Warrior Cats

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The unrealistic colors. Imagine how much variety there could have been if Erin knew cat genetics, patterns and colours. So much wasted potential :(

The unrealistic kittens. Why are they called kits, anyways? That's usually for foxes and rabbits. Anyway, 1 week old kittens cannot jump around let alone walk or crawl(Looking at you, Tallstar's Revenge). Also, why do their eyes open at 2 weeks? And why do they immediately open? Their eyes can open as early as 5 days. And opening is gradual (Looking at you, Bluestar's Prophecy). 2 weeks is maximum amount of time. 2 and 3 week old kits cannot move fast. So much unrealism... I could go on and on...

Cats don't yowl when they give birth. They stay quiet or they mew gently. Feral cats CANNOT meow or yowl when having kittens because that goes completely against their instinct - just like how feral cats don't cry when they're injured. Sure, some cats do indeed yowl, but for the majority they only yowl if the kitten is stuck or something.

Why the hell do kits become apprentices when they're 6 months old?  In real life, kittens start training how to hunt when they are 4-6 weeks old. What the hell do they do before they become apprentices? And they are usually fully weaned by 12 weeks, sometimes younger. Any older than that is just for comfort (Looking at you, Goosefeather's Curse or whatever it was called).

Don't come at me with the "iT's fIcTiOn!1!1" bullshit. It's not a valid excuse. Might as well make the cats humans.

Anyways, rant over. Tell me the things that frustrate you the most! Another thing that annoys me is that medicine cats can't love or have kittens, but that rule does open up to a lot of drama.

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