Boggarts and bad dreams

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"Hi, my names Percy" the boy told her
"Bree" she told him
"I'm in your room" he informed her
"Cool!" Percy introduced her to Annabeth, his girlfriend, Piper, Jason, Leo, Hazel, and Frank. She introduced them to her friends and they talked about random things. Suddenly a wizard ran into the room and shouted,
"Boggart in the school," he then fainted
Then a weird creature came in a made it's way over to there group, the wizards were running from the other side of the giant hall to get to them, but the boggart thing was faster. It went up to Mal and turned into a dragon, Mal sucked in a breath. It then left, to Percy and morphed into a weird thing with a vacuum like face. Percy looked at it in fear, trembling and so did Annabeth. Harry finally got to it and it changed into a black creature with a cloak.
"Ridiculous" he shouted, and the boggart vanished. (I know that's not what a boggart does, but deal with it)
Harry's POV
A boggart wasn't supposed to be in the school! Harry would have to ask dumbledore about that, and what was that creature that Percy was scared of? Harry needed answers. The next morning he went to the hall for breakfast and saw the new kids, he went over to them.
"Hi, I'm Harry Potter" he told them,
"I'm Bree" a brown haired girl told him,
"Nice to meet you all." He said, suddenly his scar burned, no, he's gone. Harry was internally panicking.
"You alright?" Bree asked him
"Fine" then, Percy Jackson ran in, "Kronos is back!"

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