The school for heroes

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"Why did you call us here dumbledore?" Chiron asked. Chiron, Dumbledore, Amos Kane, Fairy Godmother, and Nick Fury were sitting at camp half bloods ping pong table late at night discussing there plans.
"You all have heroes, correct" Dumbledore asked, a chorus of yeses were  heard. "Why dont we combine all our heroes into one big school?" No one could find anything wrong with the idea so they nodded
"I can give you teachers and two student" Nick offered
"I can give you hundreds of students" Chiron chimed in
"3" said Amos
"Thousands" said fairy godmother
"I can provide hundreds" Dumbledore announced
"Then it's settled, I will ask the gods if they can build the school for us" Chiron told them
"I will send invitation letters" Dumbledore said.  The five dispersed.

The demigods
The next morning campers were screaming about owls in there cabins, and everyone was stalking up to the Athena cabin demanding to know why owls had swooped in their cabins dropping acceptance letters for schools, you can't blame them, it sounds like something the Athena cabin would do. Percy Jackson made his way to the front trying to find his girlfriend. Suddenly he spotted a mass of curly blond hair and ran to it. Turns out it was a random Athena camper. He searched in the crowd of campers looking for his wise girl. Suddenly something grabbed him, he let out a shrill shriek
"Percy" the thing whispered, oh wait,it was  Annabeth
"Did you get the letter to?" He asked
"Yes, now help me, we have to calm down the campers." She explained her plan to Percy and he nodded. He took a deep breath and shouted at the top of his lungs
"Blue cookies in the dining pavilion!" The result was amazing. Thousand of teens were rushing to the pavilion, they all had at least one bite of Percy's famous blue cookies (his mom taught him how to make them)so they knew they had to get the cookies. When Percy and Annabeth arrived at the pavilion they saw hundreds of campers waiting for their snack.
"You explain and I'll make the blue cookies" Percy told Annabeth
"You do know you don't have to make the blue cookies, right?" Annabeth asked him, eyebrow raised
"If I don't, I'll get murdered by angry campers armed with weapons" Percy told her, he then ran away
Annabeth sighed, only her seaweed brain. She stepped in front of the campers and whistled. The shrill sound silenced everyone. "Campers, your promised blue cookies are arriving, for now I am explaining the situation" Annabeth told the them. Everyone nodded .
"Did any of you read the letter that came with the owls" a chorus of no's sounded. Annabeth pinched the bridge of her nose and pulled out her own letter. It was made of gold and silver material and had the words, the school for heroes on it. She took it out of the envelope and started to read.
"Dear Annabeth Chase, you have been invited to the School for Heroes along with your peers. This is mandatory and you cannot back out. We expect to see you here on September 1st no later than 12:00. The school is in Manhattan, a more specific address is below. We hope to see you here
Fairy Godmother
Nick Fury
Amos Kane
There were shouts of outrage when Annabeth was finished reading. She silenced them saying that if Chiron had signed, they would go. So after promising everyone blue cookies, they went to pack for the school.

