Chapter 9: change

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Luke's POV:

"Ash they're ghosts." Jalena said to Ashlee. "Really?" Ashlee asked. "Wait who's ghosts?" Eva asked. "Jalena's hologram band. They're not holograms they're ghosts." Ashlee said. "Oh ok. Makes sense. Listen we gotta head to class. We'll see you later." Patty said. Then she, Eva, and Ashlee leave. "You guys have to stop scaring me like that. I'm serious." Jalena said. "Whoa this one's on you. We were already here." I said.

"Are we not gonna talk about what just happened?" Alex asked. "Yeah the whole freaking school saw us. And now Ashlee can see us. It's kinda freaking me out." Reggie said. "It's kinda freaking me out too." Jalena said. "So you can see us. And now people can see us whenever we play music." I said. "Well the good thing is that everyone thought you were holograms and I'm back in the program." She said looking upset.

"Why do you look bummed?" Alex asked. "Yeah you're making this face." I said and me and the boys make sad faces. "Hmph. That is not my face." Jalena said. "It's your face." Reggie said. "And things got weird between me and Mia. She asked about you guys and I couldn't say." Jalena said. "Sweet. Girls are already talking about us." Reggie said. "Stop. I can't tell her about you for the reason I can't tell my dad. She'll think I gone off the deep end." Jalena said.

"Well this dude definitely thinks you've gone off the deep end." Alex said. Then the janitor walks over to Jalena and looks at her like she's crazy. He walks off. "I gotta get back to class." Jalena said and starts walking off. "Later Jalena. Oh tell Ashlee that I'm single." Reggie said. "Oh and that he's dead so they can't have a relationship." Alex said. "Oh no leave that part out." Reggie said and realized that Jalena is gone.

*at the studio* Me and Reggie are sitting on the couch and Alex is pacing back in forth. "I think he's practicing his model strut." Reggie said. "You guys know I don't handle change well. Death that was a change. Becoming ghosts. Another change. And now we can be seen when we play with Jalena. Big freaking change!" Alex said. "Yeah but it was a good change. With Jalena we can play on stage again and be the band we never got to be." I said.

"I'd be down for that." Reggie said. "I say we invite Jalena to join Sunset Curve." I said. "Yeah totally. With a new lead singer this band would be legendary." He said. "Hey! I'm our lead singer." I said. "Yeah but dude that girl has the voice of an angel and she can make us visible. Without her we're just elevator music." He said. "You don't gotta be so mean about it." I said. Alex starts pacing again. 

"And we're on the runway again." I said. "I'm sorry all right. I gotta go clear my head." Alex said and walks to the door. He tries to open it but his hand goes right through the handle. "Dude you're a ghost just poof out." Reggie said. "Don't tell me how to ghost!" Alex said and poofs out.

Jalena's POV:

I walk into the house and sees my dad so I run over and jumps on his back. "Ah Chupacabra attack!" I said. Dad screams and drops the stuff he had in his hands on the floor. He realizes it's just me and laughs. "You know someday you're gonna be too big to do that." He said. "Sorry." I said and gets off his back. I help him pick up the stuff. "What's all this?" I asked. "Just some stuff on other schools with music programs." He said.

"Well You can throw all of that away because I got back in at my school." I said. "Wait wait what? Are you serious?" He asked. "Yep. I put on a show with some ghost -- go-getters and Lessa loved it and let me back in." I said. "Oh my god! I'm so happy for you." He said and hugs me. "Thanks dad. Well I'm gonna go work in the studio." I said. "Ok you rock." He said. I walk out to the studio and hears music playing. Oh great not again.

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