Chapter 11

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(Little bit of non-explicit sex if it gets to steamy for you skip to the * )

Bucky moved behind the kitchen counter when he heard the door close. You and your guests were in the hallway where you took their coats and asked them to remove their shoes. He took a deep breath to calm himself. He had to stay calm, you depended on him tonight.

"It smells nice in here. What did y-"

Bucky straightened himself up and tried to keep a casual, friendly smile on his face as he came face-to-face with Okoye. He had seen enough pictures of your siblings to recognize them.

She looked surprised to find someone else there. He raised his hand and waved, and she frowned at him in confusion. The rest of the guests stopped short when they saw him waving like a dork. You pushed through them and came to his side.

"Guys, this is my friend, Bucky," you said. "He's the one who invited you."

"Thanks for the invite. I hope you like wine," Scott said, extending his hand as he walked over to Bucky.

"I sure do."

Then he shook Wanda and Okoye's hands, telling them how good it was to finally meet them. Your sisters introduced him to their partners, W'Kabi and Edwin who preferred to be called 'Viz'.

You led them to the living room while Bucky prepared the drinks. W'Kabi decided to stay behind and help Bucky carry the drinks to the living room. He praised Bucky for having such a nice home.

The conversation seemed to flow easily between your siblings, though as Bucky arrived with your drink, he couldn't help but notice that you were not participating. You took the glass from his hand, smiled then went back to staring at the coffee table. He sat next to you and rubbed soothing strokes on your arm before he reached for his drink.

Okoye was telling everyone that she had decided to return to New York after King T'Chaka's passing. His son carried the mantle of the Black Panther, surrounding himself with his father's Dora Milaje, but Okoye wanted to live closer to her own family.

She was a Dora Milaje, loyal to her king, but she was also a sister, loyal to her family. She felt like there were no good choices, and it ate away at her until her king found a solution to her problem. His little sister, Shuri, was starting her own business in the United States and needed her own bodyguards. Okoye accepted and W'Kabi followed her.

Scott didn't share much. He showed everyone pictures of his little girl, Cassie, and said he was now working at Baskin-Robbins.

Wanda was evasive about her life and whereabouts. She told everyone that she'd been backpacking across Europe and met Viz, a wealthy businessman, on a beautiful sunny day in Berlin. They'd been attached at the hip ever since.

"And of course, you're all invited to the wedding," Wanda said while Okoye admired the ring. "It's going to be a small wedding. I just need my family."

"Excuse-me," you said, standing up abruptly. "I think something's burning."

Bucky watched you disappear into the kitchen. He glanced at the group again, no one was paying attention so he followed you into the kitchen.

He found you leaning back against the counter, your arms crossed over your chest, staring into nothing. He walked over to you and pulled you into a one-armed hug that you accepted with a pleased sigh.

"I don't think I can do this," you said, your voice muffled against his shirt.

"Is it a code 'flamingo'?"

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