"No way" Tony Stark said. "No way am I teaching a school for heroes"
"It's required Stark" Fury growled "or you'll be kicked off the team" pretty much everyone was on board after that. Suddenly, Peter Parker burst in with a letter. "What am I going to tell Aunt May about this!?" He gasped. "Just tell her you were invited to a boarding school and your going" Fury said nonchalantly. "Thanks!" He shouted and tan out the door.
"If Parker's going, I'll go" Tony gave in, soon the other Avengers agreed to become teachers at this new school for heroes. Natasha was weapons, Clint was stealth, Tony was mechanics and math, Bruce was science, Thor was powers, and Steve was hand to hand combat. Vision was helping where he could and Wanda was attending as a student.
"What's New York and Manhattan?" Mal questioned
"It's a different world" Fairy Godmother told her
"We're going to school there?" Carlos asked
"Yes child"
"Are their uniforms" Jay asked
"No child" Fairy godmother answered question upon question and finally the V.K s were up to speed, little did they know, a few surprises would be waiting for them.
"But, what about Hogwarts?" Harry asked, he was told he would have to attend a different school for the year, outrageous! (Just so you know, I'm American, so my impression of Harry will be weird)
"Think about it Harry, their are many good sides to this" Hermione tried
"Yeah Mate, we could make more friends" Harry was slightly convinced, but he knew it was required to go to the school, Dumbledore had said so, and Dumbledore was always right. (Takes place after DH but Dumbledore, and Fred are alive) "fine, to the school for heroes" the three went to pack
"A school, really, you know what, whatever" Sadie walked out of the room to pack, soon followed by Carter.
"Well that was easy" Amos said
Percy's POV
"Woah!" I exclaimed, "this place is cool" me, the seven, Nico, and Thalia were admiring the school. It had amazing architecture which was a good thing, and also a bad thing. Annabeth was rambling about the structure a design when Nico cut her off.
"Let's find out our roommates" he suggested. We all went to the office and saw a guy with an eyepatch waiting for us.
"Name?" He asked. We told him out names and he handed us a paper. I tried to read it but the letters just swirled around the page. I was about to ask him if he had a copy in Ancient Greek, cause that's definitely normal,when Chiron entered and gave us translated copies. I was rooming with
Carter Kane (I know him)
Fred Weasley
Leo Valdez (awesome)
I looked at Annabeth's, she was rooming with
Sadie Kane
Hermione Granger
Thalia Grace
Wanda Maximoff
Peter Parker
Jason was with
Piper McLean
Harry Potter
Nico DiAngelo
Frank was with
Hazel was with
Ron Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Ginny Weasley
Cool. We turned the sheet over and saw our schedule. This was mine (I'm only gonna list Percy's)
Hand to hand combat
Nice, I'll probably be good at weapons, stealth, and hand to hand combat, and powers. the rest, well I'll wing it.
I had many powers after being blessed by all the gods for my help on Olympus. (Percy's my favorite, screw me) so I think I'd do pretty good. I'm the best sword fighter in, what, 500 years? So weapons would be nice and Annabeth taught me hand to hand combat, let me just say, it took 3 days and a lot of judo flipping. Stealth would be easy, after being in Tar-that place. I shuddered. Annabeth wrapped her arms around me and I gave her a quick peck on the lips.
"When are the others arriving?" I asked her
"We were the closest, so I would say, maybe.. half an hour."
"Wise girl" I said
"Seaweed Brain" she countered.
"Do you think the others will be demigods?" Thalia asked
"Nope" I replied popping the p
"How do you know?" Thalia asked
"I'm amazhang" I said
Annabeth facepalmed
"I bet you 10 drachmas their demigods" Thalia said
"Fine" we shook hands, she was going down.
Harry Potter
We were all packed and ready, so me, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and Ginny apparate to Manhatten, New York. When we appeared, everyone stared, they should be used to this, right? they are wizards after all. After a few seconds they went back to their normal conversations. Harry studied them, They all were wearing Orange colored shirts that said something like, Camp Half something something. Harry's eyes drifted to a group of nine kids. One had messy black hair and stunning sea green eyes. He was holding hands with a blonde with piercing grey eyes. Two had the same electric blue eyes, but the similarities ended their, one had close cropped blonde hair and the other had spiky black hair cut in a pixie cut. One guy was wearing all black and had shaggy black hair and onyx black eyes, he was fiddling with a skull ring. Another girl was very pretty with chocolate brown hair that was put in a braid and kaleidoscope eyes. There were two left, the boy was very muscular and looked Chinese, the girl had curly brown hair and shining gold eyes. The sea green eyes guy had just shook hands with the girl with electric blue eyes, he noticed she had a silver circlet on her forehead. Suddenly a swirling portal shimmered into existence.
Mal's POV
We stepped out of the portal I had created and spotted a bunch of teens in either black robes or bright orange shirts. A boy with black hair and black clothing caught my eye. We all stepped out and everyone was staring at us. They looked away a few seconds after and we gathered in out own little group to wait for instructions. Suddenly a a voice rang out. "All students your schedules and roommates are on the paper" What paper? I wondered, suddenly a paper appeared in my hands, oh, that paper, I checked out my schedule and roommates. I didn't know anyone on the list, ughh. Whatever. I shared my schedule with Evie and she had Jay, Carlos and Celia in her group! I huffed and Jay laughed at my bad luck. "Shut up" I hissed at him. He shrugged. I punched him.
"Ow" he groaned, I stuck out my tongue.
Suddenly a black swirling hole appeared and two kids and a man stepped out
The moment I stepped out of the portal, a paper appeared in my hands. It had my schedule and roommates on it and I was pleased to see Annabeth on the list. I scanned my surroundings to find her. To my displeasure, I saw a bunch of blondes, I would have to wait before she could see Annabeth again. I  looked at Carter's roommates and saw that he had Percy as a roommate. I looked around the crowd for potential friends. I saw a girl with purple hair who was talking to a girl with blue hair. I smiled, these were my type of people.
Wanda Maximoff
