Chapter 5

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After you agreed to move in with Bucky and become a full time artist, everything started to move incredibly fast. The dinner went well, you worked out the details of your contract with Sam and Nat who didn't seem surprised that this was happening.

You left your job almost overnight, only giving them two weeks' notice. They easily found a new breakfast attendant and you even trained your replacement. You emptied your locker, returned your name tag and your master key, and went on your merry way.

Now you were on your way to Bucky's apartment, a suitcase full of clothes between your legs and another full of administrative papers, beauty products and whatnot between Natasha's legs. She had insisted on coming with you to help you get settled. You didn't own furniture or anything that required her help so you figured she just wanted to make sure Bucky was treating you right.

He had already transferred your monthly allowance to your bank account, which prompted your bank to call you. They wanted to know where the 5 thousand dollars came from and you told them it was a gift. "If your friend's looking for new friends give them my number, yeah?" the man on the phone told you.

The rocking motion of the train had a soothing effect on you, almost lulling you to sleep. You let your head fall against the window and played one of your favourite game –people watching.

There was a man reading a newspaper, standing with his feet apart as if the cart was one giant skateboard. A woman was putting on makeup, another was playing a game on her phone. The woman sitting next to you was wrestling with her toddler who wanted to snatch your scarf. It was a quiet day.

"Are we going to talk about it?" Natasha asked, her face as cold as stone.

"'Bout what?" you replied in a sleepy voice.

"About your crush on James."

"I don't have a crush on Bucky."

As soon as the words passed your lips, a tiny, sticky hand landed on your jaw, making a wet slapping sound. You blinked hard, your eyes trained on Natasha who was now openly smiling at the toddler next to you.

"See? Even the baby knows you're a liar," she said, singing the last word.

You turned your head to look at the baby and saw him put his fist in his mouth, his eyes bright and wide. With a happy squeal he launched himself at you again, smacking you in the face. The mother apologized and held her child against her chest, softly admonishing him to stop throwing himself at strangers. You felt that. He spent the rest of the ride looking at you.

"So, really, you're going to move in with a man you have a massive crush on, and we're not even going to talk about it," she pressed on.

You huffed, wiping baby goo from your cheek with your sleeve. "You're like a dog with a bone."

"And you're the bone."

You got off the train and walked to Bucky's apartment, your suitcase rolling behind you. Natasha was silent next to you, something that almost never happened. You counted your steps in your head, waiting for her to speak.

"You didn't have to move out of my apartment."

22 steps. That's how long Natasha managed to stay quiet for. "Of course, I had to. I'm not going to do Brooklyn-Chelsea every day."

When Bucky had offered his guest bedroom, your first reaction had been to politely refuse. Bucky seemed like a nice guy, but what if he had a glass cage in his basement? What if he trapped you there and commissioned paintings to you? Psycho killer, qu'est ce que c'est.

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