Chapter Ten

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The next two weeks went by slow as hell, because I decided to stay in class for the most part. I was real scared that Principal Harris would change his mind and make me repeat junior year. I decided I'd probably just drop out of school if that happened but I kind of wanted to keep going to school with Billie Joe and Mike just for something to do.

I didn't really do any work or anything but I tried hard as hell not to argue with any teachers, which was the hardest damn thing I've ever done in my life because every teacher had it out for me and all.

I got to math class in third period and got to sit with Mike, since we were in the same math class. Even though I truly hated math I decided it wasn't so bad now that I was friends with Mike. I thought maybe the reason I always hated school so much was because I didn't have any friends to sit with.

The teacher was a real moron though, he talked real slow like he was going to fall asleep from the sound of his own voice. It was near the end of the year too so he kept talking about how we should consider applying for extra math classes the next year, which made me laugh like hell because I'd rather sit through an extra art class with Ms Harper yelling at me than take another math class.

Mike wasn't listening to the teacher, he was leaning on his elbow with his head in his hand, staring out the window like he was day dreaming about something real interesting. He didn't even notice me watching him for God's sakes. I got the idea to bump his elbow to knock him out of it, but I bumped him a little too hard and knocked his elbow right off the table and he almost smacked his face on the damn table.

He looked real shocked when he threw his head back up to look at me. That killed me. I had to laugh silently on account of I didn't want the teacher to get mad at me or anything, so I had my hand over my mouth and my eyes were sort of watering like I was crying.

Then Mike started laughing too but he wasn't so good at laughing quietly because he was such a goofball, and the next thing I knew we were both laughing our asses off.

The teacher yelled at us to knock it off, but that kind of made me laugh even more. Then the old guy just stood there with his hands on his hips watching us until we stopped laughing. He didn't tell us off or anything after that so I figured he couldn't really be bothered to deal with us, because he started rambling on about senior math courses again.

"Damnit Peyton." Mike whispered to me with a real big smile. "You scared the hell out of me."


I liked it when Mike was smiling because he always smiled with his whole face, like he was always so damn happy. That always made me smile too, so I was just sitting there smiling at him for a while.

He was watching me real close, and I wanted to know what he was thinking so I opened my eyes wide as hell to be dramatic and whispered, "what?"

That made him laugh a little and he poked me in the shoulder and said, "stop being a dork."

"No." I whispered back just for the hell of it, and Mike shook his head and laughed again.

I thought maybe I should stop making him laugh because I didn't want to get into trouble or anything, and I really needed to ask him what he was doing later on. Jesse had told me to invite the guys over to his house because it was Friday night and all, so he said he would get us some drinks.

Hayley was going to be there so I knew Tre would be desperate to go because he was fuckin' head over heels for her. Not to mention I wanted to hang out with Billie Joe.

I asked him, "what are you doing later?" and I looked down at my math book to pretend I was doing some work in case the teacher started getting mad.

"Hanging out with you." He answered, but he wasn't even pretending he wasn't talking to me or anything, he was staring right at me.

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