The avengers jet touched in a field. There were kids scattered around, but no one paid them any attention. When she stepped out she got a peice of paper with her schedule and roommates on it. She knew no one, but she was expecting it. Her eyes scanned the crowd and her gaze landed on a boy with black hair and a lightning scar on his forehead he was talking to a boy with flaming red hair and a girl with bushy brown hair. Suddenly a voice called out. "All students report to the cafeteria/great hall/dining pavilion/whatever you call it." All the kids filled in the giant school. There on the stage was a man with horse legs, a old man with a long beard, a kinda normal guy, a man with an eyepatch, and a woman.
"Hello children, my name is Chiron" the guy with horse legs announces. I'm going to tell you about demigods, the children of the gods. may I have a volunteer, with powers?" A girl with chocolate brown hair stands up. She walks to the stage and call for yet another volunteer. No demigods raise there hands so she asks a man named Leo to come on stage. "My name is Piper and this is Leo" she tells us. "Nooo, Piper, I'm sorry for pranking you" Leo whined "I want to make my first impression good here." "Nope" Piper told him, "this is payback" what was she gonna do? I wondered. "Jason, Percy helppp!" He pleaded. "Fine" a blonde sighed. Piper, I'll help you get him back if you pick another volunteer. "Fine" Piper groaned. After that show, no one wanted to volunteer. "No one, okay fine. "You in the blue shirt come up on stage" said guy walked up nervously. "Okay, what's your name?" She asked "Ben" he replied. "Okay Ben, whatever I tell you to do, don't follow" Ben nodded. "Raise you arm Ben" suddenly Ben raises his arm. "Turn around Ben" He turned around. Piper told him he could go and he left. "I'm a daughter of Aphrodite, my power is charmspeak and I can get you to do whatever I want."She left the stage. Chiron left the stage soon after. A guy with glasses and a beard got on the stage. "My name is dumbledore and I will be telling you about wizards. Suddenly someone snickered. Another person grumbled, everyone looked to where the noise was coming from. A girl with spiky black hair was giving a guy with messy black hair and sea green eyes a handful of golden coins. A second later a flash of lightning appeared and shocked the guy. Everyone gasped, but the kids in orange t-shirts just smirked. "Hey!" The guy shouted indignantly. He raised his hands but Chiron quickly shouted "not here!" The guy lowered his hands and glared at the girl. "Okay?" Dumbledore said. "Will Hermione Granger please come up" The girl with bushy hair came up. She took out a stick and whispered some words. A chair started floating in the air. "Are kind can cast spells" Dumbledore said when Hermione had left. Then he left as well. Next was a guy named Amos Kane and he told us about magicians, a woman named Fairy Godmother told us about Auradon. Then Fury came up and told them about the avengers and Tony demonstrated his suit. After that everyone was sent to their rooms.
Her room was split into six sections. One was grey and sea green, another was brown, one was brown, the one next to it was brown, another one was electric blue and silver, and hers was, well brown. A curly haired blonde was sitting in the sea green and grey one, a spiky haired black was sitting in the electric blue and silver one, and the rest were empty. "How'd you decorate so fast?" She asked "my mom made this section for me" The blonde said, she was a demigod, the other was probably one too. "Lucky" she grumbled. "Annabeth" the blonde introduced herself "Wanda" she told her "Thalia" the spiky haired one said. A guy entered. "Hi" he said "my names Peter" another person entered after her. "Hermione" she said, she was the one from the presentation. "Sadie" said a girl who had entered. They repeated names till everyone knew everyone. Annabeth's already knew Sadie so they went of with Thalia, who knew Annabeth as well. Sadie was a magician and Annabeth and Thalia were demigods. Peter was an avenger and Hermione was a witch. She tried to spark a conversation with Peter until it was time for dinner.
I entered my room and found a sea green and grey section that I took. There was a section covered in painted flames and the rest were brown. Leo came in after me and claimed the flaming one. The rest filed in. And took the brown ones grumbling about how the gods show favoritism, I hope drama queen didn't hear that. I caught up with Carter and some guy with red hair suggested that we introduce ourselves. I found out he was Fred, blue shirt guy was Ben, and teal dress girl was Uma. Leo introduced himself with Carter then it was my turn.
"Percy" I said eyeing Uma, she looked familiar
"Percy!" She shouted, "I'm Ursulas daughter
So that's where I knew her from, since I hated Triton, we were buddy's. Because Tritons daughter is Ariel and Ursula is her enemy and Uma is Ursulas daughter. "Uma!" I shouted, me Carter, her and Leo caught up. I spotted Ben and Fred trying to make small talk, so I invited them over to our discussion, we were voting on Finding Nemo or Frozen (I spent ten minutes thinking of movies to put here) me, Uma, and Leo voted Finding Nemo, but Carter and Fred voted Frozen. We found out Ben hadn't watched either, so we spent all our time till dinner acting out the movies for him.
I took the spot with all the animals because all the other sections were brown, I suspected the gods had something to do with that. Four more kids entered talking and laughing and I realized they all knew eachother. I introduced myself and they told me their names were Jay, Carlos, Evie, and Celia. We had a good time talking , but I felt a little left out.
I entered my room and found an electric blue section, which was taken my a blonde guy, there was a pastel one that was taken by a pretty girl with kaleidoscope eyes. Another was black with a skull on it and a guy wearing all black was sitting their. The rest of the sections were brown. A girl with purple hair was sitting in one of the sections. She introduced herself as Mal, I told her my name was Harry, the black guy said he was named Nico and the blonde was Jason, the pretty one was named Piper and her and Jason were dating, I had a good time talking with them till dinner.
I had a gold section and roommates named Ron, Dizzy, Luna, Ginny, and Gil. We talked about games and stuff and Ginny, Ron, and Luna showed us spells until dinner, I was getting along with them nicely

And that's a wrap! How was it? To long? To short? Dont you dare say too short it's like 3,000 words long. Will the peace last in the school, or will something ruin it all, Dunn dun dunnnnnn

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