Chapter One

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"Peyton." Greg's annoying voice came from down the hall. "Your mom wants you to go to school today, she wants you out of the house."

Greg was my mom's latest boyfriend and he was a real pain in my ass. He was always in my business, like he thought he was going to become my stepdad or something. But he was a moron if he thought I was about to act like we were family or something. My mom had new boyfriends all the damn time, and if I had any hopes of some chump becoming my dad, I'd be the dumbest person alive.

Sure, I felt bad for the guy, because my mom was likely gonna cause all kinds of hell for him, but it's hard to feel sympathy for anyone willingly being in my mom's life. If I had a choice, I'd be at the opposite end of the earth.

I pulled a cigarette out of my pocket that I had stolen from Greg earlier, and put it in my mouth. My mom didn't care if I smoked, because I wasn't exactly a prime concern in her life. She was conceited as hell, and most of the time I thought she was just plain evil.

Anyone would probably think I'm being melodramatic, but if you met the woman who gave birth to me, you'd agree. I was only five years old when I had decided she was a terrible person. She left me home alone for an entire night, and I was scared as hell. I guess I thought something bad had happened to her. When she got home I was actually relieved to see her, but she was all kinds of messed up and she started screaming at me. I didn't really yell back or anything, because I was a quiet kind of kid, but she locked me in my room that day. She said she couldn't stand the sound of my voice, for God's sake. So I decided right then and there, that I wouldn't care if she didn't come back the next time she went missing in the night.

So, because my mom was an idiot like that, I didn't go to school much. I kind of just skipped class all the time and hung around the neighbourhood to get out of the house. I figured the teachers called my mom to tell her I was missing school and all, but she didn't care enough to do anything about it.

When I lit my cigarette up, I grabbed my backpack and headed out of the house. I heard Greg yell good-bye to me, but I didn't bother responding.

I wasn't sure why I decided to go to school, I guess I must have been really bored or something. It wasn't that great spending the day by myself anyway, especially when I had no money. Some times Greg would give me a couple bucks and I'd go to the mall, but this day, I had nothing but time.

When I got to school the halls were empty, because I was late as hell. My teachers never really cared when I was late, I guess they were used to it or something. I kind of walked slow to class, because I wasn't in a rush to get there. My first class was English, I didn't mind that much. I hadn't read a book in years, but writing wasn't so bad. Most of the time I had a lot to say, so I could write for hours once I got started. I even wrote in a journal at home when I was bored, which was most of the time on account of my mom never letting me watch her TV or anything. Anyway, English class beat the hell out of Math. I really didn't understand any of that shapes and numbers crap. Not that any of it mattered, I knew I wouldn't graduate.

When I got to my English class I noticed a boy sitting out in the hall. My damn heart started beating out of my chest at the sight of him, on account of him being the love of my life and all. He didn't know it though, I'd never even spoken to him.

I didn't really know why I liked him, he wasn't attractive in the usual sense of the word. His hair was bleached a gross yellow colour, and he usually smelled of tobacco or pot. His eyes were green as hell, and even though his teeth were really crooked, his smile was nice. He had the type of smile that made other people smile, like he could light up the whole room.

I liked his name too — Billie Joe Armstrong. It was nice, a weird kind of a name, it sounded like his mom was into country music or something, but nice.

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