Chapter 8

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Bucky's cab pulled over to the curb in front of his building. He tugged on the lapels of his coat, pulling it tighter around him, and braced himself for the blast of cold air waiting for him on the other side. He hated the cold, hated winter. It reminded him of the day he lost his arm, alone on that godforsaken mountain until Steve found him. But he could deal with the cold if it meant he'd find you on the other side of that door.

He knew you were home, you had texted him about an hour ago telling him that you had a surprise for him. It had made him smile. He'd hurried home, desperate to see you even though he'd seen you that morning.

He had it bad.

He'd been restless since the gala, unable to sleep without dreaming of you, your velvet dress in a heap on his bedroom floor, your scent lingering on his bed sheets. He would wake up bathed in sweat, on the edge of coming.

He would deal with it with an ice cold shower.

Bucky had accepted the fact that his feelings for you weren't as innocent as they once were. He had always thought you were strong, full of life and a little awkward, but lately he'd been wanting to kiss you, touch you, feel your warmth against him.

He wanted it so badly it hurt.

He wouldn't say he loved you. He certainly felt something for you but love was something foreign to him. Sometimes he wondered if his feelings were even real. He'd gone from living an extremely solitary life to spending every single day with you. It could have easily been a product of his loneliness and your soft spoken demeanour.

He had stopped counting the number of times he'd almost kissed you on the lips. The urge was always there, eating away at him, but he always caught himself at the last moment, his lips landing on your forehead, your cheek or your temple instead.

"I'm home," he shouted, closing the door behind him. He bent to untie his shoes and kicked them off while he unzipped his coat. "What's the big surprise? Is it something we can eat?"

He hung his coat next to yours on the hook and walked down the short corridor that led to the kitchen. As he walked, he became suspicious of the silence that hung in the air. Slowly he peeked into the kitchen and found you in the company of someone he thought he'd never see again.


"Not edible, sorry, Buck."

Bucky's face broke out into an instant smile, ear to ear and ecstatic. "Fuckin' hell, Rogers, you look like a yeti."

Steve barked out a laugh as he stepped forward and hugged him. He wrapped both his arms around Bucky, almost lifting him off the ground despite knowing how uncomfortable hugs made him feel. Chuckling, Bucky returned his hug with one arm; the only kind of hug he could give.

"I'm happy to see you." Steve pulled back and held him at arm's length.

Bucky looked over Steve's shoulder at you who were standing behind the kitchen counter, grinning at them. "Is that my surprise?" You nodded. "Ugh, I was kind of hoping for pizza honestly."


"I'm joking, man."

Steve returned to his seat and Bucky followed. You grabbed a mug from the cupboard and fixed Bucky a cup of coffee. He gave you a grateful smile.

"I'm sorry you had to deal with this punk on your own," Bucky told you. "Did he give you a hard time?"

"Nah," you said. "He was pretty sheepish. Also, I almost gave him a heart attack."

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