Chapter Eight

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On Thursday morning I was sitting in the kitchen at Jesse and Lint's place drinking a damn coffee with Jesse. I never drank coffee but he offered it to me so I thought I'd try it just for the hell of it. It didn't taste too bad but he put about four spoonfuls of sugar in there, for God's sake. That was a real laugh.

I had drank half the cup when I started to feel like I was buzzing, I thought maybe caffeine didn't mix too well with my brain because I felt like bouncing off the walls or something.

"So you're going to Bill's place after school?" Jesse asked. "You don't need me to pick you up or anything?"

I shook my head. "Nah I'm just gonna go with Mike. I'll be back here after dinner I guess because Billie Joe's mom wouldn't want me to hang around too long on a school night or anything."

Jesse smiled at that from behind his mug of coffee and he was watching me real close for some reason. I started to think about how Hayley had said he liked me, and maybe for a second I thought she could have been right because he was always watching me like that. Like he always looked so damn adoring when he looked at me. Which was weird as hell because I didn't really think a guy like Jesse could like a piece of shit like me.

But then again I didn't know if I really believed it or not, on account of I slept in his bed and all again the night before and he didn't make any type of move on me. Which I was glad about because I didn't want to hook up with Jesse. He wasn't a bad guy or anything and he was damn good looking, and I thought maybe I would like him if I didn't like Billie Joe so damn much. I kind of thought I wouldn't like anyone ever again because all I could think about was that moron.

"Why don't you go get ready for school and I'll make you something to eat?" Jesse said and I almost laughed because I was so damn happy about it. I don't think anyone had ever made me breakfast before. My idea of breakfast had been eating Cheerios straight from the box for as long as I could remember.

I thanked Jesse then went to the bathroom to fix my hair. I had showered the night before so I didn't need to do too much to get ready. My hair was always a mess and even though I kind of liked it, I was worried Billie Joe wouldn't like it so I found a comb sitting on the edge of the sink and started combing all the knots out. It took about 20 minutes and I put some eyeliner on.

Then Jesse was yelling for me to come and eat. I couldn't believe it when I walked into the kitchen because he had made me some damn bacon and scrambled eggs. The fact that he knew how to cook seemed weird as hell to me because I'd never tried to cook anything in my whole life.

"Thanks." I smiled real big when I sat at the table across from him. "This is nice as hell Jesse, really. No one's ever made breakfast for me before."

I stared at him for a minute and his eyes were kind of sparkling in a way. Like he was real pleased about me thanking him. That killed me. Like he was genuinely happy that I was happy.

"You want some more coffee?" He asked and before I could say no he was filling up my cup again and throwing sugar in there like a nutcase.

I didn't mind so much, because the coffee really wasn't that bad but I knew I'd regret drinking it since I was already hyperactive without having any caffeine or anything. Sitting in school all day when I'm feeling like that would be a damn nightmare, but I drank the coffee anyway because Jesse gave it to me.

When we finished breakfast Jesse took me to school in Lint's car. Lint was still asleep and all but he didn't mind Jesse driving his car whenever he wanted because they were real good pals.

Some punk music I didn't recognise was playing on the stereo but Jesse didn't play it so loud like Billie Joe because he wasn't so damn obnoxious. He chatted to me all the way there and it was real nice. Jesse was an easy kind of guy to have a chat with.

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