Part 5

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Hey everyone,

I know I am super late to update this chapter but what to do? Had a writer's block then the pandemic and upon that I got married last year. Getting used to with the new life style was a tough task.

While I am extremely sorry for the late update, I am thankful to the people
had been waiting patiently for me.

Those who were worried  about me thank you so much for your concern.

I am very bad at socializing, so please forgive me for not replying to your comments. I'll try to improve myself in the future.

Hopefully next update won't take too much time. Till the enjoy the new chapter.

Happy reading.......

Arnav looked at his sleeping wife. Today was a very exhausting day, with all the drama going on. And cherry on the top was the news of his Di's pregnancy.

Yes Anjali Shyam Jha was pregnant. Her long time wish has been granted by God, but she couldn't enjoy it. How could she when her pati parmeshwar was in jail.

Devyani has volunteer to stay with Anjali for the night and Arnav had brought his wife back to their room, so that she can take the much needed rest.

After all she is also pregnant and need proper care and rest. She is carrying his child. Thinking about it made him both excited and nervous. That's right, Arnav Singh Raizada and being nervous? Shocking right?

But what to do? He is going to be a father. A father. The term itself sends a chill down his spine and brought back all the horrible memories associated with it.

No, it was not the time for get drown in the dark past. He need to think about the bright future. A future with his wife and child. He vowed to protect and love them throughout his life. He will do anything for that. With this new mission in mind he went to sleep, while cuddling his wife.


Next Morning,
Dinning Table,

"Nani, where is Di?", Arnav asked as he sat on his usual sit along with his wife.

"She is in her room. I have asked Hari Prakash to call her for the breakfast", Devyani replied.

"How is she now?"

"Same as yesterday", Devyani sighed. "Hope she realize the truth soon"

"Hmm", Arnav thought for a moment and then said, "Well Nani, I have decided to move out with Khushi"

This statement from Arnav not only left Devyani and Khushi shocked, but also made Anjali stunned who just entered the dinning area.

"What? How can you even think of doing that?" Anjali was furious.

"And why can't I?", replied Arnav in a very calm voice.

"Seriously Chote! You know I'm pregnant and need your care. Already my husband is not with me because of you. And now you also want to leave me alone in this condition. How can you be so selfish?"

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