Chapter Eleven

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When I woke up I felt so sick that I thought I might die, so I crawled out of bed and got in the shower. My whole body hurt like hell and my stomach felt like it was in knots. I didn't know if that was because of the alcohol or because I felt anxious about what had happened the night before.

My first thought when I woke up was that Billie Joe might not wanna talk to me again for some reason. He seemed real mad and then there was the moment where he got all sad about me leaving him behind or whatever he was trying to say. I wasn't particularly good at reading people or anything but I got the feeling Billie Joe had a hard time letting anyone into his life. I was pretty sure he wanted to be my friend though, so I guessed that was why he kept trying to push me away or whatever he was doing. It was hard to tell because the guy was nuts.

When I got out of the shower I pulled all of my hair out of my face into a pony tail, which I never did but I felt so irritated that I couldn't even stand the feeling of my damn hair on my face. It took me a while to wash all the black off my eyes and I didn't bother putting any makeup on, because I felt so sick and all. It was a warm day so I just wore one of Jesse's shirts as a dress and threw on my shoes without any socks.

Jesse and Lint were still in bed, and Tre was asleep on the floor in the living room next to Hayley. That killed me. I really hoped they had hooked up or something, because they'd make a real good couple.

I thought about going back to bed but I couldn't stop thinking about Billie Joe. It was only 6am and I knew he'd still be asleep but I really wanted to see him to make sure he wasn't mad at me. I guess I could have just called him, but I didn't like talking on the phone so much, and I didn't wanna wake his mom up by calling, so I decided to go over to his place.

When I got there I decided not to knock on the door, considering his mom had been working night shift and all, so I got the stupid idea to throw rocks at Billie Joe's bedroom window. I felt like a real moron because I didn't know if he'd even wanna see me. But when he pulled the curtains back and saw me there he smiled. That made me grin like an idiot.

When he came down and opened the front door he didn't say anything. He just held the door open for me to come in. I followed him upstairs to his room, and when we got inside he shut the damn door. I felt nervous as hell all of a sudden being alone in his room with him again, but he just climbed into his bed again like it didn't even bother him that I was there.

At first he closed his eyes like he was going back to sleep, and I just stood there looking at him. I felt kind of bad for waking him up, and I didn't really know what to do with myself. Then he opened his eyes and frowned at me.

"Why're you just standing there? Get in bed, asshole."

My heart started beating real fast when he said that, and I felt like walking the hell out of his house. I wanted to get in his bed more than anything but I was scared out of my damn mind. I didn't have much time to think about it though because Billie Joe groaned "hurry up."

I kicked my shoes off real quick and Billie Joe lifted the covers up for me when I got in. His bed was warm and smelled like laundry detergent, it was real nice. It sounds stupid to say but it made me feel kind of sad, because I thought about how his mom probably washed his covers for him and made his bed. Then it made me think of how I had to learn to use the washing machine at the laundromat when I was 7 because my mom made me do the laundry for her. It was nice though, the smell of Billie Joe's covers.

My eyes were focused on the ceiling but I could feel Billie Joe staring at me. He was always staring at me like that, but it still made me nervous as hell every time.

"You look nice today." He said while kind of yawning.

I didn't know what he meant by that because I wasn't wearing any makeup and my hair was in a pony tail and all. I usually looked different when I was around him so I got the idea that he didn't like the way I usually looked or something.

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