know if he believed me, but he didn't say anything else to me, and Lint changed the subject anyway. He was laughing about the drive back to their place the night before, he said Hayley and I were getting real rowdy, he said it was hilarious. Even though I was wondering what the hell I had said to Mike, that made me laugh, because I remembered how funny the drive home was.

"You should have seen it, Mike. Hayley was trying to teach Peyton the words to Here We Go Again. They really butchered our song, but it was fuckin' hilarious." Lint was really laughing, and Jesse started talking about it too.

"Man, these two should not be put together. They're out of control. Even when we got back here they were going wild, we had a bottle of tequila sitting in the kitchen, so they tell us to start doing body shots. It was crazy. I've never had such a wild party with so little people."

I was kind of embarrassed about that part, I had forgotten that we had even done that. It killed me though, it was truly hilarious. Jesse and Lint couldn't believe their eyes when Hayley laid across the kitchen table and lifted up her shirt. Lint was getting pretty flirty with her, and Jesse was with me too, but we were all just fooling around, it was nothing serious.

Even when I went to bed with Jesse, like I said before, he never tried to make the moves on me. That's how I knew he was a good guy, I was drunk as hell, and he just laid there and talked with me. We didn't really talk about anything much, just joking around really, but he told me a little bit about Billie Joe, I think he could tell I was sad about him. He said Billie Joe was one of the best guys he had ever met, but he was mean as hell to most girls. He had girlfriends before, but they never lasted long.

Then I told Jesse that I had a crush on Billie Joe, but I trusted him, and I was pretty drunk when I said it, so I wasn't sure if he even took me seriously.

Mike kind of pinched my rib a little bit, and I realised I must have been day dreaming. I smiled at him, and he smiled back, he had a nice smile.

"You okay?" He whispered so only I could hear him, and I nodded.

"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom." I got up quick, because I really did need to use the bathroom, but mainly I just wanted to get away from Mike. It wasn't that I didn't want to hang out with him, I was just worried about what I had been upset about the night before, because I didn't even remember it, all I remembered was hugging him.

When I got out of the bathroom I was about to start walking back toward the lounge room, but Mike was waiting for me in the hall. I knew he wanted to talk to me, because he had this weird look on his face, he looked kind of uneasy or something. I can't really explain it, but I could tell he wanted to talk. I was kind of worried about what he was gonna say, so I stood there and stared at him with this twisting feeling in my gut. I didn't even know if I wanted to hear what he was about to say, if it was gonna be embarrassing I would have rather not even known.

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